Urban Supreme System

Chapter 156 The Man in Black

Tosa Inu is no match for Xiao Xuelong at all, not to mention Xiao Xuelong is now in a state of explosion, and his strength is even stronger. Just as soon as they fight, Tosa Inu is bitten by Xiao Xuelong and cannot break free.

When Su Zhe came following the sound, it was the bitch who was powerless to resist, and in order to protect her puppies, at the last moment of her life, the bitch finally used her body to cover the puppies and tried her best not to let the puppies The dog was injured again.

But that nasty Tosa dog frantically attacked the bitch while the bitch was unable to move.

The wound of the dying bitch continued to ooze blood, quickly staining its twitching body due to convulsions, and the ground was soon stained red again. It seemed that the bitch had already realized that she couldn't do it anymore. There was despair in her eyes. The bitch lowered her head to take another look at the puppy in her arms, and there were several whimpers mixed with pain and sorrow from her throat.

The puppies in the arms of the bitch didn't know whether they were hungry, or they heard the bitch's miserable whine, and approached the bitch vigorously.

Next, Xiao Xuelong got rid of the Tosa dog, but when it rushed over, the bitch was already dead. So Xiaoxuelong became even more irritable, and frantically attacked the Tosa dog that beat the bitch to death.

Tosa Inu is no match for Xiao Xuelong at all, not to mention Xiao Xuelong is now in a state of explosion, and his strength is even stronger. Just as soon as they fight, Tosa Inu is bitten by Xiao Xuelong and cannot break free.

Xiao Xuelong bit the Tosa dog, shook his head vigorously, and threw the Tosa dog up.

When the Tosa dog fell to the ground, it no longer had the strength to get up. It just twitched on the ground for a while, and then there was no movement.

At this time Zhang Wu got out of the car with a few men in black, and Zhang Wu found that he still underestimated Xiao Xuelong's strength. But the stronger Xiao Xuelong is now, the happier Zhang Wu is. Because Zhang Yu believes that Xiao Xuelong will belong to him, and the stronger Xiao Xuelong can create more benefits for him.

But now Zhang Yu no longer cared about the Tosa dog's life or death. It didn't matter whether the Tosa dog lived or died in the end. At the beginning, Zhang Wu still felt sorry for the loss of the Tosa dog. After all, after the King of Ghosts was bitten to death by Xiao Xuelong, now the 4 Tosa dogs can be said to be Zhang Yu's best fighting dogs. For Zhang Yu, losing a Tosa dog at random is a huge loss.

But now that there is a little Xuelong, it is different. Even 100 Tosa dogs cannot be exchanged for a little Xuelong.

From Zhang Wu's point of view, Xiao Xuelong in Su Zhe's hands is simply a fortune. Zhang Wu believes that only he can bring out Xiao Xuelong's greatest strengths.

Originally, Zhang Yu planned to let the Tosa dog consume Xiao Xuelong's physical strength first, and then go to catch Xiao Xuelong by himself. But Zhang Yu couldn't wait now. On the one hand, he was eager to catch Xiao Xuelong, and on the other hand, Xiao Xuelong and Tosa Dog had made too much noise, roaring like thunder.

Zhang Yu was worried about attracting the attention of people nearby. If someone came out to interfere or directly called the police, it would be difficult to handle.

Moreover, there is only one Tosa dog left now, and it is still seriously injured. Obviously, it won't last long, so Zhang Yu plans to do it now.

Zhang Yu took out a handful of quasi-class guns and aimed at Xiao Xuelong.

Su Zhe happened to see this scene, he was worried about what happened to Xiao Xuelong, and his speed was much faster, but Su Zhe is now far away from Xiao Xuelong or Zhang Yu, and it is very likely that he will not be able to keep up.

And the keen Xiaoxuelong also discovered Zhang Wu, knowing that Zhang Wu was a great threat to him.

But Xiao Xuelong, who is in a violent state,

But will not back down. Xiao Xuelong did not hesitate to give up attacking Tosa Inu, but turned around and rushed towards Zhang Yu and the others.

But no matter how fast Xiaoxuelong was, how could it be faster than Zhang Wu pressing his finger.

Little Xuelong hadn't run halfway, when he was hit on the front paw by the anesthesia gun in Zhang Yu's hand. Although Xiaoxuelong was fierce, he still couldn't resist the anesthetic specially prepared by Zhang Ding.

The anesthetic that hit Xiao Xuelong was very strong. Xiao Xuelong just ran forward a few steps before he couldn't hold on any longer and fell to the ground.

Xiao Xuelong still wanted to get up again, tried several times, but it was in vain, so he could only scream a few times unwillingly, even his voice became weaker a lot.

Su Zhe didn't know that what Zhang Yu was holding was a tranquilizer gun, and he thought it was a real pistol. When he saw Xiao Xuelong was shot and fell down, he was about to lose his mind.

Su Zhe rushed towards Xiao Xuelong desperately, because he saw a few men in black beside Zhang Yu walking towards Xiao Xuelong, and worried that Xiao Xuelong would be in any danger.

And Zhang Wu and the others also found Su Zhe, Zhang Wu pointed the anesthesia gun at Su Zhe without hesitation.

Zhang Yu still remembered Su Zhe, knowing that Xiaoxuelong belonged to Su Zhe, Zhang Yun would never forget Su Zhe. Because it was Su Zhe who made him lose everything. Ever since the ghost king was defeated, Zhang Yu wanted to seek revenge on Su Zhe day and night.

But now that Su Zhe found out, Zhang Yu couldn't care less about it. No matter what, Zhang Wu wants to snatch Xiao Xuelong, so that he can regain everything he had before and make him more brilliant. For Xiao Xuelong, Zhang Wu is bound to win.

Zhang Ding didn't have the slightest concern, and shot Su Zhe with the anesthesia gun in his hand.

The speed of Su Zhe, who exploded with all his strength, was really too fast, and Su Zhe didn't run straight towards Zhang Zhe like Xiao Xuelong, so Zhang Zhe couldn't hit Su Zhe at all.

When Su Zhe came to Xiao Xuelong's side, he first took a quick look at Xiao Xuelong. It was found that although Xiao Xuelong was lying on the ground, there were no major wounds on his body, but he seemed to have lost his strength and could not stand up.

Only then did Su Zhe realize that Zhang Yu was only using an anesthesia gun, not a real pistol. As long as Xiao Xuelong was fine, Su Zhe was slightly relieved.

The three men in black had no fear of Su Zhe at all, and they still rushed towards Su Zhe and Xiao Xuelong. They wanted to teach Su Zhe a big lesson, and then capture Xiao Xuelong.

Soon Su Zhe and the man in black fought, but just after the fight, both sides had a rough judgment on the opponent's strength.

Su Zhe frowned. He found that the strength of the three men in black was much stronger than that of the middle-aged men who blackmailed the old man yesterday, let alone Wu Ming who grabbed the parking space. Compared with the men in black, those people are not at the same level at all.

Although the strength of the man in black is only a little stronger than them, the actual combat experience of the man in black is too rich for them to compare with.

There are many changes in moves, and it is difficult for Su Zhe to parry. Su Zhekong has strength and speed, but it is difficult to defeat the man in black.

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