"No, no ..." I quickly reached out and wiped the tears on my face, but the tears were getting worse. Bayi Chinese Network WYW? W ?. ㈧8? 1? Z? W㈠. QC, OM, I stood up and turned away from Wen Jiubai. It took me a long time to stop the urge to cry.

This is really shameful.

To alleviate this awkward atmosphere, I quickly checked the surrounding environment.

Where I am now should be deeper in this village, and the place where I just encountered the eagle eagle should be farther than here, what's going on? Am I rescued by Wen Jiubai?

There was still pain near my chest, and I reached out and touched my blood. It looked scary, but it seemed to only hurt the flesh. I can see it from the moment I can stand up and walk intact.

By the way, what about the man-eating eagle? Where is the eagle eagle now?

I turned my head and was surprised that the huge monster was lying not far away from us, **** by a rope invisible to the naked eye, wailing weakly, and completely losing its attacking power.

"It's a miracle that you can survive." Wen Jiubai also stood up and frowned at me. "If you didn't hide behind the well, the eagle eagle didn't see you. By the time I get there, you'll probably have been It's in its belly. "

Thinking of the **** mouth and huge claws of the stunned eagle before the coma, I felt scared for a while, getting cold from the head to the soles of my feet.

But I was just in a coma just now. If Wen Jiubai didn't come to rescue me, would it be ...

Baby white, saved my life?

"I told you before, don't run around when you're not sure." Wen Jiubai frowned, looking at me with an apparently angry expression, even raising his voice slightly, "I said it just now, there are What happened to me first, wouldn't it happen that you want to be a hero alone? "

what? Inexplicably, I received a criticism of beheading and covering my face, and then anger came to my heart.

"How could I know that the eagle owl is still wandering in the village! You didn't notice it or warned me at the beginning, but now you blame me for what it means! It suddenly appeared in front of me, how could I react? Come here, I almost died! "

"That's why! There is only one life of human beings, but you don't even cherish it, you rush into danger!" Wen Jiubai, instead of calm and indifferent to the normal state, had more anger in his eyes.

I stared back unwillingly, "What beautiful words to say, anyway, to you, I'm just a useless oil tanker! Even if you really die, you won't even care!"

At that moment, I saw Wen Jiubai's eyes changed, becoming very deep and terrible. Immediately, a pain came from my back, and I was thrown against the wall by him.

Before I could calm down from this pain, Wen Jiubai approached me, trapping me all under his control.

For the first time, I saw such a Wen Jiubai.

"Gu Yu, don't go too far," Wen Jiubai whispered to my ear. "In this world, the most painful thing for me is your death. So even for me, don't say this easily. In words. You are far more important to me than you think. "

Then there was another person's heat. Wen Jiubai hugged me, and I was completely in situ.

Then he was just so angry, could it be said that ...

Because you're worried about me?

I opened my mouth but couldn't say anything, because at this moment there were no words that could express my complex mood at this time. I can only reach out and reach out, patted him tentatively.

"Well, am I okay now ..." I stammered. "I'm still agitated."

— I actually thought about it.

Regarding Wen Jiubai, such a person who is often indifferent to others, why would he care about me like this? Sometimes this level of concern has even crossed its due limits.

Our acquaintance is nothing more than accidental. I am an ordinary college student, and he is a mysterious demon master who does not know how long to cultivate in his old house. The intersection we have so far is just a fate, and I think that the fetters between us are far from being able to make him so concerned.

But even so ...

Even if I was skeptical, even if I was wary, I couldn't refuse.

I can't refuse the charming breath on Wen Jiubai, let alone the gentleness and warmth he gave me. After all, maybe I can't get similar tenderness from anywhere except him.

"Hey, what are you two doing?"

The sudden sound of Bai Baiwu came in, and Wen Jiubai seemed to suddenly wake up, letting go of his hand suddenly, and I was able to escape from the embarrassing situation.

"The water I asked you to find, did you find it?" Wen Jiubai restored his look to the normal state in an instant. I almost thought that Wen Jiubai I just saw was my illusion.

"It's found, really. It took a lot of effort to find it. There isn't even a clean well in this village." Bai complained, and handed Wen Jiubai a water bottle in his mouth.

"is this okay?"

Wen Jiubai opened the water bottle, poured a little on his hand, and nodded, "Yes, it's good. Go back and ask you to drink."

"Talk and talk!"

I saw Wen Jiubai holding the bottle of water and walked towards the dying eagle owl. The eagle eagle saw Wen Jiubai and immediately gave a low growl, struggling to stand up at the same time, but it seemed that there was no energy left.

I followed behind Wen Jiubai and slowly approached the monster.

Said it was a monster, but in my eyes ... this man-eating monster seems to be no different from ordinary animals. Hungry, curious, and afraid. I looked into the monster's eyes and started to understand the theory of Wen Jiubai's wolf eating rabbit.

But even so, it is still a human-eating monster. Wen Jiubai sprinkled the water in the water bottle on the body of the eagle, and began to sing some mantras that I did not understand.

When Wen Jiubai performed his spell, I suddenly thought of something and asked in a low voice.

"Wen Jiubai ..."


"Is this monster such as the eagle eagle only attacking the villagers?"

Wen Jiubai laughed when he heard the question. "This is not true, but the village is indeed the place where it is most often attacked."


"This ..." Wen Jiubai said looking at the eagle eagle struggling in the battlefield. "Because the eagle eagle is a very intelligent monster. It will choose when hunting for food and will select small groups to attack. The remote and scattered countryside is just right. "

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