Urban: Unlimited Cashback

Chapter 227: sold out

Chapter 227

As time goes by, all employees have gradually entered the working state, but it is not difficult to see that they are still a little nervous with their tight expressions.

After all, this is the company's first battle since its establishment, and it is still in front of their big boss. If there is an accident for such a long time, it will really be faceless.

Because no one is talking, the sound of keyboard hits is what I hear.

Ye Xuan glanced at the time on the watch and asked, "How is the traffic now?"

"With the news of the sale of 3D projectors, the number of hits on our official website has increased exponentially, with a total of more than 50 million views in a short period of time, of which more than 1 million have been staying on this page." The manager pushed down the glasses and continued: "However, there is still a period of time before sales, so it has not achieved explosive growth. After twelve o'clock, it will definitely increase several times by then!"

What the other party said was correct, because it was early in time, so naturally he hadn't completely entered the state.

Ye Xuan nodded to express understanding, and did not say anything, silently waiting for the time to come.

"Boss, the No. 1 server has reached the highest value, request to transfer the No. 2 server."

"The second server has also entered a full load and state, and it will be diverted immediately to prevent customers from getting stuck."


When it was approaching twelve o'clock, the entire official website ushered in a peak period, and countless people clicked in and waited for the product to be sold.

The purchase of a household appliance with 20,000 Chinese currency coins is a bit expensive for ordinary people, but it is not a big deal for rich people. Moreover, with the popularization of this technology, TV and movies in the future are likely to be gradually lost. Its replacement is no longer the kind that is played on the screen, and it will completely enter another era.

Ye Xuan looked at the computer screen and asked, "Have you reached the click rate?"

The other party Limahui reported: "President, now the click rate has exceeded 180 million, and it is about to exceed 200 million, and the number of online users has reached 5 million. These people have a very strong desire to buy!"

"Not bad!" Ye Xuan said lightly, although it didn't meet the expectations in his mind, it was pretty good.

At this time, someone said: "President, it's twelve o'clock, and it's already selling products."

Ye Xuan asked, "Are there any abnormal phenomena now?"

Just relying on normal clicks and traffic, there will definitely not be the slightest problem, and I am afraid that someone will deliberately make trouble.

The person kept staring at the screen, and then said: "Everything is normal, and no problems were found."

When the two were talking, the person in charge of product sales immediately said: "President, all 500,000 products have been sold!"


There was a brief commotion in the entire office area. How long did it take to start selling, one minute, or thirty seconds, and all the stock they prepared was sold in such a short time.

Don't be so fast, no matter how fast, don't you know how scary people can scare people to death?

Exaggeration, it's too exaggerated! No, what an exaggeration is this, it's obviously a fact!

Although these employees all know that this item is easy to sell, they never thought that the people who bought it were so crazy. When it first opened for sale, it was sold out all at once.

It's like, foreplay is just ready to shoot, you can imagine everyone's expressions at this moment.

Lin Xue said with a smile: "Congratulations, I sold half a million products at once. This is the rhythm of big sales. I don't know if I can give some pocket money. All the sisters are now dead."

As he said, he cast a charming eye at Ye Xuan charmingly. Such a performance made his mouth dry.

Had it not been for the large number of employees here, he would have rushed forward as a werewolf.

As for what Lin Xue said there was no pocket money, Ye Xuan didn't believe it at all. A few days ago, I just transferred 100 million to each person, no matter how much I spend, I can't spend it so fast.

But after all, it is his woman, who doesn't lack this little money, and said indifferently: "That's OK, I will transfer one billion to you when I get to the office."

The expression was full of provocative expressions, making Lin Xue's face flushed slightly.

Office, um, transfer money to the office, this can be there.

Because the voice of the two of them was very low, only the two of them could hear, and the others could not hear a word, but others could still see the ambiguous expressions of the two. I didn't show any fuss about this. As employees of the entire company, they know that their vice president and president have a leg, which is already a public matter.

At this moment, the Internet directly exploded.

"What's the situation? Isn't it sold for half a million? How long has passed since it hasn't been there anymore, won't you fool us?"

"That is, I waited for a full month, but couldn't buy it. Under any circumstances, Science Fiction Group treats customers like this."

"Upstairs, you go and check the news on the official website just now. In less than 30 seconds, all those products were sold out. At your speed, it's been over a minute and you want to buy something. Wait. In the next life."

"Hahaha, I was fortunate enough to grab one just now, and I will be able to experience the feast of 3D stereo vision in a few days. Just think about it!"

"The boss upstairs, can you lend me a few days or sell it to me, can you 25,000 Huaxia coins?"

"I want to buy it for twenty-five thousand. I don't need the money. I don't want to sell it! Isn't it still possible to book now? I think you guys should just book it honestly."

"Thirty thousand, I will give out thirty thousand. As long as anyone is willing to sell me the projector, thirty thousand is yours, which is a full ten thousand higher."

Don't tell me, when someone mentioned thirty thousand, some people started to be moved.

This time, I directly earned 10,000 Chinese coins and sold them the products I robbed, and I just bought another one later.

For a time, the entire network was full of incidents about three-dimensional projectors.

And Ye Xuan looked at the staff's ambiguous expression, coughed, and then asked: "How is the effect of the reservation now?"

In addition to selling the spot, it is natural to make a reservation, as long as you pay some deposit.

"President, the reservations are extremely hot now. The number has reached 1.2 million. This number is still increasing. I am afraid that by night, it is very likely to be close to 5 million!"

Five million, this amount has allowed the two factories to start working day and night for a long time.

"President, those who did not buy the goods complained constantly, and left messages on our official website, expressing their dissatisfaction, and even some people maliciously discredited."

"Don't care about it."

Regardless of what others say, as long as the quality is well done, and Ye Xuan has no plans to expand production, unless the headquarters is built, the production will be expanded, and this aspect is not considered yet.

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