Urban Supreme System

Chapter 845 A foodie with unlimited potential

Of course, Su Zhe did not forget the two dragon turtles and a small Chinese tortoise in the backyard. novel

Therefore, Su Zhe also took some beef to the backyard and gave it to them.

The Chinese tortoise in the backyard has not changed much after all this time, except that it has only gotten a little bigger.

The two dragon turtles have changed a lot. Now their turtle shells are about as big as basketballs. They are many times bigger than before.

This growth is not surprising, but for dragon turtles, this growth is not huge. Compared with similar species, the growth of these two dragon turtles is much slower.

Because the largest tortoise, the Galapagos giant tortoise, cannot be compared with the adult dragon tortoise, you can imagine how big the dragon tortoise will be.

Therefore, the growth rate of dragon turtles is very fast, and they can grow into behemoths very quickly.

Therefore, after a few months, the two dragon turtles raised by Su Zhe were only the size of basketballs, which was actually very slow.

This is because Su Zhe's enhanced divine power has the effect of slowing down the growth of animals, and the dragon turtle, which absorbs the enhanced divine power every day, naturally cannot be compared with the normal dragon turtle in size.

But even so, the growth rate of these two dragon turtles is still much faster than other species of turtles, and their attack power is not far behind.

Although the dragon tortoise is huge, it is not like the Galapagos tortoise. It is said that the Galapagos tortoise moves very slowly. They move very slowly and can only move 260 meters per hour.

The dragon turtles are different. They move very fast and have no defense. The attack power is still very powerful. Their bite force is amazing.

The crocodile is one of the creatures with the strongest bite in the world. Its bite is so powerful that the largest individual can reach 4,200 pounds. It can crush the hard armor of turtles and the bones of bison in one bite.

But the bite force of the dragon turtle is even more powerful than that of the crocodile.

This is also the reason why a dragon turtle egg requires fifteen points, which is higher than the points required to exchange for a dog. A dragon turtle egg requires fifteen points. The points required to exchange for a hatchling are at least doubled. The points required to exchange for an adult dragon turtle are even more amazing.

Because the animals in the pet exchange mall are determined by how many points are needed for redemption based on their potential and strength.

Since Dragon Turtle has high redemption points,

This also shows that the growth potential of dragon turtles is very huge, so their strength cannot be underestimated.

And the two dragon turtles in the backyard. Because of the long-term absorption and strengthening of divine power, the growth potential is greater than that of ordinary dragon turtles.

So don't look at their body shape. They are smaller than ordinary dragon turtles of the same age, but their combat effectiveness is much higher.

However, apart from these two dragon turtles, there is no other dragon turtle in the world, so it is impossible for them to have a chance to compare with other dragon turtles. It is impossible to know how big the advantage is.

Su Zhe was very satisfied with these two dragon turtles, because the bigger they were, the more beautiful they looked. They were covered in gold and became more and more dazzling. And their heads are more and more similar to the legendary dragons.

Not only the fighting prowess of the two dragon turtles, but their appearance alone made Su Zhe feel that it was very worthwhile to redeem them, and it was pleasing to the eye just to look at them.

It's a pity that Su Zhe can't take out these two dragon turtles and can only keep them in the backyard.

After all, these two dragon turtles are only owned by Su Zhe and cannot be found anywhere else. Moreover, they are so similar to Bixi from ancient mythology that it will be quite troublesome to get them out.

The two jumping mice had already caused such a big sensation at that time. If Su Zhe took out the dragon turtle again, it would cause an even greater sensation.

Therefore, this is also a big regret for Su Zhe.

Su Zhe often wonders, if he keeps absorbing and strengthening the divine power of the two dragon turtles, will one day in the future, the two dragon turtles will be no worse than the mythical Bixi, or even stronger.

With the magic of strengthening divine power, this day may be possible, so Su Zhe's expectations for this are not small.

Of course, even if there is hope for this to come true, it cannot be done in a short time. It may take a long, long time. However, Su Zhe is not in a hurry and only thinks about it occasionally for fun. After all, he also knows this hope. It's very slim.

After feeding beef to the two dragon turtles and the Chinese tortoise, Su Zhe walked into the kitchen again.

Because An Xin made scrambled eggs today, there were a lot of egg shells in the kitchen, and he collected them all.

Afterwards, Su Zhe threw the egg shell in front of the two dragon turtles.

Suddenly, the two dragon turtles dropped the beef in their hands and desperately grabbed the egg shells.

As soon as they see eggshells, they will fight desperately for them. This habit has never changed. All kinds of eggshells have always been their favorite and it has never changed.

Although Su Zhe couldn't make them eat eggshells until they were full, he could still take some out every day and give them to the two dragon turtles as snacks.

After the two dragon turtles each snatched half of the egg shells, they did not eat them immediately, but began to dig a hole and bury them.

After they buried the egg shells in the soil, they crawled over to eat the beef.

Of course, you should save delicious food for last. This is also one of the habits of the two dragon turtles. They have been doing this since they were born. Perhaps this is their natural habit, and Su Zhe is accustomed to it.

Sure enough, after eating the beef, the two dragon turtles dug out the egg shells from the soil and ate them. In Su Zhe's view, this was completely unnecessary. Anyway, they would all be finished in a short time, so why bother? Bury them first. This is not a waste of time and effort. Su Zhe has never been able to understand their behavior.

However, the two dragon turtles liked to do this, so Su Zhe had no choice but to let them do it.

Although Su Zhe had just brought out a lot of egg shells, it didn't take long before the two dragon turtles had all been eliminated.

After eating, they lay down in the soil and began to bask in the sun, very leisurely.

Su Zhe turned them over because of his bad taste, intending to give them some exercise.

As a result, the two dragon turtles were so lazy that they were too lazy to move when Su Zhe turned them around. They just basked in the sun, leaving Su Zhe speechless.

However, when Su Zhe dropped an eggshell, the two dragon turtles quickly turned over at the same time after smelling the smell. They rushed in front of the eggshell at an astonishing speed and started to snatch it.

At this time, the speed of the two dragon turtles was very surprising. This was not something ordinary turtles could do.

Only food like eggshells can maximize the potential of two dragon turtles.

No wonder some people say that foodies are terrible. In order to eat, they will do anything and dare to do anything. Su Zhe finally saw it today. (To be continued...)


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