Urban Supreme System

Chapter 152 Strange Text Message

So Su Zhe squatted down, and he untied his shoelaces first. Then pretend he stopped because the shoelaces were loose and he was tying slowly.

After this one foot was tied, Su Zhe untied the other shoelace and continued to repeat.

It wasn't until the shoelaces on both sides were tied again that Su Zhe felt that he was not as uncomfortable as before, and the feeling of vomiting was slightly weakened.

Just when Su Zhe was about to stand up, a bottle of mineral water was handed to Su Zhe.

"Su Zhe, are you okay? Do you want to take a rest?" An Xin asked, she found that Su Zhe's face was a bit ugly, and worried that Su Zhe was uncomfortable.

Su Zhe took the mineral water handed over by An Xin casually, stood up, and said with a smile, "It's all right, it's just that my shoelaces are loose, don't worry."

An Xuan, who was eating ice cream with her baby in front of him, seemed to have no effect on An Xuan at all, which made Su Zhe very envious, but An Xuan was fine, so Su Zhe had the nerve to say Is he uncomfortable?

Su Zhe opened the bottle cap and took a sip of water. It was only later that Su Zhe realized that the sky had already darkened, and it seemed that it was getting late.

When Su Zhe asked, he realized that it was almost 20 o'clock in the evening. It turned out that the time passed so quickly without realizing it. Su Zhe remembered that when he first came to the playground, it was still dark and it was only around five o'clock in the afternoon.

Unexpectedly, it was already 20:00, and it turned out that Su Zhe and the others had been playing in the playground for almost 3 hours.

I don't look at the time, I don't know how time flies, and I don't realize that I'm hungry.

Usually at this time, Su Zhe and the others have already had their fill for a long time, but now they feel hungry because they think of the time.

Su Zhe greeted An Xuan and the others, and went somewhere to eat.

Because there is a place to eat in the playground, Su Zhe and the others don't have to go out to find food.

At this time, they were no longer picky about what to eat, so Su Zhe decided to go to KFC to eat casually, and this was exactly what An Xuan and Bao Bao wanted. Bao Bao, like An Xuan, both liked KFC. It is also the favorite of most children.

Just after sitting down, Su Zhe's cell phone received several text messages one after another.

Su Zhe took out his mobile phone, and when he turned it on, he found that he had not only received a text message, but also had several missed calls. Maybe it was too noisy outside, so I didn't hear the ringtone of the phone.

He opened the call log to check, and it turned out that these missed calls were all from the same number, which was an unfamiliar number. Su Zhe has no impression of this number.

Since he doesn't remember the number, Su Zhe doesn't bother with it. If the other party needs him urgently, he will definitely call again.

Su Zhe clicked on the few text messages he had just received, which were also from the same number, and belonged to the same number as the missed call just now.

"Why don't you answer the phone all the time, if you are busy, remember to send me a text message back, okay?", "It's really worrying that I can't reach you, you know?", "Don't do this in the future!"

Seeing these text messages, Su Zhe felt a little apologetic in his heart. Maybe the other party was in a hurry to find him. Su Zhe thought he knew this person, although he couldn't remember who sent it.

So Su Zhe hurriedly replied a text message: "I'm sorry, maybe it's too noisy here, so I didn't hear it, are you...?"

Not long after,

The other party texted back.

The content of the text message was only 6 characters, but it made Su Zhe a little speechless.

The text message is very concise: "I am delivering a courier."

Su Zhe only now remembered that he bought a computer online last night, but he didn't expect the logistics to be so efficient. He only placed the order last night and it was delivered today.

He knows that the courier will call the other party to confirm before delivering the package, to make sure that the other party has someone to pick up the package, lest the customer is not at home and make a trip in vain.

Su Zhe guessed that it might be because the courier called him when he was about to deliver, but Su Zhe never heard the phone ring because of the noisy environment.

He didn't expect that there are couriers who are so dedicated. Su Zhe didn't answer the phone, and he even sent a text message.

But it is precisely because of this that Su Zhe feels speechless to the courier, and the content of the text message seems to make people feel familiar with the courier

At first when Su Zhe saw these text messages, he thought it was from an acquaintance, but he couldn't think of who the other party was after thinking hard. In the end, Su Zhe didn't expect it to be a courier.

Su Zhe didn't reply to the text message either, he started eating.

Su Zhe didn't eat much today, because he still feels a little unwell and his head is somewhat dizzy, so he has no appetite.

And An Xin ate very little, because she didn't like to eat these things.

Baobao and Anxuan, on the other hand, ate more than usual. And they ate very quickly, much faster than when they ate at home, because firstly, these foods were what they liked to eat, and secondly, An Xuan and the baby planned to eat faster so that they could continue playing earlier.

It's a pity that An Xuan and Bao Bao are doomed to be disappointed, because when they came out after eating, they found out that except for the performances, all other attractions were closed, and they no longer accepted to play.

It turns out that the amusement park does not allow tourists to continue playing games after 8 o'clock, and only performances are left for tourists to watch.

Although there was nothing to play with, An Xuan and Bao Bao didn't want to go home so early, so they dragged Su Zhe and An Xin to watch some performances.

Su Zhe and the others stayed in the playground until almost 22 o'clock before going back. Because the baby fell asleep in Su Zhe's arms, and An Xuan also yawned again and again. Su Zhe thought that if this was not the case, Bao Bao and An Xuan would not want to go back until 22:00, when the playground closed.

After the baby fell asleep, Su Zhe kept holding the baby, and An Xin led An Xuan back.

After Su Zhe and the others walked out of the playground, they wanted to find a taxi to go back, but they waited for a long time at the gate of the playground, but they didn't get a taxi.

Helpless, Su Zhe didn't intend to wait any longer and let An Xin and An Xuan go with him.

Su Zhe decided to look for a taxi while walking, to see if there were any taxis in other places.

After walking for more than ten minutes, Su Zhe and the others stopped an empty taxi.

After they got into the car, Su Zhe reported the address to the driver.

The driver of the taxi quickly starts the taxi and goes to their destination.

But now, Su Zhe and An Xin subconsciously forgot one thing, and they never remembered it.

It was only when I was almost home that I started to think about it.

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