Urban Unlimited Choice System

Chapter 243 People from the Xu Clan

The sudden news undoubtedly surprised Bai Huang a little bit, this is the so-called nowhere to be found, it takes no effort to get it!

With a relatively fluctuating mood, Bai Huang slowly opened the paper.

It's just that after Bai Huang finished reading it, he immediately showed signs of black face.

What the hell, this paper is so big, the co-author only wrote a little content, and there is no main content at all, okay, only recorded my mother's name and so on.

The only relatively valuable information is that his mother probably came from a big family and escaped.

That is to say, whether it is Bai Huang's father or Bai Huang's mother, both of them have one thing in common, that is, fleeing from the clan

Bai Huang didn't know this until now, why are they all running away from the clan, thinking they are playing a game of running away from home.

Sure enough, it's not a family, so don't enter a family.

Returning the paper to Elder Sanchi, with due courtesy, Bai Huang opened his mouth to thank Elder Sanchi, after all he knew a little bit about his mother's life experience.

Hey, it's too difficult. The more I investigate, the more mysteries become more. With such a pair of parents on the table, Bai Huang is also heartbroken.

"Boy, don't be discouraged. If you have a chance in the future, you can always find out the identity of your mother. After all, there are not many people with the surname Dongfang. There are no big families with the surname Dongfang in the nearby cities." Bai Xiong said.

Indeed, as Bai Xiong said, the word Dongfang is an extremely rare surname. If his mother came from a big family, it would be relatively convenient to check.

What you should know, you will know sooner or later.

"Little Baihuang, now, we should talk about something serious." Elder Sanchi showed a serious face, changing his peaceful style just now.

"What's the matter?" Bai Huang was puzzled.

With a snort, Elder Sanchi said: "Of course it's about the marriage. Your marriage partner is the eldest lady of the Xu clan. As long as the marriage between you is successful, it will be of great benefit to the clan. "

"Oh, what are you talking about? Forget it. I came back this time to learn about my parents' life experience, not to get married. Besides, I'm not interested in getting married. You can just pick anyone else to get married." Bai Huang replied directly.

From the beginning to the end, Bai Huang never thought about marriage, so what about love, it has nothing to do with him anyway.

He didn't bother to care about who the marriage partner was, whether it was a dinosaur or a beautiful woman, it had nothing to do with Bai Huang.

After finishing what he wanted to do, it was almost time for him to go back, and he wouldn't stay for long.

At this time, Elder Sanchi looked at Bai Xiong, "Elder Tianxiong, didn't you tell this little baby the specific situation?"

"I've said it, I've said everything I need to say." Elder San Chi replied.

Immediately, Elder Sanchi looked at Baihuang again, "Little baby, the marriage is a clan arrangement, no matter how much you resist, it's useless, you should just accept the reality obediently, and you won't suffer, I hear It is said that the eldest lady of the Xu clan is a beauty, and you have taken advantage of it, let's have fun."

"Whoever loves is happy, if Elder Sanchi likes it, you can also try marriage." Bai Huang teased.

"Hey, hey, hey! Be careful, kid!" Bai Tianxiong yelled angrily, Bai Huang had no respect for his elders, and he had to be admonished.

Even though he was ridiculed wantonly by Bai Huang, Elder San Chi was not too angry. For young people, it is understandable that they don't know etiquette, and they will naturally understand in the future.

Moreover, if the young lady of the Xu clan is really a beauty, after Bai Huang sees her, she will definitely lose control of her emotions.

Now that all the conditions have been prepared, it is just a matter of arranging for Bai Huang to meet with members of the Xu clan, and waiting for the betrothal gift, the marriage will be completely completed.

No matter how unwilling Ren Baihuang was, it would be futile.

On the day when he was in Wenrou Township, Bai Huang still had to thank his clan utterly.

"I'll talk about other things later. I'll arrange a place for you first. Come with me." Elder Sanchi stood up and walked out.

It's night now, and it's impossible for Bai Huang to go down the mountain immediately. After thinking about it, he can only stay here for one night first, and slip away tomorrow.

Anyway, his father sneaked away at the beginning, so now he is applying what he has learned, is there nothing wrong with it?

Later, after leaving the Library Pavilion, several people from Baihuang passed by the wide open space outside the main hall. Elder Sanchi planned to take Baihuang to the residence on the right side, which is where the descendants of the clan lived.

"Three idiot elders!"

At this time, someone shouted not far away, and the voice was obviously made by an old man.

Looking in the direction of the source of the sound, Elder Sanchi was startled when he saw the person coming, "Elder Xu Hong, why are you here suddenly?"

The old man who is walking over step by step is an elder of the Xu clan, named Xu Hong, who has a high status in the Xu clan.

And behind Xu Hong, there are several people wearing cloaks, and their faces are covered at the same time, so no one can see their appearance.

"Boy, they are from the Xu family, your marriage partner." Bai Xiong said in a low voice.

"Why are those people in the back covering their faces and acting mysteriously?" Bai Huang asked in a low voice.

"This is the Xu family's rule, but all the entourage must cover their faces, and they don't want to let outsiders know their identities, and all of them are men." Bai Xiong explained.

After listening, Bai Huang understood the general idea, there are really all kinds of strange rules.

After a while, Xu Hong walked up to Elder San Chi and shook hands with each other.

"Huh? Elder Sanchi, who is this young man?" Xu Hong asked.

"Oh, this kid is Bai Huang, the marriage partner of your Xu clan and our Bai clan." Elder Sanchi said with a smile.

"I see. That's right. He really is a good-looking talent, with the demeanor of my youth." Xu Hong nodded, seemingly satisfied.

To this, Bai Huang didn't react at all, he could only say that the other party was really boastful enough.

"By the way, Elder Xu Hong, I don't know why you made this sudden visit. According to the agreement, shouldn't you visit tomorrow?" Elder Sanchi asked.

"I'll talk about this later, first take me to meet Patriarch Bai Ao, I have something to tell him." Xu Hong said.

"Well, okay, please follow me." Elder Sanchi immediately led the way.

Just like that, Elder Sanchi and Bai Xiong led Xu Hong to the main hall together.

After walking for a long distance, Xu Hong suddenly looked back, as if he was making some secret signal.

And the moment he saw Xu Hong's wink, one of the masked men immediately launched an offensive, throwing a fist straight at Bai Huang's head, and the wind of the fist suddenly rose!

Although the masked man's movements were fast, Bai Huang's reaction was not vegetarian, he moved sideways and directly avoided the attack.

Grasping the slightest opening, Bai Huang turned his back on the enemy, and aimed a palm at the masked man's chest, immediately knocking the masked man several meters away.

At the same time, Bai Huang looked shocked!

wrong! ! !

What happened to the feeling just now?


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