Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1365 Who wins and who loses

Ever since the ice disc and the pony-tailed woman activated their abilities together.

The original situation suddenly changed, and Lei Ba could no longer be confident.

Obviously, Lei Ba had not thought of this situation before, so it was somewhat unexpected now.

Perhaps because of Lei Ba's sudden increase in strength, his self-confidence suddenly exploded. He was so arrogant that he thought he was invincible.

That's why Lei Ba took the initiative to lure the four of them here, the pony-tailed woman, because he planned to deal with them together to avoid future troubles.

Lei Ba wanted to kill all the pony-tailed women here and use this to improve his own strength.

And if the pony-tailed woman and the others die here, there will be almost no one in Guanzhou City who can threaten Lei Ba.

This is why during the chase, Lei Ba would deliberately let off steam. He deliberately slowed down and even took the initiative to come to the outskirts, just to make the pony-tailed woman and the others follow.

I just didn't expect that the abilities that the pony-tailed woman and the others have now far exceeded Lei Ba's expectations, making him a little passive now.

Before, before the ice disc and the pony-tailed woman used their abilities, the attacks they used had almost no impact on Lei Ba. Under the body of steel, attacks of this level could not pose any threat to Lei Ba.

Therefore, Lei Ba's self-confidence was even more overwhelming...to the extreme, and even more arrogant.

But now the ice disc uses the power of ice, and the ponytail woman uses the power of fire.

Ice and fire were originally incompatible abilities, but with the tacit cooperation of the ice disc and the pony-tailed woman, they became stronger. But it exploded with stronger abilities.

The power of ice and snow of the ice disc. Let Lei Ba slow down. This made it even more impossible for him to dodge, and Lei Ba's steel body was covered in ice, so its defense dropped.

However, the pony-tailed woman's fire power can cause double damage when hitting Lei Ba's body.

At this moment, Lei Ba could no longer remain calm and began to fight back crazily.

However, under the influence of the power of ice and snow, Lei Ba's speed was greatly affected. This made it impossible for him to hit the ice disc and the pony-tailed woman. In this way, he could not use his huge strength.

Lei Ba possesses terrifying power,

It has lost its effect and can only be smashed randomly, destroying the surroundings in a mess, as if there has been an earthquake here, but there is no way to hit the ice saucer and the ponytail woman.

With the cooperation of the two, Lei Ba could only become a passive target.

The woman with the ice saucer and the ponytail was in front of Lei Ba, who was nearly three meters tall. It looks very young, but it bursts with power. But it gave Lei Ba a huge headache, and he couldn't do anything about them.

But Su Xin and Fu Yanjie were at a deadlock.

Because the alien cat is so agile, its speed is amazing, and its huge size does not affect it at all.

Fu Yanjie was okay, he could barely give chase.

But Suxin was unlucky. Under his huge body, his movements seemed clumsy. In front of the flexible alien cat, he could only parry in front of him, without the ability to fight back at all.

Moreover, seeing that Su Xin was easier to deal with, the alienated cat also tried its best to deal with Su Xin and gave up on Fu Yanjie.

As a result, Su Xin's pressure increased greatly and he was even more exhausted to cope with it.

Su Xin's ability was completely restrained by the alienated cat. He was originally good at strength, but now in front of the flexible alienated cat, he couldn't hit the alienated cat at all, and his own strength was naturally useless.

Every time Su Xin struck hard, the alien cat would dodge early, and his fist could only fall on the ground, making a pit or breaking the big tree next to it, but it still There is no way to hit an alien cat.

Even if you can occasionally hit the alienated cat, you will think that you have not used all your strength, and it does not pose a threat to the alienated cat, and it will not have much impact on it.

This made Su Xin scream in anger, but there was nothing he could do.

Most importantly, Su Xin had to be careful with the alien cat's sharp claws, fearing that he might accidentally catch it.

If he were contaminated with this poison, he might be defeated immediately.

Therefore, Su Xin had to guard against the alien cat's sharp claws, which made him even more unable to fight back.

Therefore, Su Xin and Fu Yanjie were at a disadvantage. Although they would not lose for the time being, it would not be an option if this continued.

If this continues without any change, Su Xin will be injured if he is not careful, and defeat will be the only outcome.

However, although Su Xin and Fu Yanjie were anxious, they had no good way to solve their current predicament.

Therefore, now Suxin and the others can only hope that Bingdish and the pony-tailed woman can deal with Lei Ba and free up their hands to help them. Only in this way can the current predicament be solved.

If Bingdish came to help, Su Xin and the others wouldn't be in such a mess.

Because the ice disc possesses the power of ice and snow, it can suppress the speed of the alienated cat. In this case, the alienated cat loses its biggest advantage and is naturally easier to deal with.

Therefore, Su Xin and Fu Yanjie could only hold on for the time being and try their best to hold on until Bingdish and the others were free.

In fact, the situation with the ice saucer and the ponytail woman is not very optimistic either.

At first glance, it was true that Ice Disc and the pony-tailed woman had the upper hand, while Lei Ba could only passively take the beating, and his counterattack seemed to be ineffective.

But the abilities of the ice saucer and the ponytail woman were extremely consuming.

They are starting to sweat on their foreheads now. This is obviously because their recovery ability can no longer keep up with the consumption. In this case, their abilities will most likely not be able to be used.

If the power of ice and fire cannot be used, the ice disc and the ponytail woman will not be able to suppress Lei Ba, and the situation will be completely reversed.

Therefore, it now depends on whether the ice disc and the pony-tailed woman can't hold on first, or whether Lei Ba can't hold on first and is defeated.

Ice Disc and the pony-tailed woman knew this very well, so after looking at each other, they both launched attacks frantically.

They hope to deal with Lei Ba before their abilities are exhausted.

Otherwise, they will be the losers now.

And once they fall into a disadvantage, the consequences will be disastrous. Once Bingdish and the ponytail woman lose, Su Xin and Fu Yanjie will not be able to persevere.

Therefore, the four of them are likely to die today. The key to victory now is to look at the ice saucer and the ponytail woman.

However, under the crazy attack of the ice disc and the pony-tailed woman, Lei Ba was also very uncomfortable.

Therefore, it is still very difficult to say who wins and who loses. (To be continued...)

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