Urban Supreme System

Chapter 158: Tibetan Lion

This little puppy was scratched by a Tosa dog before, and there was a lot of blood at that time. At this time, the body of the puppies was almost dyed red, and many of them were from the bitch who was protecting the puppies.

If he hadn't met Su Zhe, this little puppy might have died before he could open his eyes and take a look at the world.

But now Su Zhe naturally won't let such a tragedy happen, not to mention how little Xuelong cares about this little puppy, just because the bitch has already given her life to protect this puppy, Su Zhe can't let the bitch be in vain paid with his life.

However, it is no small miracle that this puppy has suffered such a serious injury and can persist until now. Su Zhe also breathed a sigh of relief. As long as the puppy still has its last breath, Su Zhe is sure to rescue the puppy.

Su Zhe mobilized the divine power in his body and guided it into the puppy's body, so as to restore the puppy's initial injury

Su Zhe spent a full 16 points of healing power before he finally healed the puppy's injury. It can be seen how serious the puppy's injury was. After all, Su Zhe only spent 20 points of divine power to treat Yu Suyi's Xiao Jin, although Xiao Jin was not completely cured at that time.

But Xiao Jin is an adult Golden Retriever, whose size is several times bigger than this puppy.

If there is no divine power, puppies can basically be sentenced to death.

After Su Zhe cured the puppy, he used 5 points of divine power to strengthen and improve the puppy, and also let the puppy grow up a little.

With the help of divine power, the puppy gradually opened its eyes. It glanced at Su Zhe and fell into a deep sleep again.

At this moment, Su Zhe suddenly heard a small whine, which sounded like a puppy in Su Zhe's hand.

Xiao Xuelong also heard it, and Su Zhe reacted faster, and immediately ran to the source of the sound, and Su Zhe also followed.

Finally, Su Zhe and Xiao Xuelong found a puppy in the corner, which was very similar to the puppy in Su Zhe's hand. It's just that the color of the hair is different. The puppy Su Zhe is holding is white, while the other puppy is black.

One black and one white, forming a strong contrast.

Su Zhe guessed that this little black puppy should be a sibling of the white puppy. It's just that this little black puppy was better than the bitch's cover, and was not discovered by the Tosa dog, so it escaped unharmed.

Now that Su Zhe discovered this black puppy, he naturally wouldn't abandon it. He has already decided to bring the two puppies home first. As for how to arrange the two puppies in the future, he will think about it later, and at worst he will keep raising them.

Su Zhe also picked up the little black puppy. When Su Zhe did not strengthen the white puppy, the black puppy was bigger. Although the difference is not big, it should be that the black puppy is bigger than the white puppy. The white puppies were born first.

It's just that now that the white puppy has been strengthened by Su Zhe's divine power, it is much larger than the black puppy.

Naturally, Su Zhe would not be biased, and still used 5 points of divine power to strengthen the black puppy, making the black puppy grow up a bit, so that the black puppy was as big as the white puppy.

Apart from the difference in color, the two puppies are basically identical on the outside.

At first, Su Zhe thought that the two puppies were the same as Xiaoxuelong, and they both belonged to Tibetan mastiffs.

But after looking carefully now, I found that both puppies and bitches are slightly different from Tibetan mastiffs.

Because the whole body of the bitch,

Including that the face is completely covered by long hair, the bitch has hair on her mouth and face, but the little snow dragon does not, which is slightly different.

All the signs of the bitch made Su Zhe think of a dog similar to the Tibetan mastiff, the Tibetan lion.

Tibetan lion, also known as Qier Asu dog.

This dog has black eyes and eyelids, which appear to be loose, but are actually very focused. It has a well-developed beard, good facial hair and undercoat, longer hind legs than Tibetan Mastiff legs, and a hairy and curly tail.

The Tibetan lion is tall, strong and powerful, with well-developed bones and muscles. It has a thick double-layer coat, which can withstand the severe cold and snow. It has a big and round head, and its face is completely covered by long hair. Like a lion, it has a dignified appearance, a majestic charm, and possesses hardness and softness; its aura is loyal and easy to train, like a lion but not a lion, like a dog but not a dog. Majestic and solemn, with a calm expression, it is the best guard dog.

The hair of the Tibetan lion's body is relatively uniform, long and thick. The legs and feet of the Tibetan lion are covered with hair, which feels like wool boots and pants. The hind feet of Tibetan lions are longer than those of Tibetan mastiffs. The hind legs of the Tibetan lion are bow-shaped, and the muscles of the hind legs are relatively developed, and their jumping ability is better than that of the Tibetan mastiff.

As for the Tibetan mastiff and the Tibetan lion, which is stronger or weaker, it is not easy to compare, it depends on individual differences.

These two puppies can basically be determined to be descendants of Tibetan lions, and Su Zhe estimates that their father and mother are both purebred Tibetan lions.

Su Zhe did not expect to meet Tibetan lions here. After all, Tibetan lions are even rarer than Tibetan mastiffs in Yanyun City. Even Su Zhe saw Tibetan lions for the first time in reality, and Su Zhe only knew about Tibetan lions from watching them on the Internet and on TV.

Su Zhe has already decided to keep these two little Tibetan lions by his side to raise them, and like Xiao Xuelong, he uses divine power to nurture them every day, and he must cultivate them into the best Tibetan lions.

Before bringing the two little Tibetan lion cubs home, Su Zhe disposed of the bitch's body first, lest the bitch die, and the body would not be exposed to the sun and rain.

As for the corpse of the Tosa dog, Su Zhe couldn't care less about it.

Before going home, Su Zhe bought a can of milk powder for dogs at a nearby pet store. Although Su Chong's House also has special milk powder for dogs, Su Zhe didn't bother to go to Su Chong's House to get it.

Xiaoxuelong also had milk powder for dogs before, so I don’t know about the nutrition, but it is very suitable for puppies.

Later, after Xiao Xuelong finished eating the milk powder for dogs, Su Zhe found that Xiao Xuelong had grown up and was not suitable for continuing to drink milk, so he didn't go to Su Chong's home to get it, so there was no milk powder for dogs at home.

The can of dog milk powder that Su Zhe bought was intended to be temporarily used as food for two Tibetan lion cubs.

After all, the two little Tibetan lions are still in the lactation period and can't eat anything else, and the bitch died again, so Su Zhe can only use milk powder to feed the little Tibetan lions.

When Su Zhe and Xiao Xuelong brought the two little Tibetan lions home, the two little Tibetan lions woke up.

The two Tibetan lion cubs are very courageous and will not be afraid of unfamiliar environments. After Su Zhe put them down, they started to crawl around.

Maybe the two little Tibetan lions were hungry, and their little noses twitched, as if they were looking for food.

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