Urban Supreme System

Chapter 385 7 Saika

After Su Zhe completed the transaction, he did not leave Su Chong's home, but sat in the office playing computer to kill time. 【First release】

Because Su Zhe still has something to do, he is waiting for someone now.

Later, when Su Zhe felt bored, he turned off the computer and began to think about the funds he could afford now.

Originally, before selling the two pure white Bengal tigers, Su Zhe had 49 million, but now with two more pure white Bengal tigers, he got 65 million. Su Zhe now has a total of more than 110 million Ten thousand.

It feels like a lot to calculate, but after Su Zhe roughly calculated what he might have to spend, he felt that the money was far from enough.

Because Su Zhe has now decided to acquire the Guanzhou Pet Hospital introduced by Yan Yuyan, it will cost about 48 million. In this way, Su Zhe's money is only 66 million left.

Just exchanging a prescription in the prescription exchange mall requires 100 million yuan, so Su Zhe's remaining 66 million yuan is not enough at all, let alone Su Zhe still wants to run a medicinal material plantation farm and a pet farm.

Even if Su Zhe sold the third pure white Bengal tiger to Ren Liran, the money would still be far from enough.

So Su Zhe began to browse the subsystems of the supreme system while he still had some time, and wanted to see if there were any things that could be exchanged for making money.

Now that Su Zhe has exchanged 3 pure white Bengal tigers, he does not want to continue to exchange animals for sale, so the pet exchange mall is not considered for the time being, of course, if there is no other way. Su Zhe would still choose to exchange for animals, but only as a last resort.

As for the precious medicinal materials, Su Zhe has no idea of ​​exchanging them for the time being. Because there are still a few ginsengs planted in the backyard of his house, which are at least 400 years old.

If he wants to sell medicinal materials, Su Zhe can go directly to the backyard to dig this ginseng. He will not exchange medicinal materials for sale in the plant exchange mall, because some medicinal materials of high age require a lot of points to exchange.

Su Zhe thought about it and found that he can exchange it now. There are only some ornamental plants.

So Su Zhe began to browse some flowers, and some common plants were directly eliminated by Su Zhe.

What Su Zhe wants to exchange now is mainly some relatively rare plants, preferably not found on the earth now. Plants with ornamental value.

Because only such plants have market value,

Su Zhe can benefit from it.

In the end, I really found a suitable plant for Su Zhe, which was a kind of flower.

Su Zhe didn't know if this type of flower existed on Earth. But at least Su Zhe has never seen it. Haven't heard of it either.

This kind of flower is called colorful flower, and the origin of its name is because this kind of flower normally has 7 flowers at the same time.

And these 7 flowers, each flower has a different shape, and there are 7 colors, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple, one flower for one color

The most amazing thing is these 7 flowers. It will still change, every half hour or so. The color of the flower will change accordingly.

Such a miraculous flower, and not many points can be redeemed, so Su Zhe naturally won't miss it.

In the plant exchange mall, it only costs 2 points to exchange a colorful flower seed, so Su Zhe spent 4 points to exchange two seeds.

These two seeds have seven colors on the surface, instead of a single color like ordinary seeds.

There are two small pots next to the office window, both containing a succulent called Echinacea.

These two pots of Stone Lotus were planted by Xia Hannuo before, and she didn't take them with her when she left.

But I don’t know why, although people come in to take care of these two pots of Shilian Pishi every day, they are still withering day by day, and now they are basically necrotic.

If it was before, Su Zhe might have used his healing power to rejuvenate the two pots of Pi's stone lotus.

But now Su Zhe has two seeds of colorful flowers in his hand, and he is eager to see the appearance of colorful flowers, so naturally he will not use healing power to heal the two pots of Pi's stone lotus.

Su Zhe dug out all the withered stone lotuses and dropped them into the trash can.

In the end, Su Zhe injected 2 points of acceleration divine power into each of the colorful flower seeds, and then buried them in small flowerpots. Each flowerpot buried a colorful flower seed.

After absorbing Su Zhe's supernatural power of acceleration, the colorful flower seeds began to germinate just after being buried in the soil, and soon got out of the soil, and began to grow seven branches.

Later, after the growth speed of the colorful flowers slowed down, Su Zhe injected 5 points of acceleration power into each of them.

With the addition of these 5 points of accelerated power, the two colorful flowers began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soon, 7 more buds appeared on the 7 branches of the two colorful flowers, and just as the system introduced, the colors of the 7 buds were indeed different, and the shapes were also somewhat different.

Not long after, the 7 buds began to bloom, and for a while, the office was filled with the fragrance of flowers, which made people smell the fragrance clearly, but it didn't make people feel that the fragrance was too strong, making people feel Pungent, the scent alone is irresistible.

When the flowers were in full bloom, Su Zhe couldn't help being fascinated. Even if he didn't know how to appreciate flowers, he was still attracted by the colorful flowers in front of him and couldn't move his eyes away.

Colorful flowers, seven kinds of flowers, seven kinds of colors, really are well-deserved reputation.

In Su Zhe's eyes, the colorful flowers were so beautiful that he couldn't help but start to estimate the value of the colorful flowers and how much they could sell for.

If people who appreciate flowers know that Su Zhe looks at the colorful flowers in front of him, but thinks about money in his heart, he will definitely call Su Zhe a vulgar one.

Su Zhe is not a person who knows flowers, and he doesn't understand the value of flowers, so he doesn't know the huge value contained in the two colorful flowers in front of him.

But Su Zhe knows that there are some flowers that can be sold at a sky-high price. Su Zhe believes that the price of these colorful flowers will not be low, because not to mention that there are only two colorful flowers in front of Su Zhe's eyes in the whole world. The appreciation value of colorful flowers is unparalleled in the world.

So Su Zhe believes that if these two colorful flowers are sold, there will be a lot of people scrambling for them. Rare things are more expensive. Just because of the gimmick that there are only two colorful flowers in the world, Su Zhe doesn't have to worry about this. Two colorful flowers can't be sold at a good price,

Coupled with the appreciation value of colorful flowers and the fact that the color of flowers will change over time, it will definitely make people scratch their heads. (To be continued..)

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