Urban Supreme System

Chapter 480: Six Wonders

In the past few days, Su Zhe would get up very early every day, and then take the little snow dragons out for a run, and would run to the small woods every day.

And today was no exception, before dawn, Su Zhe took Xiao Xuelong and the others out for a run.

Because the grove is not a short distance from Su Zhe's home, it took a lot of time on the road. Every time I ran into the grove, the sky began to light up.

Every day after Su Zhe ran into the woods, he would meet Shao Zhan here.

It is also because Shao Zhan would come to this forest to practice boxing every morning, so Su Zhe would come here every day.

In the past few days, Su Zhe and Shao Zhan would compete with each other every day. In the competition, Su Zhe benefited a lot and gained a lot of experience.

And Shao Zhan also explained a lot of basics of martial arts to Su Zhe, filling in Su Zhe's deficiencies in this area.

"Although the country divides martial arts into 1 to 9 dans, the martial arts world has its own divisions, which are Ming Jin, Dark Jin, and Hua Jin."

"Each realm is subdivided into entry level, minor success, great success, and peak. After the martial arts mentality loses its effect, the highest level in the martial arts world can only be practiced to dark energy. Breaking through the dark energy and reaching the transformation energy, and Yu Lao is one of them."

Shao Zhan didn't understand why Su Zhe only had a half-knowledge of these common sense in the martial arts world, as if he was a layman, but Su Zhe's strength should not be underestimated.

So Shao Zhan was very curious about how Su Zhe's strength was cultivated.

Su Zhe has a good understanding and can quickly understand what Shao Zhan said, which made Shao Zhan move his heart to accept disciples several times.

But every time Shao Zhan quickly suppressed this idea. One is because Shao Zhan doesn't know Su Zhe well. I don't know Su Zhe's origin. As well as character, you can't accept disciples casually.

The second is because Shao Zhan believes that Su Zhe has the current strength and should be guided by a famous teacher. It is impossible to have the current strength at a young age. This also broke Shao Zhan's desire to accept apprentices.

Moreover, Shao Zhan also thought that even if Su Zhe was accepted as an apprentice, he would soon have nothing to teach Su Zhe.

So Shao Zhan only taught Su Zhe some basic knowledge and Shao Zhan's understanding of martial arts, but he didn't mention Su Zhe's apprenticeship.

"Then if you, Uncle Shao, have the mental technique of Xingyiquan.

Can you achieve Huajin like Mr. Yu? " Su Zhe asked.

Shao Zhan was silent for a while, and said: "Based on the foundation I have laid in practicing Xingyiquan for many years, if I have the mental method of Xingyiquan, I am very sure to break through Huajin."

This is not Shao Zhan's conceit, it is his confidence in himself, because although Shao Zhan does not have the mind of Xingyiquan, he has practiced Xingyiquan for decades.

Although Shao Zhan didn't have the mind of Xingyi Quan, so he couldn't break through Huajin, but decades of time have allowed Shao Zhan to lay an extremely solid foundation, if he has the mind of Xingyi Quan. For Shao Zhan, breaking through Huajin will be a matter of course.

What Shao Zhan said. This made Su Zhe very happy, and this made Su Zhe even more determined to bring Shao Zhan into his own power.

But this matter is not in a hurry now, Su Zhe still needs to know more about Shao Zhan before he can consider whether he will do this.

Over the past few days, Su Zhe has gotten to know Shao Zhan, and he should be a trustworthy person.

Shao Zhan has such strength, but he is willing to live in a fitness room as a martial artist teaching martial arts.

When Shao Zhan did this, it was just to repay his kindness, for a promise, and this stay was five years.

Even if there is a better place to go, Shao Zhan has never thought about leaving the gym.

Such a person, Su Zhe thinks he can be trusted, but this is also a headache for Su Zhe.

Because this means that Su Zhe wants Shao Zhan to join his martial arts gym, and the difficulty is much higher, but Su Zhe is not discouraged by this. Maybe things will turn around, but it is not certain.

If Shao Zhan can meet Su Zhe's request, Su Zhe will never give up on Shao Zhan.

Although Su Zhe wanted Shao Zhan to join his forces, it was for his own sake, but this is not a great fortune for Shao Zhan, it depends on whether Shao Zhan can grasp it.

In the past few days, besides Su Zhe explaining the basics of martial arts, Shao Zhan explained Xingyiquan more to Su Zhe.

"Xingyiquan, also known as Xingyiquan and Xinyiquan, is one of the traditional boxing techniques of the Han nationality. It is said that Xingyiquan was created by the national hero Yue Fei, a famous general in the Song Dynasty."

"Xingyiquan is as famous as Taijiquan and Baguazhang. It belongs to the three major internal boxing and ranks among the four famous boxing in the Zong Kingdom."

"However, the style of Xingyiquan is hard-working, almost like lightning and thunder, and it is unique among internal boxing." After explaining here, Shao Zhan began to practice Xingyiquan.

"Xingyiquan's fighting method is mostly straight and straight, and there must be a significant difference between Taiji and Bagua's horizontal movement. Xingyiquan's short strike and straight strike are most suitable for use in battle formations. There are no fancy moves, long-strength It is also the fastest." Shao Zhan explained to Su Zhe while practicing Xingyi Quan.

"The two armies are at war. Among thousands of troops, it is not easy to find a place to move around. The only way is to go straight forward. If you walk, you will fight, and if you fight, you will walk away, just like the Yellow River breaking its embankment."

This way of explaining made it easier for Su Zhe to comprehend the essence of Xingyiquan.

Slashing, collapsing, drilling, shooting, and crossing, Shao Zhan's every movement seems to be very coherent, loose in form and tight in mind, eclectic in shape, and unpredictable in style of play.

Shao Zhan bends and stretches, simple and unpretentious, but full of natural beauty, and his movements are more straightforward.

"Hands out like a steel file, hands down like a hook. Keep your elbows on your ribs, and your hands on your feet."

Shao Zhan, who has studied Xingyiquan for decades, personally taught it, which made Su Zhe understand the meaning of these four sentences better.

Shao Zhan's body is upright, his steps are steady, calm and stable, his steps are like a plow, his feet are like roots, when he punches, he twists, twists, drills and turns, which is closely related to his body and footwork. Shao Zhan's whole body is like twisting a rope, without letting go.

"Xingyiquan's martial art pursues skills, smoothness, bravery, quickness, ruthlessness, and sincerity, which are called "the wonders of the six directions". They are ingenious, natural, decisive, quick and sudden, unforgiving, and make it difficult for the enemy to escape." Finally Shao Zhan concluded.

After Shao Zhan finished playing Xingyiquan, Su Zhe began to fall into deep thought.

From Shao Zhan's Xingyiquan, Su Zhe seemed to understand something, but he just couldn't grasp it.

"Practice martial arts, don't be too hasty, put your mind at ease, let it happen, don't force it." Shao Zhan saw that Su Zhe was too addicted, so he reminded Su Zhe aloud.

"I understand, thank you Uncle Shao." Finally Su Zhe said.

The more persistent you are, the less you can see through it, and you will sink yourself into the quagmire from which you cannot extricate yourself. (to be continued..) ()

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