Urban Supreme System

Chapter 766 Baby’s Smile

Perhaps it was because Su Zhe came earlier, when he came to Yan Yuyan's home.

Only Bao Bao and Aunt Wang were at home. Yan Yuyan and Shen Chuxia were not at home. Maybe they had not gotten off work yet. At this time, they should still be in the company.

When Su Zhe came to Yan Yuyan's home, the baby was playing with the big stupid turtle. She used the big stupid turtle as a mount in the living room and climbed around.

As soon as the baby saw Su Zhe, he immediately abandoned the big stupid turtle, ran towards Su Zhe, and jumped into his arms.

Su Zhe picked up the baby, and the baby immediately held Su Zhe's face with both hands and kissed him hard on the face.

"Brother, the baby misses you so much." The baby lay on Su Zhe's shoulder and said in his ear.

Although the baby played at Su Zhe's house for a few days during the National Day, and it has only been more than half a month now, the baby still misses Su Zhe very much.

"Brother misses the baby too, so he's here to see you now." Su Zhe said with a slight smile.

Hearing this, Bao Bao kissed Su Zhe on the face again.

Su Zhe held the baby in his arms, came to the sofa in the living room, and sat down.

"Baby, have you studied seriously?" Su Zhe touched the baby's hair and said.

Su Zhe knew that the baby had already started to go to kindergarten for almost two months, so he asked this now.

"Yes, the baby is very serious. The teacher praises the baby for being smart." The baby answered seriously.

"Really? Did the baby lie to his brother?" Su Zhe said deliberately.

The baby was a little anxious, and she hurriedly said: "The baby didn't lie, brother doesn't believe it. You can ask the mother-in-law. The mother-in-law also knows."

"Then brother believes in the baby. The baby is really great." Su Zhe said with a smile.

After receiving praise from Su Zhe, the baby smiled very happily.

After playing for a while, the baby suddenly jumped out of Su Zhe's arms and took Su Zhe's hand: "Brother, the baby will take you to see Pony Horse."

Just like that, Su Zhe was pulled by the baby and came to the backyard.

And in the backyard,

When Su Zhe was at the Su Chong Family Breeding Farm. The Debao pony given to the baby is now lying leisurely on the grass, very comfortable.

"Brother, look at Xiao Ma Ma, has he grown up?" Bao Bao asked Su Zhe for credit.

This Debao pony is indeed a bit bigger and fatter than when it was at the Su Chong Home breeding farm. It seems that it is living a very comfortable life here.

The originally lazy Debao pony saw Su Zhe and immediately jumped up and ran over. He rubbed his head against Su Zhe's body, as if he was trying to please Su Zhe.

This is a DePaul pony. It was Su Zhe who redeemed it in the pet exchange mall, so it's normal for him to be so affectionate to Su Zhe.

"Baby takes pony Ma for a walk every day. Its body is as good as the baby." Baobao continued.

The baby still remembers what Su Zhe said to her. When Su Zhe gave the Debao pony to the baby at the Su Chong Family Breeding Farm, Su Zhe once said that the baby is the little master of the Debao pony and that the baby should take good care of it. .

The baby has always remembered this sentence and has never forgotten it, so now the baby wants to let Su Zhe know that she took good care of Pony Ma.

"The baby is so awesome, so brother, don't worry." Su Zhe gently pinched the baby's nose and said.

Although the baby seemed very happy to receive Su Zhe's praise, she still covered her nose and said, "Brother hates it. If the baby's nose is broken, it won't look good."

"The baby is so beautiful, how could it not look good?" Su Zhe said with a smile.

Ever since Su Zhe arrived, the smile on the baby's face has never disappeared.

After playing with the DePaul pony in the backyard for a while, the baby suddenly said: "Brother, take the baby to find his mother, okay?"

Bao Bao opened her beautiful big eyes and looked at Su Zhe, her tone full of hope. She really hoped that Su Zhe would agree.

When the baby said this, Su Zhe patted his forehead and almost forgot what he had to do.

When Su Zhe came here and stayed with the baby, he forgot what he had to do.

Originally, Su Zhe came here just to see the baby and replenish Yan Yuyan's healing power, but he only focused on playing with the baby and forgot about it.

If it hadn't been for the baby asking Su Zhe to take her to see her mother, Su Zhe would really not be able to remember this matter.

"Is mom in the company?" Su Zhe asked.

The baby nodded and continued: "The baby knows the way."

Because the last time Su Zhe and Bao Bao went to deliver food to Yan Yuyan, Bao Bao was the one who led the way for Su Zhe, so Bao Bao said this now.

"Okay." Su Zhe agreed.

Not to mention that Su Zhe was looking for Yan Yuyan today, and even if Su Zhe didn't have to give Yan Yuyan replenishing healing power today, he would not refuse as long as the baby wanted to go.

After Su Zhe agreed, the baby cheered and ran inside, shouting: "Mother-in-law, my brother is taking the baby to find his mother. Goodbye, mother-in-law."

After Aunt Wang heard the baby's voice, she walked out of the kitchen and said to Su Zhe, "Sorry to trouble you."

After that, Aunt Wang came to the baby: "Come, mother-in-law, help the baby put on shoes."

"No, mother-in-law, the baby can wear shoes by himself, the baby has to wear them by himself." The baby blinked and said.

"Okay, okay, the baby can wear it by himself." Aunt Wang said with a smile.

Although the baby was very slow to put on her shoes, she did learn to put on her own shoes and did not put them on wrongly.

After putting on the shoes, the baby showed off to Su Zhe and Aunt Wang, making them both laugh.

After Su Zhe took the baby out, Aunt Wang continued to cook in the kitchen. With Su Zhe by the baby's side, she felt relieved.

Although Su Zhe had already been to Yan Yuyan's company last time, he was still not familiar with the roads here, but with the baby here, he didn't need to use a navigator.

And even if Su Zhe knows some of the roads, he will ask the baby specifically and let the baby answer.

Because if the baby can answer, she seems very happy, so in order to make the baby happy, Su Zhe will pretend not to know the way and let the baby show the way.

The baby is indeed very smart and never once pointed the wrong way, so she seems very proud and has a sense of accomplishment.

After arriving, Su Zhe took the baby out of the car, kissed her, and said, "The baby is really smart. Fortunately, the baby is here, otherwise my brother would have been lost."

Su Zhe's words made the baby very happy and giggled.

Her innocent smile also infected the people next to her and made them laugh inadvertently. (To be continued...)


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