Urban Supreme System

Chapter 1412 2000 Barrels

readx; It’s late at night, and here, the birthday party is over.

Su Zhe and An Xin both went back to their rooms to rest, but both of them had no sleep tonight.

In the room, Su Zhe was lying on the bed, his eyes never closed, staring at the ceiling above, as if there was something attracting him.

But no matter how beautifully decorated the ceiling is, it cannot enter his mind.

At this moment, Su Zhe's mind kept flashing with An Xin's figure, especially the way An Xin wiped his face seriously with a tissue, which he could not forget for a long time, as if it had been engraved deep in his mind. Got it.

An Xin at that time was so beautiful that every move captured his attention, making him unable to see other scenery anymore, only her in his eyes.

At that time, Su Zhe really had an impulse. He wanted to hug An Xin tightly and hold her in his arms.

It's a pity that he still didn't do anything later, maybe he was still cowardly!

Now lying in bed, Su Zhe couldn't help but think about whether he would have had a greater chance of success if he had taken the opportunity to confess his love when An Xin was moved to tears.

But later on, he didn't want to do this.

Because Su Zhe didn't want An Xin to agree because he was moved or grateful. What he wanted was for An Xin to truly fall in love with him.

So in the end, he still didn't confess at that time. Of course, the reason why he didn't confess was because he was worried that the confession would fail, which was also a reason.

But now, no matter how much I think about it, it's useless.

Because now that things have passed, even if Su Zhe regrets it, he can't go back.

In the end, he couldn't help but sigh. Chasing girls was countless times more difficult than the task of burying souls, and it completely stumped him.

On the other side, An Xin was in the room, not sleepy at all.

Although the night is deep. She also changed into pajamas, but at this moment, she was not sleepy at all.

An Xin sat in front of the table, illuminated by the lamp on the table. There are two eggs, bright red.

These two red eggs,

She had been watching it for a long time, as if she would never get tired of it.

When An Xin saw the two red eggs, she thought of Su Zhe's face covered in dye. She laughed unconsciously.

When she thought of what Su Zhe had done for her, her heart was filled with warmth and she was very moved.

Two very ordinary red eggs, but An Xin couldn't bear to eat them. If she could collect them, she hoped to keep these two red eggs for the rest of her life.

In this case, seeing these two red eggs every day will make her feel better.

An Xin's long and thin fingers gently turned the red eggs on the table, with a smile still hanging on the corner of her mouth. As if this is the most interesting game.

However, she didn't dare to use too much force for fear of accidentally breaking the red egg, so she just turned it gently and enjoyed it.

Su Zhe and An Xin were destined to have no intention of sleeping tonight, but they were both thinking about each other and thinking about each other, but they didn't know each other.

The next day. Su Zhe got up early.

Or maybe the process said that he didn't sleep all night last night and barely closed his eyes, so he got up early. No more wasting time in bed.

When Su Zhe opened the door, the door of the room opposite also opened at this time, and then he saw An Xin standing at the door.

He looked at An Xin and asked, "It's still early, why don't you get more sleep?"

An Xin shook his head. He smiled and said, "I couldn't sleep, so I came out for a walk."

She was basically the same as Su Zhe last night. Both of them stayed up all night and suffered from insomnia.

But last night, An Xin didn't have insomnia because she was worried, but because she was so happy that she couldn't sleep at all all night long.

Then, Su Zhe asked: "Have you eaten the red eggs?"

Hearing this, An Xin hesitated a little, was speechless, or she didn't know what to say.

She couldn't bear to eat the red eggs made by Su Zhe, so she kept them. However, she was embarrassed to tell Su Zhe and was afraid that Su Zhe would misunderstand that she didn't like eating them, so she didn't know how to answer for a while.

This made Su Zhe ask: "What's wrong? Don't you like eggs?"

"No, I like to eat eggs." An Xin said hurriedly, and after a pause, she hesitated and said: "I, I have eaten both red eggs, they are delicious, thank you. "

Su Zhe touched his head and said with a smile: "You're welcome, you should eat red eggs on your birthday."

An Xin was worried that Su Zhe would see through her lie, so she hurriedly said, "I'm going down first."

After saying that, she hurriedly left.

Su Zhe, who was behind, was a little confused as to why An Xin was so panicked, but he didn't think much about it.

Today was the first day of the new month and he had a lot to do.

Although Su Zhe got up very early today, he may not be able to do these things on time.

So, instead of wasting any more time, he went straight to the basement to do some work.

In the storage room in the basement, there are already special barrels filled with healing potions, which are the fruits of his two days' labor.

Because today, Su Zhe will provide healing potions to Changhua Pharmaceutical and Yadai Group.

So he started to prepare in the first two days. After all, the workload was not small.

This month, Su Zhe has refined more than 40,000 liters of healing potions, all with forty times the concentration, but they are all stored in the Supreme Cauldron.

Therefore, in the past two days, he was mainly busy putting all the healing potions stored in the Supreme Cauldron into special buckets.

In the past two days, Su Zhe has filled two thousand barrels, each barrel is twenty liters, which is 40,000 liters, and they are now stored in the storage room in the basement.

In addition, his Supreme Cauldron also contains about 5,000 liters of healing potion. He doesn't plan to pack it anymore. He will keep it with him for backup and make plans later.

Anyway, these two thousand barrels of healing potion are more than enough to provide to Changhua Pharmaceutical and Yadai Group.

As for how to distribute these healing potions, he has already thought about it.

Five hundred barrels of these were prepared for the Yadai Group, totaling 10,000 liters.

After all, the sales of Yadai Group's products are getting higher and higher, and more and more therapeutic potions are required for production.

Therefore, Su Zhe prepared 10,000 liters of healing potion for Yadai Group. Even if there was excess potion, it could be kept in reserve.

The remaining healing potions, including 1,500 barrels and a total of 30,000 liters, are prepared for Changhua Pharmaceutical.

In this way, he distributed the two thousand barrels of healing potion so that the distribution could meet the needs of the two groups. (To be continued.)

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