Urban Supreme System

Chapter 190 Tan Junzhen

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( ) At first, Zhang Yunfeng didn't believe that Su Zhe's ginseng was real, thinking that most of it was a fake, or a ginseng with a low age. 【This book is published by the author】

Moreover, after seeing the size of Su Zhe's ginseng and the weight in his hand, Zhang Yunfeng further believed that the ginseng brought by Su Zhe was fake. Because Zhang Yunfeng had never seen such a big wild ginseng.

But after the actual appraisal started, Zhang Yunfeng overturned his judgment.

Since the ginseng that Zhang Yunfeng held in his hand was real wild ginseng, and the age is not low, it must be at least a hundred years old.

This surprised Zhang Yunfeng, and he had to be cautious. Zhang Yunfeng used all the tools he could use, and the results were no exception. It was more and more confirmed that Su Zhe's ginseng was real wild ginseng.

Zhang Yunfeng didn't believe himself a little bit, thinking that he had made a wrong appraisal. So Zhang Yunfeng repeated the appraisal several times before finally confirming that Su Zhe's ginseng is genuine wild ginseng, and the age is extremely high.

This made Zhang Yunfeng very excited. It is an honor for the appraiser to personally appraise wild ginseng with such a high age. And Zhang Yunfeng finally had the opportunity to experience it today.

"Mr. Su, after preliminary identification, this is a wild ginseng with a good age, but the specific year needs to be further confirmed before we can know." Zhang Yunfeng smiled embarrassedly. He was too absorbed in the identification of ginseng just now. The existence of Su Zhe has been ignored.

Now after Zhang Yunfeng reacted, he realized that he had spent a lot of time.

"Then when can the next step be identified?" Su Zhe didn't mind, because the other party could be responsible for identifying his ginseng in this way. For Su Zhe. is a good thing. At least the other party is not perfunctory.

"It'll be fine soon. I'm going to find other appraisers now. Please wait here for a while, Mr. Su." After Zhang Yunfeng finished speaking, he ran out of the appraisal room in a hurry, completely losing his previous calmness.

In fact, Zhang Yunfeng does not need to do this kind of thing usually, he only needs to be responsible for the appraisal, as long as Zhang Yunfeng verifies that it is genuine, and then proceeds to the next step of appraisal. Naturally, there will be staff taking customers there, there is no need for Zhang Yunfeng to run errands.

But now Zhang Yunfeng encountered wild ginseng of such a high age for the first time, he did not dare to take it lightly, if Su Zhe didn't want to, after leaving, the upper management would blame him, it would not be easy. Moreover, before the Phaeton Auction House auctioned wild ginseng of 420 years, it was directly appraised by the chief appraiser of the Phaeton Auction House. Junior appraisers such as Zhang Yunfeng did not participate in it.

This made Zhang Yunfeng feel a little regretful.

Now that he has the opportunity to realize his wish, Zhang Yunfeng will naturally not miss it.

Zhang Yunfeng himself did not go to a senior appraiser for appraisal. Instead, go directly to the general manager. He must first inform the general manager of the news. Let the general manager arrange.

If this transaction is successful, Zhang Yunfeng will be able to make a good impression in front of the general manager, which will be a great achievement.

When Zhang Yunfeng, who was out of breath, ran into the general manager's office, fortunately the general manager Tan Junzhen happened to be there, so Zhang Yunfeng didn't make a trip in vain.

Tan Junzhen looked at Zhang Yunfeng, feeling a little displeased. Before that, Tan Junzhen was quite optimistic about Zhang Yunfeng, because Zhang Yunfeng was serious about his work and he was calm when dealing with problems. Originally, Tan Junzhen planned to wait for Zhang Yunfeng to stay longer, and if he had more qualifications, he would promote Zhang Yunfeng to a senior appraiser.

Tan Junzhen did not expect Zhang Yunfeng to be in a hurry and flustered today, so Tan Junzhen thought in his heart that he usually misjudged Zhang Yunfeng.

But after Zhang Yunfeng reported to Tan Junzhen, when Tan Junzhen heard that the wild ginseng brought by Su Zhe was at least a century old, and the weight was not light, at least heavier than the 420-year-old wild ginseng auctioned before, and it was still fresh. .

Hearing this, Tan Junzhen was also a little uneasy, and hurriedly asked Zhang Yunfeng to take him to Su Zhe.

Tan Junzhen couldn't help being nervous. The previous auction of 420-year-old wild ginseng has already given him a taste of the sweetness, and he has gained the attention of the headquarters.

When the Phaeton Auction House received the 420 year old wild ginseng, it had already been handed over to the headquarters for publicity and auction.

However, after Tan Junzhen's argument and hard work, the headquarters of the Phaeton Auction House agreed to let the branch of the Phaeton Auction House in Yanyun City, which is the Phaeton Auction House, conduct the auction of wild ginseng.

At that time, Tan Junzhen was even more nervous than the owner of wild ginseng. Before the auction started, Tan Junzhen used all available resources to promote wild ginseng and build momentum for the 420-year-old wild ginseng.

Because if this auction fails, the ideal price cannot be reached, or the auction fails. Tan Junzhen, a branch of the Phaeton Auction House, will hardly have the opportunity to auction high-value auction items. Even if the branch accepts the entrustment, unless the person entrusting the auction specifically requests, otherwise, it will be auctioned by the Phaeton Auction House. The headquarters requested that it be handed over to the headquarters for auction.

Therefore, the branch’s auction of 420-year-old wild ginseng was a test for the branch and Tan Junzhen by Phaeton Auction House. If it is successful, this branch will be able to auction high-priced items on its own in the future without having to hand them over to the headquarters.

If you can auction high-priced auction items alone, the performance of the branch will get better and better, and the more attention will be paid by the headquarters, so as to get more resources. This is a very virtuous circle.

The difference between success and failure is too great, which is why Tan Junzhen was so nervous at the time, and this is no longer a simple auction of wild ginseng, but it is also a test for Tan Junzhen.

Fortunately, at that time, Liu Xiong of the Liu Group competed with Wang Anguo of the Wang Group, and the final transaction price of wild ginseng reached a sky-high price of 18 million, which finally allowed Tan Junzhen to pass the test of the headquarters.

Therefore, now that Tan Junzhen heard Zhang Yunfeng think that the ginseng brought by Su Zhe might be very old wild ginseng, that's why he paid so much attention to it.

When Tan Junzhen followed Zhang Yunfeng to find Su Zhe, he also called a special appraiser to go with him.

In Tan Junzhen's branch, there are only 2 special appraisers in total. In normal times, Tan Junzhen seldom troubled them, and the general auction items would not be appraised by these two special appraisers.

Only extremely important and valuable auction items will be appraised by special appraisers. Just like the wild ginseng from 420 years ago, it will be appraised by the special appraiser of Phaeton Auction House.

Now Tan Junzhen directly asks a special appraiser to appraise Su Zhe's ginseng, which shows how much Tan Junzhen values ​​Su Zhe's ginseng in his heart. (To be continued..)

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