Urban Supreme System

Chapter 154 The Violent Little Snow Dragon

When Su Zhe came home, it was already midnight.

Opening the door, Su Zhe saw An Xin sitting on the sofa, An Xin said: "I'm back, go to bed early, good night."

Presumably An Xin must have been waiting for him to come back, Su Zhe couldn't help feeling a little warm and moved. Since her parents passed away, and An Xuan went to other places to go to university, Su Zhe was the only one at home. At that time, Su Zhe only felt that the house was empty and deserted.

It wasn't until An Xin and the others came that they began to change. The home became lively and full of popularity, which made Su Zhe feel that only in this way is the real home.

Su Zhe has unknowingly gotten used to the existence of An Xin, An Xuan and the baby. If they leave one day in the future, then Su Zhe thinks he will be very uncomfortable. Because Su Zhe has regarded them all as members of the family and indispensable relatives.

After An Xin went upstairs, Su Zhe also went back to his room, took his clothes and took a shower casually.

After drying the drops of water in his hair, Su Zhe came to the baby's room.

The baby slept very soundly. Maybe it was because Su Zhe was waiting for her to go to the playground today. There was still a smile on the corner of his mouth. It seemed that the baby had temporarily forgotten his thoughts. Today, the baby should have a sweet dream.

The most important thing is to make the baby happy. Seeing that the baby has returned to his usual lively and cheerful attitude today, Su Zhe felt relieved.

But this is only a temporary method, after all, it is not a long-term solution. In the end, it is still necessary to find parents for the baby.

Thinking of this, Su Zhe couldn't help but feel a headache. Now he has no idea where to start looking. And Su Zhe wants to find the baby's parents as soon as possible, so that the baby can be happy.

But Su Zhe was also worried that once the baby's parents were found, the baby might leave him.

Even if the baby's parents have some difficulties, they are not allowed to leave the baby. For the sake of the baby, Su Zhe will do his best to help the baby's parents solve problems so that the baby can return to their parents.

It was also because of this that Su Zhe was very conflicted and troubled.

But when Su Zhe thought of the baby's depression these days, he finally made a decision in his heart, let the baby go back to her parents, he didn't want the baby to be sad or unhappy.

After staying in the baby's room for a while, Su Zhe went back to his own room.

After playing all day today, Su Zhe was a little tired, and he was not in the mood to practice today, so he went straight to bed.


Su Zhe, who was in a hazy sleep, felt that his body was constantly being pushed and shoved.

It made Su Zhe unable to sleep anymore. As a last resort, Su Zhe opened his eyes and saw Xiao Xuelong's huge dog head in front of his eyes, and Xiao Xuelong's front paws were also resting on Su Zhe's body, constantly pushing and shoving I'm watching Su Zhe.

When Xiao Xuelong found out that Su Zhe had woken up, he looked at Su Zhe with longing eyes.

After Su Zhe found out that it was Xiao Xuelong who woke him up early in the morning, he couldn't help stretching out his hand to pat Xiao Xuelong's head, and Xiao Xuelong let out an aggrieved cry.

After thinking about it for a while, Su Zhe knew why Xiao Xuelong came to wake him up, and what Xiao Xuelong wanted to do, Su Zhe knew very well. Obviously, it must be that Xiaoxuelong couldn't stand the loneliness and wanted Su Zhe to take it out to play outside.

After being woken up by Xiao Xuelong, although it was still early, Su Zhe didn't feel sleepy anymore, and didn't want to continue to sleep.

Su Zhe decided to take Xiaoxuelong out for a walk, lest it be suffocated at home.

Su Zhe got up and stretched himself. Little Xuelong seemed to know what Su Zhe was thinking and knew that Su Zhe agreed, so he jumped off the bed and ran outside to wait.

After getting up, Su Zhe went to the bathroom to wash up, and when he came out, he saw that Xiao Xuelong was already at the door, ready to go.

Because Su Zhe didn't intend to take Xiaoxuelong to too far away, he just planned to let Xiaoxuelong take a stroll around the neighborhood. So Su Zhe didn't bring a dog leash to tie up the little Xuelong,

Residents nearby are no strangers to Xiao Xuelong. They know that Xiao Xuelong will not hurt people for no reason, so they are not afraid of Xiao Xuelong. On the contrary, they all like Xiao Xuelong, so Su Zhe is not worried that Xiao Xuelong will scare others.

As soon as Su Zhe opened the door, Xiao Xuelong couldn't help but let go of his feet and started to run.

This time, because Xiaoxuelong didn't have a baby on her body, she could run as much as she wanted without deliberately suppressing her speed. So Xiao Xuelong ran very fast and was very happy.

Su Zhe didn't bother Xiao Xuelong either, he closed the door first before following. Su Zhe was not worried that Xiao Xuelong would run away. Without Su Zhe's order, Xiao Xuelong would not go anywhere else, and would only play nearby.

Su Zhe let Xiao Xuelong play by himself, and he didn't follow Xiao Xuelong. He found a chair nearby and sat down, and let Xiao Xuelong run around by himself.

Because it was still very early, Su Zhe didn't see anyone coming out for a walk.

Su Zhe, who was bored, took out his mobile phone to play, and planned to take Xiao Xuelong back when he had run and played enough.

Su Zhe, who was playing with his mobile phone, suddenly heard a mournful sound of barking dogs, and several violent barking sounds, including the voice of Xiao Xuelong. Run to where the sound is.

Xiao Xuelong was fighting with two Tosa dogs, and it could be seen that Xiao Xuelong was not at a disadvantage when dealing with two fierce and strong Tosa dogs at the same time. It's just that Xiao Xuelong is very impatient now, and wants to deal with the two Tosa dogs quickly.

It turned out that besides Xiaoxuelong and two Tosa dogs, there were 4 other dogs not far away, and one of them was a newborn puppy, whose eyes were still open.

One of the dogs, like Xiao Xuelong, has white hair all over its body, and it has long hair, which is much longer than that of Xiao Xuelong.

This dog is also like Xiao Xuelong, fighting with two Tosa dogs at the same time, but it seems to be extremely strenuous, and it also needs to protect the newborn puppy, so it can't show its strength even more. It seems that this dog is a puppy mother.

At this time, the bitch was attacked all over her body, and her white hair was dyed red by the bright red blood, making her look extremely desolate.

The two Tosa dogs are very cunning, knowing that the bitch is very concerned about the puppies, so they often attack the puppies who have no resistance, forcing the bitch to use her body to block.

The bitch is already on the verge of collapse, and it seems that it will not last long.

Xiao Xuelong became more and more irritable and wanted to help the bitch, but although Xiao Xuelong was strong with the two Tosa dogs, he couldn't get rid of the restraint of the two Tosa dogs for the time being, so Xiao Xuelong became more and more irritable and roared again and again, but it didn't help.

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