Urban Supreme System

Chapter 228 Successfully Developed New Drug

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The next morning, Li Changhua called Su Zhe and informed Su Zhe that Changhua Pharmaceutical Factory had successfully developed a new drug. He hoped that Su Zhe could come to Changhua Pharmaceutical Factory to discuss it. 【This book is published by the author】

The news brought by Li Changhua is actually good news, and now there are finally results.

So Su Zhe immediately drove to Changhua Pharmaceutical Factory. When Su Zhe arrived, he found that Liu Xiong had also come.

Now Liu Xiong attaches great importance to Changhua Pharmaceutical Factory, and he has no less expectations for the prospects of Changhua Pharmaceutical Factory than Su Zhe and Li Changhua.

If it wasn't for Li Changhua and Su Zhe not giving in to their own shares at that time, Liu Xiong would only own 5% of the shares of Changhua Pharmaceutical Factory now.

If possible, Liu Xiong would like to acquire both Su Zhe and Li Changhua's shares. Of course, the premise is that Su Zhe will continue to provide healing potions to Changhua Pharmaceutical Factory.

Because now Changhua Pharmaceutical Factory mainly relies on Su Zhe's healing potions. If Su Zhe does not provide healing potions to Changhua Pharmaceutical Factory, the development of Changhua Pharmaceutical Factory is not very objective. At most, it is just a pharmaceutical processing factory. That's all.

So Su Zhe's healing potion is the most important, which is why Su Zhe was able to acquire 85% of the shares of Changhua Pharmaceutical Factory for only 50 million.

We must know that 85% of the shares of Changhua Pharmaceutical Factory were worth at least 170 million at that time.

It was because Su Zhe exchanged the shares of Changhua Pharmaceutical Factory with the condition of Changhua Pharmaceutical Factory, the treatment potion. Because of this, Su Zhe was able to acquire 85% of the shares of Changhua Pharmaceutical Factory with only 50 million yuan.

If Liu Xiong is allowed to choose now, he is willing to exchange 100 million for 10% of Su Zhe's shares, or even a higher price. As long as Su Zhe agrees, Liu Xiong is willing to exchange, but it is currently impossible something happened.

Because although the new drug of Changhua Pharmaceutical Factory has not been launched on the market so far, the results of each experiment let Liu Xiong know the huge value and potential hidden in it.

That's why Liu Xiong paid so much attention to the progress of Changhua Pharmaceutical Factory. Even though he only owns 5% of the shares now, Liu Xiong believes that this 5% of the shares will definitely surpass his current achievements in the future, and the prospects of Changhua Pharmaceutical Factory will definitely not be equal to his Liu Group.

therefore. After Li Changhua notified Su Zhe and Liu Xiong that new medicines could be launched now, Liu Xiong immediately stopped his current work,

Came to Changhua Pharmaceutical Factory as soon as possible.

After Su Zhe came, Li Changhua put the newly produced medicine in front of Su Zhe and Liu Xiong.

Liu Xiong and Su Zhe did not expect that since Li Changhua would come up with two new medicines at once.

The two new medicines look exactly the same except for the color. They are not much different from ordinary round pills on the market, except that the new medicine has the lettered trademark of Changhua Pharmaceutical Factory on the surface. One is black. One is white.

"This is a new drug that has just been produced. This black tablet is similar to sleeping pills on the market, and this white tablet can make the user refreshed and energetic." Li Changhua picked up the tablet, Introduced for Liu Xiong and Su Zhe.

"Then how does it work, and does it have any side effects?" Liu Xiong asked, this is the most important part of the medicine, and it can't be sloppy.

If the new drug launched by Changhua Pharmaceutical Factory has the same effect as the same drug on the market, but has obvious side effects. Who would be willing to buy medicines from Changhua Pharmaceutical Factory instead of medicines produced by big-name pharmaceutical factories.

In addition, Changhua Pharmaceutical Factory's new medicines are produced together with healing potions, so the price of the new medicines will not be low, and there is no price advantage, so customers will definitely not choose Changhua Pharmaceutical Factory's new medicines, unless the new medicines Medicines are very effective. And without any side effects.

"The effect of these two new drugs will not be worse than any of the same type of drugs on the market, and the effect is even several times better." Li Changhua organized a speech before continuing: "As for the side effects of the new drugs, every drug three Separation of poison. As long as it is a medicine, there are side effects, but they are big or small. The side effects of these two medicines are very small, even negligible, and will not harm the body of the user, and will gradually improve the user's health. Physique, but the effect is not obvious."

Finally, Li Changhua concluded: "This is the conclusion we have come to after many experiments and repeated reviews."

"Then how about the cost and output of this new drug? It's priced again." Su Zhe asked after thinking about it.

"The healing potion provided by Brother Su can make 30 tablets per 1 ml, and each tablet costs 2 yuan. At present, 3,000,000 tablets can be produced a day, but the current raw materials are only enough for one day." Li Changhua looked at Su helplessly. Zhe glanced at it before continuing, "These two drugs are temporarily priced at 2.8 yuan. They have passed the review and can be officially sold on the market."

Li Changhua's meaning is very clear, that is, Changhua Pharmaceutical Factory can produce 3 million tablets a day, but the healing potion provided by Su Zhe in a month is just enough to produce 3 million tablets, which is also the daily output of Changhua Pharmaceutical Factory.

"I'm already trying to find a way to increase the amount of healing potions, and I believe that the amount of healing potions will gradually increase in the future," Su Zhe said. He has now acquired Kangmei Pet Hospital.

Su Zhe has now acquired Kangmei Pet Hospital. Su Zhe believes that after the opening, his daily points will be doubled compared to now, and the scale of Kangmei Pet Hospital is larger than Su Chong's Home. I believe that the points he can get are also There will be more than Su Chong's House.

And when these two new drugs are launched on the market, I believe Su Zhe will be rewarded with some points.

Although the main effect of these two new drugs is not to treat diseases, but to make people sleep peacefully and refresh people. However, these two new drugs also have the effect of improving the user's physical fitness, and modern people have some minor diseases in their bodies.

And this new drug will cure these minor diseases. Although the effect is not obvious, the points won't be many. Maybe Su Zhe won't get 1 point even after using 100 tablets of the drug.

But with less, more, 3000000 pills, I believe Su Zhe can get a lot of points.

So in the future, Su Zhe's points will only increase, and more and more healing potions will be provided to Changhua Pharmaceutical Factory, allowing Changhua Pharmaceutical Factory to produce more medicines. Under such a cycle, Su Zhe's points will increase faster and faster.

Of course, all of this is based on the premise that Su Zhe's physique is getting higher and higher, because only in this way, Su Zhe can exchange points for more divine power to prepare healing potions.

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