Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1385 Late General Level

When transferring his divine power, Su Zhe first used his divine power to examine Yan Yuyan's death aura.

As a result, he found that the death energy in Yan Yuyan's body had evolved even more rapidly, and now his divine power seemed to be unable to suppress it.

According to the current situation, perhaps Su Zhe's divine power will no longer be able to seal away the death energy.

Once the death energy cannot be controlled and breaks out, first Yan Yuyan's life may be in danger, and unexpected situations may occur.

After all, the death energy in Yan Yuyan's body is more terrifying than the death energy of a person infected with death energy. Once it breaks out, the consequences will be even more serious.

At that time, it will be a huge disaster.

Therefore, Su Zhe remained calm on the surface, but in fact, he had already made a decision in his heart.

Judging from the current situation, perhaps the divine power can no longer sustain it for long, so he has already made up his mind.

Now observe for a while, if it doesn't get better, then Su Zhe will take the risk to eliminate the death energy in Yan Yuyan's body.

This process is very dangerous because he has never tried it.

To completely eliminate the death energy, Su Zhe must use divine power to peel the death energy out of Yan Yuyan's body.

Therefore, Su Zhe doesn't know whether the death energy will suddenly explode during this process, thus hurting Yan Yuyan. He can't say yet.

It is even uncertain whether his divine power can deal with the death energy or eliminate the death energy.

Therefore, this process is full of unknown dangers, and any situation may arise.

And this is unprecedented. There is no reference. so. The chances of success are unpredictable.

Even Su Zhe himself didn't know whether the death energy would threaten him.

Now he just replenishes Yan Yuyan's divine power on time, but it will be affected by the death energy. Therefore, he doesn't know how powerful the death energy will be at that time, and he is very likely to suffer from it.

If it fails. Su Zhe didn't know if he would become infected with the death energy, or if it would be something even more terrifying.

if possible,

He didn't want to take the risk either.

But there is really no other way now. Su Zhe must do this. No matter how high the risk is, he must try.

Because the situation now is very urgent, there is not much time for him to wait.

Therefore, Su Zhe will choose a time to eliminate the death energy for Yan Yuyan.

Although Su Zhe had already made this decision, in front of Yan Yuyan. He said nothing.

Before starting, he didn't intend to let Yan Yuyan know about it. Lest she worry too much and become pessimistic.

Therefore, after Su Zhe replenished Yan Yuyan's magical power, he took the initiative to change the subject to something about the Yadai Group.

This way, he wouldn't have to cover up too much.

Later, Su Zhe saw that Yan Yuyan was so busy working on Yadai Group's affairs every day that she couldn't stop for a moment, and he was worried that she would be exhausted.

He took out a bottle of healing potion from his body, placed it in front of Yan Yuyan, and said, "Before going to bed every day, mix a drop into warm water and drink it. You will feel better."

This healing potion can be used to condition Yan Yuyan's body, and her fatigue after working for a day will be eliminated after taking the healing potion.

"Thank you." Yan Yuyan did not refuse. After saying thank you, she put away the healing potion.

Afterwards, Su Zhe proposed to leave: "Then I'll go back now. You go to bed early and don't be too busy too late."

"You too, good night." Yan Yuyan smiled.

Then, Su Zhe walked out of Yan Yuyan's room and closed the door for her. After that, he did not leave immediately, but walked to Shen Chuxia's room.

Shen Chuxia and Yan Yuyan are the same, both are workaholics.

Therefore, Su Zhe also gave Shen Chuxia a bottle of healing potion to use to regulate her body.

After doing this, he went back.

After returning home, An Xin was watching TV in the living room. Su Zhe said hello to her and walked to the basement.

In the basement, he did not refine medicine on the first floor, but came to the second floor.

Tonight, he did not plan to refine the healing potion, but planned to practice physical training.

Because Su Zhe went to Kyoto in the past two days to treat Elder Ling, he had no time to practice, so his practice was naturally delayed.

Therefore, he planned to take advantage of tonight to practice physical training and make up as much time as he could.

Although Su Zhe had basically no time to practice physical skills during these two days, it was because he took the Three Transformations Marrow Cleansing Pill every day.

So in fact, his strength will improve every day, but it is relatively slow.

Now Su Zhe's physique has reached 288 points. In less than two days, his physique has improved by three points.

If compared to other warriors, his speed is actually considered to be divine speed.

It's just that Su Zhe is not satisfied yet. He wants to improve his strength faster.

Because the goal he set for himself is too big, he must set higher standards for himself so that he can achieve his goal.

If divided according to the cultivation level of a warrior, Su Zhe's current physique of 288 points should be in the middle of the general level, but it is already closer to the late general level.

Su Zhe estimated that if his physique reached 320 points, it would be equivalent to the late general level of a warrior.

His short-term goal is to reach 300 points in physical fitness, and then break through to the late general level.

Su Zhe is still twelve points short of this short-term goal.

However, he is confident that his physical fitness will break through to 300 points before January is over.

As long as Su Zhe doesn't relax, he can accomplish this goal earlier.

Of course, he also knew that even if his physique reached 300 points, it would still not be enough.

Because Su Zhe estimated that Zheng Yan's physique may have exceeded 500 points and became a handsome warrior. This is not impossible.

With the help of Millennium Ginseng and the assistance of other resources, Ren Liran may have achieved a breakthrough in strength and become a handsome warrior.

There is no way, Zheng Yan and Ren Liran are both very talented in cultivation, and they have been practicing since childhood, and they have the resources of the entire family to use.

Comparing these, Su Zhe is at a huge disadvantage, because in terms of training time alone, he is far behind them.

After all, he only had one year to obtain the Supreme System.

This puts a lot of pressure on Su Zhe. He knows that his current strength is still far behind Zheng Yan.

Therefore, he must continue to practice now and improve his strength as quickly as possible, so that he can possibly surpass Zheng Yan and Ren Liran. (To be continued...)

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