Su Zhe was worried that after the police came, he would not be able to leave.

He just had this idea, and before he had time to go over and say hello to Mr. Zhang, the police appeared.

When the middle-aged man took out the knife just now, someone sneaked away and called the police.

At that time, the Public Security Bureau immediately arranged for the police to be dispatched after receiving a call to the police that someone here took out a murder weapon and was about to hurt someone. The leaders of the Public Security Bureau are very concerned about this matter, because if it is not handled properly, the impact will be very bad.

Although the actions of these criminal police were already very fast, they were dispatched as soon as they received the alarm call, and they arrived at the scene in less than 5 minutes.

But when these criminal policemen saw the scene, they were still taken aback.

When they got out of the car, they saw 4 people lying on the ground, and they thought that the person who called the police mentioned that someone had used a knife.

Because many things have happened in our country this year, big and small, and some things have made people panic, and the superiors have issued a death order. The personal safety of the people must be guaranteed, and the stability of the society must be maintained. At this time, no more troubles are allowed.

If someone is injured by gangsters now, and there are still 4 people, they will bear the blame.

As soon as the criminal police arrived, they immediately took control of the scene, and Su Zhe was also surrounded by three criminal police and monitored him.

There is no way, Su Zhe's goal is too obvious, he is standing in the middle, and the four of them are lying beside the middle-aged man, so we have to blame the criminal police for treating Su Zhe as the first suspect.

In fact, the criminal police and the others were not mistaken, it was Su Zhe who did it. It was Su Zhe who knocked down the middle-aged man and the others.

Su Zhe, who was pointed at by three criminal policemen, said that it would be impossible if he was not nervous and afraid.

It was the first time that Su Zhe was pointed at with a gun at such a young age, and there were three guns at a time. Seeing the three black guns pointing at him, Su Zhe really felt a chill in his heart. Su Zhe was not afraid of others, but he was worried that if the three guns accidentally went off, he would be in bad luck.

So Su Zhe could only obediently cooperate with the criminal police and raised his hand obediently.

In addition to controlling the scene, some criminal police began to question the people at the scene to understand the process of the matter.

After all, the person who called the police only said that a few people had injured people with knives, but they didn't say what happened.

Soon the criminal police found out the truth of the matter, and it turned out that it was Su Zhe's fault.

Su Zhe acted bravely and dared to fight against evil forces. This was the conclusion drawn by the criminal police.

The guns aimed at Su Zhe were immediately put away, and the team leader immediately came over to apologize to Su Zhe, hoping that Su Zhe could forgive them.

Su Zhe is not a stingy person either, he immediately expressed his understanding. Su Zhe also understood that they pointed guns at him only because they didn't understand the matter, and they didn't do anything else to him.

The criminal police did this for the sake of safety, and they did nothing wrong.

The middle-aged men were all put into a police car. Originally, Su Zhe and Mr. Zhang also needed to go with them to the police station to make notes.

Fortunately, Mr. Zhang didn't know what he said to the criminal police who led the team. Since he agreed with Su Zhe, they didn't have to go to the police station to make notes.

I just need to tell the story here. In the end, the criminal police just asked Su Zhe for a contact information and left.

The reason why the criminal police want Su Zhe's contact information,

It is to contact Su Zhe and the others in case there are other questions.

Su Zhe didn't expect that Mr. Zhang was so capable that he could get the criminal police to agree not to go to the police station.

In this way, Mr. Zhang has helped Su Zhe twice.

Su Zhe originally wanted to ask the old man who was blackmailed by a middle-aged man if he needed help.

Su Zhe remembered that the old man said that the money on his body was used to treat his grandson. The old man even gave up his life in order to keep the money for his grandson's medical treatment. He was obviously afraid that the middle-aged man would call the police, but for his grandson, facing the threat of the middle-aged man, the old man had the courage to resist.

Since the old man cares so much about money, it must be very important to his grandson. It is not difficult to imagine that his grandson must be seriously ill and needs money urgently. Otherwise, it is impossible for the old man not to be afraid of tall and powerful middle-aged men.

It was precisely because of this thought that Su Zhe wanted to ask the old man if he needed help. But after Su Zhe finished taking notes, he found that the old man had been sent away by the police.

Su Zhe had no choice but to give up, and had to wait for the opportunity to help the old man in the future.

"Ms. Zhang, Miss Xia, thank you very much this time." After finishing the notes, Su Zhe walked over to Mr. Zhang.

It turned out that the people who stood up to help the old man were Xia Hannuo from Tianya Jewelry Store and Mr. Zhang, the appraiser.

They were all people Su Zhe knew. At the beginning, when Su Zhe saw them stand up, he was also surprised. He didn't expect to meet someone he knew.

Because Su Zhe knew that Mr. Zhang was an appraiser of Tianya Jewelry Store, and he was well-known and capable, so Su Zhe believed in Mr. Zhang.

Su Zhe believed that Mr. Zhang's identification ability would not be wrong.

"Mr. Su, please be polite, this is what we should do." Xia Hannuo smiled, she is in a very good mood now.

Xia Hannuo didn't expect to encounter this kind of thing when he went out to deal with some work with Mr. Zhang today, and Su Zhe happened to be involved in it.

Although Mr. Zhang is responsible for authenticating jadeite jewelry at Tianya Jewelry Store, it doesn't mean that Mr. Zhang doesn't understand antiques.

On the contrary, Mr. Zhang is also very good at identifying antiques, especially vases. Because Mr. Zhang likes some antique vases very much, he has a deep research on vases.

Like the middle-aged man's vase, Zhang Lao just took a look at it and judged that it was a poor-quality vase with rough workmanship, not even a fake.

Not to mention Mr. Zhang, even Xia Hannuo could tell that the vase was worthless at all.

So Xia Hannuo knew that the middle-aged man was setting up a trick to blackmail the old man, and Su Zhe stood up to stand up for the old man.

When Mr. Zhang and Xia Hannuo arrived, it happened to be the time when Su Zhe stood up and was willing to compensate the old man.

Xia Hannuo didn't expect that Su Zhe didn't know that the vase was fake, and decided to pay the middle-aged man money. At that time, Xia Hannuo couldn't stand it any longer. She didn't want Su Zhe to be deceived by the middle-aged man, let the middle-aged man's schemes succeed in vain, and let the middle-aged man succeed in blackmailing.

That's why Xia Hannuo and Mr. Zhang went up to expose the middle-aged man's lies, let everyone know the middle-aged man's deception, and also made the middle-aged man make a fool of himself.

It's just that Xia Hannuo, Mr. Zhang, and others didn't think about what happened later.

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