At this moment, Feng Jianxiang's heart was caught in the battle between heaven and man. It can be said that he didn't spend a penny on the small bowl.

After he saved the life of a rich man, the rich man gave it to him in gratitude. It is said that the porcelain from the Song Dynasty is very precious. Feng Jianxiang is not a person who likes to collect antiques, but he accepted it. After all, it was the other party's one. Xinyi, but the small porcelain bowl was miserable and was put away. Later, during a moving process, his wife found the small porcelain bowl. Looking at the exquisite small porcelain bowl, it was like a beautiful woman of all ages. In general, I like it very much. His wife put the small porcelain bowl in clear water and carefully cleaned it up. After changing the water, a magical phenomenon appeared. The small bowl seemed to move in the water, and instantly grew several times. A lotus flower, the lotus flower is very delicate and beautiful, and his wife was surprised, thinking that it was a miracle, and even told him to treat him well.


At first, he was also cautious, but after playing with it a lot, he really fell in love with this small porcelain bowl, and even decided to take it to the grave after death. In order not to let other people know, he also warned his wife not to spread the word. When he went out, he was afraid that others would come and ask him for it, but the thing he was worried about still happened.

Feng Jianxiang tried his best to weigh the pros and cons, but in the end he gritted his teeth. As he said, money is something outside the body, and face is the most important thing. He will never allow his glory to be tarnished.

In addition, since the other party already knows, with the power of the other party, he can't keep it.

Might as well be happy.

Besides, even if the other party doesn't want it, as long as the other party releases the news, he can't keep it.

Chapter 366 The situation of Li Yang going to Panjiayuan

After carefully weighing the pros and cons and analyzing the situation, there seems to be an answer.

"Okay, I promise you, I hope you can do what you say." Feng Jianxiang gave Zhou Ye a deep look, "Maybe I should go back to old age." Feng Jianxiang suddenly felt a heroic twilight.

"Don't worry, I'll do what I say." Zhou Ye signed his name on the land deed and house deed. As for the small porcelain bowl, Feng Jianxiang didn't bring it over at all, so Zhou Ye would follow him to get it.

The two of them were not in the mood to eat here, so they left the box. Zhou Ye took Feng Jianxiang back to the residence and took the small porcelain bowl.

Then the other party kicked Zhou Ye out very rudely, and Zhou Ye was not angry, it was normal for others to lose their temper.

Zhou Ye looked at the small porcelain bowl carefully. The bottom of the small porcelain bowl was covered with a lotus flower, and then there were four flower-shaped lotus flowers on the wall of the bowl, which were in four directions, south, east, and northwest. The walls of the bowl were smooth and glowed with special fluorescence. , It feels smooth and smooth, without a hint of astringency, it is integrated, like a peerless beauty, independent of the world.

Zhou Ye fondly played around with it, and then called Li Yang.

During this period of time, Li Yang also had a big harvest, and he made a great reputation in the entire Jingyuan Panjiayuan.

Also made a lot of friends.

It is said that he also worshipped a very powerful old man as his master.

Become the opponent's closed disciple.

Very powerful.

In Panjiayuan, a great reputation has been created.


Li Yang himself has the ability to appraise treasures and has a good character.

In addition, as the protagonist of the novel, there is a deepening of luck.

So in Kyoto, and the surrounding area, eating is very popular.

In order to complete the "Baibaoshan Museum", Li Yang has been busy all the time.

In fact, not only Li Yang is busy, but Zhuang Rui and Chen Yang are also busy.

However, Chen Yang found the treasure of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, and the collection in the Baibaoshan Museum suddenly increased.

It put a lot of pressure on Li Yang and Zhuang Rui.

Zhou Ye did not ask Ye Guangrong to pick him up, but drove a Mercedes Benz very low-key to Panjiayuan.

Panjiayuan Flea Market is located in the imperial capital and covers a vast area.

The market is divided into six operating areas, including the stall area, the ancient building area, the classical furniture area, the modern collection area, the stone carving and stone carving area, and the catering service area.

Panjiayuan Flea Market is the most popular antique market in the country. The overall style of the market is antique, with typical Chinese characteristics, giving customers a caring and comfortable sense. The market is open 365 days a year, and the street stalls open every weekend. The number of visitors on weekends is 60,000 to 70,000, including nearly 10,000 foreign guests. The overall style of the market is antique, and tourists of different skin colors, different languages, different classes, and different beliefs blend here.

Dozens of foreign dignitaries, including former U.S. President Clinton's wife Hillary Clinton, U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Hasid, Greek Prime Minister Simitis, Romanian Prime Minister Nastase, Sri Lankan President Kumaratunga, Princess Sirindhorn of Thailand, and other dozens of foreign dignitaries have Come here for shopping.

"Climbing the Great Wall, eating roast duck, visiting the Forbidden City, and visiting Panjiayuan" has become an important item for foreign tourists to travel to China.

The market is the most complete collections market in the country. The main items of business include antique furniture, four treasures of the study, ancient books and paintings, jewelry and jade, old books and periodicals, agate jade, ceramics, Chinese and foreign coins, bamboo and wood carvings, shadow puppet masks, Buddhist tokens, national costumes, cultural revolution relics, etc. The market is a window for the display of collections, a platform for collectors to communicate, and a paradise for Tibetan friends to Taobao. The market is the largest distribution center for folk handicrafts in the country.

There are snuff bottles from Hengshui, New Year pictures from Yangliuqing, embroidery from Jinling, wood carvings from Dongyang, stone carvings from Quyang, shadow puppets from Ludong, porcelain from Ganjiang, crystal from East China Sea, purple sand from Yixing, bronze ware from Qindu and southern Yunnan. Clothing, Burmese jade, Buddhist supplies in Bianzang, Hetian jade in the frontier, lakes in Fushun, Jiaozhi pottery in Baodao, etc. At the same time, the market is also a wholesale market for jewelry and jade.

These handicrafts with different folk characteristics gather in Panjiayuan from all over the country, and from here they are sold to the whole country and the world. In order to ensure the quality of products sold in the market and identify the authenticity, improve the quality of market services, standardize the behavior of operators, and effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, the Panjiayuan Flea Market is home to Jinghua University, the first national-level appraisal institution approved and certified by the country. Identification Center Panjiayuan Branch, authoritative, scientific. There are many national registered quality inspectors and large-scale identification instruments, with strong technical strength.

In China, this place is also regarded as the holy place of Taobao. It can be said that everything here depends on the eyes, good eyesight, once rich, poor eyesight, instantly poor.

Unlucky, may be heavily in debt.

Zhou Ye's purpose is here.

Zhou Ye parked the car and walked into Panjiayuan alone 2.2. There were many shops, a street that could not be seen at a glance, hawkers set up stalls on both sides of the street, and all kinds of passers-by, forming a picture of a bustling and bustling city.

Zhou Ye walked very slowly, it could be said that he stopped and walked. Only in this way can he carefully observe the items on the stall.

Zhou Ye also knows that his eyesight is not good, but he can cheat, and he is not useless. Compared with before, Zhou Ye's knowledge of antiques can be said to be heavenly. Zhou Ye opened his own space, and then used the "treasure appraising technique". As long as the space was shrouded in it, the information of the item appeared directly in Zhou Ye's mind. He was much better than experts and professors.

Chapter 367 Buying a Powerful Eye Technique - Treasure Eye

After Zhou Ye came to Panjiayuan, Li Yang was already waiting there.

During this time, Li Yang gained a lot.

He has been accumulating things in his own villa.

Li Yang is not bad for money.

Zhou Ye gave him 100 million yuan at the beginning.

In addition to the money he earned from gambling stones, he is now worth billions.

It is said that he also founded a "Huaiguxuan" to engage in the business of antiques.


"Boss", seeing Zhou Ye's arrival, Li Yang ran up quickly and was very respectful.

"En," Zhou Ye came to Li Yang's side.

"I haven't seen each other for a while, I've matured a lot." Zhou Ye looked at Li Yang with a smile on his face.

Li Yang, Zhuang Rui, and Chen Yang can be said to be the first people he summoned, and they are loyal to him.

has been fighting for his big mission.

"The boss is even more handsome," Li Yang complimented 31 times.

"Don't be flattering, go, go shopping with me." Then, Zhou Ye took Li Yang to Panjiayuan.

"Okay," Li Yang followed Zhou Ye.

Usually, he doesn't speak, but occasionally points Zhou Ye twice.

Zhou Ye walked to a booth and took a closer look. He didn't find anything he liked, so he left as if.

This thing, even if he doesn't have much research, he can see it.

These things are imitations.

Then, Zhou Ye came to the next booth and saw an item of interest to him. This was a Ming Wanli blue and white eight-sealed round furnace, more than ten centimeters high, shaped like a cauldron, very beautiful, with simple and simple patterns carved on it.

Zhou Ye stretched out his hand to pick up the round furnace and looked at it carefully.

When the stall owner saw Zhou Ye, who was well-dressed and the clothes were even more finely made, he immediately became enthusiastic, "This gentleman, seeing that you are someone who knows the goods, you have come to see the best treasure in my place, I'll tell you. , This is the blue and white porcelain of Ming Wanli. Do you know the Yuan blue and white porcelain that went down the mountain in Guiguzi some time ago? It sold for a sky-high price of 230 million yuan. Of course, I can't compare with the Yuan blue and white porcelain, but this is also blue and white porcelain, you Looking at this shape, you can see that it is a fine product, and there is an official seal underneath..." The stall owner praised his Yuan Qinghua for a while, and blew it into the sky.

"How much money do you want?" Zhou Ye looked at the blue and white porcelain and felt that it was not bad. The paintings and decorations were elegant and elegant, and the words and patterns on the bottom of the porcelain looked more authentic.

So Zhou Ye planned to ask the price first.

Then I was discussing with Li Yang.

A rookie, an absolute rookie.

When the stall owner heard Zhou Ye's words, he was overjoyed. He had met a fat sheep, and he was still a big head.

"One million, you are too outrageous, so let's not talk about it." Zhou Ye hurriedly put the round furnace on the ground and was about to leave.

" can leave as you wish. The so-called asking price in the sky and repaying the money on the spot, you can negotiate the price." The stall owner hurriedly grabbed Zhou Ye, he regretted it, just thinking about making money, even Zhou Ye Forgot about being a rookie.

"Didn't you say don't talk if it's less than one million? I don't have one million, so I can only give up." Zhou Ye said seriously.

"Uh", the stall owner was choked hard, but he was a businessman in the end. He was very cheeky. "For the sake of being so close to my brother, I will let you two hundred thousand, eight hundred thousand, and you can take it." The master pretended to be a pain in the ass.

Zhou Ye thought to himself, crouched down, and looked at it carefully again, learning, learning, that's how you progress slowly.

After reading it, he had a certain answer in his heart, and then he consulted with Li Yang.

"How is this thing?"

Actually, Zhou Ye didn't have a clue in his heart.

"Blue and white porcelain imitations, more than 100 years ago, are of low value," Li Yang said softly.

At this time, the stall owner saw Li Yang beside him.

It just felt that the other party was a little familiar.

But I didn't remember who it was.

After listening to Li Yang's words, Zhou Ye couldn't help shaking his head and sighed. The water in this industry is very deep, and it turned out to be a fake. He also felt that he could take advantage of it. It seemed that he still had a lot to learn.

However, Zhou Ye didn't plan to rely on this **** to eat, just when he put down the blue and white eight-sealed round furnace.

Li Yang whispered a few words in Zhou Ye's ear.

Zhou Ye's eyes widened suddenly, with a look of disbelief.

Actually, Zhou Ye was very curious about Li Yang's eyes.

He was very curious about what the other side's world was like.

"System, if I want to get eyes like Li Yang, or something similar, how much will it cost?" Zhou Ye couldn't help asking.

He is really 597 very curious.

"Ding Dong, the system recommends a kind of eye pupil technique - Treasure Eye, which can clearly see the treasures in the world and identify them." The system's voice sounded.

"Oh, is it really that awesome?" Zhou Ye's eyes couldn't help but light up.

"How much?" Because the system does not allow Zhou Ye to directly purchase antiques and treasures in the system.

Therefore, Zhou Ye couldn't cheat to complete the task.

"The price of Bao Mou - 100 million US dollars".

"Not expensive," Zhou Ye nodded.

The price is really not expensive.

With Baomu, you can make a billion dollars.

But it takes a certain amount of luck and time.

"I bought it", Zhou Ye bought Baomu directly in the mall.

This is an existence with more powerful eyes than Li Yang, Zhuang Rui and the others.

Following Zhou Ye's actions, a coolness filled his eyes.

Then, one after another, purple energy rose up.

Zhou Ye only felt that the whole world had changed.

became more clear.

become more famous.

Bright rays of light slowly appeared in his eyes.

Chapter 368 The Black Pig in the Universe

Zhou Ye didn't know what the light represented at first.

But when he focused his eyes on an item, information suddenly appeared in his mind.

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