Urban Supreme System

Chapter 195 The Baby's Gift

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( ) Because he didn't know what steps went wrong, Su Zhe had to untie the four-wheeled electric vehicle and reassemble it. 【This book is published by the author】

After Su Zhe assembled it for the second time, the four-wheeled electric vehicle could finally be started, but new problems also appeared with the electric vehicle.

This four-wheeled electric scooter for children is a simulation car design. The doors on both sides could have been opened, but now they are stuck.

Moreover, this four-wheeled electric vehicle has front and rear lights, but the front and rear lights are not on now.

In the past, the doors of four-wheeled electric vehicles could be opened, and the front and rear lights would be on, but they could not be started.

But now it's just the opposite. The electric car can be started, but the doors and lights are out of action.

That is to say, there is nothing wrong with the quality of this four-wheeled electric vehicle, it is just that Su Zhe made a mistake during the assembly process.

Su Zhe had no choice but to start the installation again.

After Su Zhe solved the problems of the car doors and lights, many new problems continued to appear in the process. Either the horn of the electric car would not sound, or it was impossible to select fast and slow gears, or the power display was abnormal. .

These small problems made Su Zhe one head and two big ones.

Su Zhe is a person who pursues perfection as much as possible. If he can do his best, he will definitely not give up.

So even if there is only a small problem with the four-wheel electric vehicle, it will not affect the performance of the electric vehicle at all, and even if the function of the four-wheel electric vehicle can be said to be useless, Su Zhe can't tolerate a little flaw. Find ways to solve all problems.

And Su Zhe hopes to give the baby tomorrow, the most perfect four-wheeled electric car. Rather than the four-wheeled electric vehicle that has the problem.

So even if it needs to be disassembled again. reassemble. Su Zhe did not hesitate.

Back and forth, Su Zhe disassembled and assembled it several times, and finally Su Zhe assembled it again.

Following the inspection steps in the video, Su Zhe carefully inspected every part of the four-wheeled electric vehicle to avoid any omissions. Considering the baby's safety, Su Zhe did not dare to take it lightly.

Su Zhe first inserted the car key,

Then the accelerator was pressed to confirm that the four-wheeled electric vehicle could start. The brake function can also be used normally. After Su Zhe found that there was no problem. He then pressed the door locks on both sides, and there was no problem whether it was opened or closed. Afterwards, Su Zhe checked the headlights, which were also normal.

There is no problem with the speaker, music can also be played, the switching between fast gear and slow gear is normal, and there is no problem with the battery display of the four-wheel electric vehicle. Both remote control mode and manual mode can be switched normally. After Su Zhe checked everything, he found no problems.

At this point, Su Zhe finally felt relieved, because the four-wheeled electric car was considered good.

after. Su Zhe began to review, checking if there was anything that was not installed properly. If it is not fixed well, will there be screws forgotten to be installed, or screws that are not tightened.

After Su Zhe checked, he confirmed that there was no problem with the four-wheeled electric vehicle, and then he plugged in the charger for the four-wheeled electric vehicle. Originally, the battery of this four-wheeled electric vehicle was not full, and Su Zhe also consumed a lot of electricity during the test process. Now the battery of this four-wheeled electric vehicle is running out.

In order to prevent the baby from taking a few steps tomorrow, the four-wheeled electric car will run out of power, so Su Zhe should fully charge the four-wheeled electric car now.

After finishing his work, Su Zhe stretched his waist. He found that assembling a children's four-wheeled electric vehicle was much more complicated than assembling a computer before. However, Su Zhe has gained a lot of experience now, and I believe he won't be in such a hurry next time.

Su Zhe looked at the time, only to realize that he had spent so much time assembling the electric car. Su Zhe, who was fully absorbed, didn't notice the time. It turned out that it was already midnight.

After packing up the tools, he turned off the computer, Su Zhe went to wash his face, and went back to his room to sleep.

The next day, after Su Zhe got up and took a shower, he saw that the baby was almost up, so he put the four-wheeled electric car in the room at the door of the baby's room.

Now the baby's sleep time has become a habit, and he gets up around nine o'clock every day.

Today's baby is no exception. Just after nine o'clock, the sleepy baby opened the door. The baby stood by the door and rubbed his eyes, which were still closed, with his hands.

Not long after that, Su Zhe heard the baby's cry of surprise. He thought it was because the baby saw the four-wheeled electric car after getting up.

So Su Zhe came to the baby, and sure enough, he saw the baby lying on the four-wheeled electric car again, with his little hands touching the car, loving it.

Su Zhe squatted down beside the baby, and said with a smile, "Baby, do you like it?"

It seems that Su Zhe did not choose the wrong gift. Judging from the baby's reaction, she likes this beautiful four-wheeled electric car for children very much.

"Baby likes it so much, brother, is this for the baby?" The baby blinked a pair of bright big eyes, and asked Su Zhe. The baby looked very nervous, and she was very worried about what Su Zhe said Saying that this electric car was not given to her.

Seeing the baby's cute appearance, Su Zhe couldn't help laughing.

Originally, Su Zhe wanted to tease the baby, but seeing the hopeful expression of the baby, Su Zhe was too embarrassed to tease the baby again, lest the baby be too disappointed, he smiled and said: "Well, this car will belong to our baby in the future The princess’s is the baby’s Children’s Day gift, baby princess, this is the car key.”

Su Zhe took out the car keys and handed them to Bao Bao.

"Thank you brother, brother is the best to the baby, and the baby loves brother the most." After taking the car keys, the baby immediately kissed Su Zhe on the face.

The baby's big eyes are now crescents, and it can be seen that the baby is very happy now.

Su Zhe had a busy night last night, now after being kissed by the baby, Su Zhe feels that everything is worth it. When the baby is happy, Su Zhe is content.

Originally, as soon as the baby got the car keys, he immediately wanted to drive and play. But Su Zhe stopped the baby and didn't let the baby get in the car. He said, "Baby, you have to wash your face first, and then have breakfast before you can drive."

Because the baby hasn't had breakfast yet, Su Zhe is worried that once the baby starts playing, he won't be able to stop, and the baby won't be in the mood to eat breakfast. In order to avoid such problems, Su Zhe asked the baby to brush his teeth and wash his face first. After breakfast, Su Zhe would allow the baby to drive.

"Brother, let the baby play for a while, and then just play, brother, okay?" The baby began to plead with Su Zhe.

The baby's pitiful appearance almost softened Su Zhe's heart, but in the end Su Zhe became ruthless and rejected the baby's request. (To be continued..)

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