Urban Supreme System

Chapter 145 Leave

Su Zhe suddenly remembered that he came to see Shu's mother today, and when he went out, he brought two bottles of magic potion out.

These two bottles of magic potions were prepared by Su Zhe for Shu's mother and Shu Muyu's mother and daughter.

Thinking of it, Su Zhe immediately took out the magic potion from his pocket. The two bottles of magic potion that Su Zhe brought to Shu's mother were in two glass bottles of different colors. One glass bottle was transparent, while the other was not. They are black glass bottles, which represent potions with different effects. It is Su Zhe's purpose to distinguish the potions so as not to confuse Mama Shu and Shu Muyu.

Both glass bottles are 100ml, the clear glass bottle contains the healing potion, and the black glass bottle contains the strengthening potion.

The healing potion is for Shu's mother and Shu Muyu when they are sick or accidentally injured, while the strengthening potion is for Shu's mother and the others to improve and strengthen their physique.

After handing over the two bottles of magical potions to Mama Shu, Su Zhe told Mama Shu and Shu Muyu how to use them. At the same time, he also specifically told them not to overuse the potion fortification, and that only one drop a day was enough.

Because with the current physique of Shu Muyu and Shu's mother, even if they take too much magic potion every day, it won't have much effect. They can't absorb so much potion at all, and they just waste the strengthening potion in vain. And if too many fortified potions are used, Su Zhe can't guarantee that there will be no side effects.

Both Shu's mother and Shu Muyu have seen the magic of the magic potion with their own eyes, especially Shu's mother has personally experienced it. They all understood the preciousness and rareness of the magical potion, so they had no doubts about Su Zhe's words, and kept them firmly in their hearts.

Mother Shu carefully took the two bottles of medicine into the room, and found a safe place to store them away.

These two bottles of magical potions with different effects, no matter how much money is given to Shu's mother, she will not exchange the magical potions. Because of the serious illness, Shu's mother understands how important good health is.

No amount of money can buy back health, and no amount of money is useless without health.

The two bottles of magic potions that Su Zhe gave to Shu's mother and the others can not only improve and strengthen their physique, but also can be used to save lives at critical moments.

The more Mother Shu cherished the magic potion, the more relieved Su Zhe felt. Because Su Zhe knew that only after Mama Shu understood the rarity and magic of the magic potion, would Shu's mother take good care of the potion and not leak it out.

If it is known that Su Zhe has such a magical potion, Su Zhe will definitely be in trouble, at least there will be many people who come to ask Su Zhe for the potion.

If someone who is seriously ill at that time prays to Su Zhe for a cure. Whether Su Zhe will give it or not, if he gives it, there are many people in the world who need the magic potion to save their lives, but Su Zhe's magic potion is extremely limited, and he can't save them at all.

If he didn't give it, would Su Zhe have to watch the patient in front of him die and refuse to save him?

This is a difficult problem. If he has the ability, Su Zhe naturally hopes that he can help everyone, but his current ability is limited. For the tragedy of this world, his ability is just a drop in the bucket and has no big effect at all. .

Therefore, if the magic potion can not leak out, it is the best result. Su Zhe can only help the people around him as much as possible. As for other people, Su Zhe can only do nothing now.

When the clock reached two o'clock in the afternoon, Su Zhe saw that Shu's mother was a little tired, as if she had been suppressing sleepiness,

Chat with Su Zhe.

Su Zhe knew that Shu's mother had always had the habit of taking a nap, and would go back to her room to take a nap before one o'clock every day. Mama Shu has had this habit for many years.

It's already two o'clock in the afternoon, and Shu's mother must be very sleepy now. Because Su Zhe rarely came here once in a long time, Shu's mother held on to her sleepiness and chatted with Su Zhe about homework.

Su Zhe saw that Shu's mother was tired, so he took the initiative to say: "Aunt Shu, it's getting late, I'll go back first, you go back to the room and have a rest."

"Xiao Zhe, I'm leaving now, stay here for dinner, okay?" When Shu's mother heard that Su Zhe was going back now, she couldn't help but feel a little bit sad.

"No need, Aunt Shu, I'll come to see you again when I have time." Su Zhe said with a smile,


After leaving Shu Muyu's house, Su Zhe just walked to the gate of the community when his cell phone rang.

Su Zhe looked at his phone, it was an unfamiliar number.

"Hi, hello, is this Mr. Su?" A female voice came from the phone, the voice was not loud, and Su Zhe vaguely felt that the voice was a little familiar.

"Well, I am, you are?" Su Zhe asked, he had already guessed who it was, but he was not completely sure yet?

"I'm Shen Jie from Tianhai Automobile Company. In the morning, Shen Jie handled the car purchase procedures for you. Mr. Su, do you still remember?"

Su Zhe guessed right, it was indeed the staff of Tianhai Automobile Co., Ltd., and it must have been Tianhai Automobile Co., Ltd. who had news to inform Su Zhe before calling him. It should be that Su Zhe's car purchase procedures have been completed, and Su Zhe was notified to pick up the car.

"Of course I remember. I have been waiting for your news. Is it possible to pick up the car now?" Su Zhe smiled.

"Yes, the formalities have been completed now, Mr. Su, do you have time to pick up the car at the dealership?"

"I'm rushing over now, please wait for me, I'll be there soon." Su Zhe said, even if he doesn't have time now, in order to get a new car, he must make time no matter what.

Now as long as it is not a particularly important thing, other things will be sidelined. Picking up the car right now is Su Zhe's top priority, and there is no delay.

"Mr. Su, remember to bring the receipt and the car booking contract together, otherwise you won't be able to get the car." Shen Jie finally reminded, just in case Su Zhe forgot to bring it and the trip was wasted. Waste of energy.

"Okay, I see, Miss Shen, see you later." After saying this, Su Zhe hung up the phone without waiting for Shen Jie's reply.

Su Zhe was lucky, he just finished talking with Shen Jie on the phone, and before he put the phone in his pocket, a taxi happened to pass by.

Su Zhe hurriedly waved his hand to stop the taxi, the taxi stopped in front of him, and he got on it immediately. Su Zhe told the taxi driver the address, and then Su Zhe immediately took out his mobile phone and opened the mobile browser.

He planned to use his mobile phone to look up some information on the Internet while he still had some time before he arrived at the Tianhai car dealership. Find out what needs to be paid attention to in a new car, and it’s good to catch up on the knowledge temporarily,

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