Player No. 4 looked at Player No. 3 as if he was looking at a fool, and his tone was sneering, “He was fishing, and I didn’t think that your fish was really hooked.” ”

“The number three ticket is the opinion of my player number four.” Player Four said.

Everyone nodded one after another, extremely agreeing with the statement of player four.

And Ye Mu is thinking about the third player to reverse, the fourth player to sit in the good person’s position, and how the other werewolf will get benefits…

A wolf is still a loss for a good position.

Suddenly, he thought of something, and then his eyes looked sharply at Player One, he already knew everything.

Sacrifice one wolf and two werewolves to the villagers!

1, 3, 4, three wolves.

Ye Mu chuckled, and then secretly said in his heart, “Check the identity of player number one.” “Although it has long been determined, there is no need to use the opportunity to check in vain, and this can make him more at ease.”

[Player No. 1 is a werewolf]

Sure enough, Ye Mu showed an expression of control.

【Player No. 5 speaks】

When it was Ye Mu’s turn to speak, everyone looked over, but at this time Ye Mu affirmed, “Today out of the first, night poison the third, the fourth you stab yourself, the game is over.” ”

Everyone was stunned.

The 1, 3, 4, and three players who were originally laughing and haha showed shock at the same time, looking at Ye Mu in disbelief, and their pupils dilated sharply!

Such a flawless routine was actually spied on?

They were indeed all werewolves, but Ye Mu actually revealed their identities in one mouthful?

Others also looked at Ye Mu in disbelief, seeing his young age and showing respectful faces, no one did not care about Ye Mu’s speech, such young Tianjiao backstage is naturally powerful, he can come to the silver rank with his own ability, obviously knows more than them.

Mo Qianwu also tilted his head to look at Ye Mu, seeing that he was swearing, he was extremely confident, and Mo Qianwu believed Ye Mu’s words a little in his heart.

In the past, Ye Mu was like this.

However, there was a thought in his heart, Ye Mu knew that she was there, so he would definitely act for himself, and Mo Qianwu did not fully believe him like in the last game.

“Werewolf No. 1 acted, deliberately showing flaws, making us think that he was fishing, but there is a risk of being ticketed out, if he is a god, it is not worth the loss.” Ye Mu said, “Then he can only be a hunter, so that he can take away a werewolf who has fallen into the well.” ”

“Such a strong god card is gone, and one more werewolf will fall out of a little better, but it is very likely that his villagers will lie down with guns and kill two birds with one stone.”

“And werewolves can be so stupid? If such an obvious fishing can’t be seen, it’s not a silver ranker. ”

“It just so happens that No. 3 is No. 1, nonsensical and strong, who is not out of No. 3? Out of the fourth roll call to the number three, and even with reasonable and methodical logic to come out, obviously after the number three left, 1, 4, are all good people. ”

“And I’m sure that tomorrow player No. 1 will definitely say that he is a villager card with a fraudulent identity, and he does not dare to jump his mind.”

“1, 3, 4, three wolves, no need to act, the end has long been predetermined.” Ye Mu saw through everything, “Ticket 1 poison 3, number four you sword yourself.” ”

Everyone suddenly realized.

And the three werewolf players saw the good guy showing such a state and all secretly said, “It’s over.” ”

The routine that should have been seamless was actually seen through by Ye Mu at a glance, but they had tried it again and again before, and they already regarded it as the strongest routine.

At this time, the three of them looked at Ye Mu’s gaze and couldn’t help but be a little frightened, this Tianjiao, so young… The hearts of the three were full of fear, and Ye Mu obviously did not deceive their identities, but really saw through everything.

Looking at the other people who were obviously moved, the three worried.

“What to do? Still struggling? ”

“If there is no priesthood on the fifth number, we can completely bite back.”


The three of them were secretly anxious in their hearts.

At this time, Ye Mu continued to speak, “No. 5 is the white god here, just go out directly.” Ye Mu spoke, “Maybe you think that No. 1 may be a good person, then that’s okay, werewolves won’t be obedient.” ”

“According to his logic of number four, today is also the bureau of number three.”

“Then go number three.” Ye Mu said, “Anyway, it’s just a waste of time, tomorrow 1, 4, will be brainwashed, everyone is ready, it doesn’t matter if the witch saves me or not.” ”

Ye Mu’s leisurely and indifferent appearance made everyone impressed in their hearts.

Everyone knew that this young man had really seen through everything, and recalled the logic of Ye Mu’s words, plus the three people of 1, 3, 4, and unnatural, everyone already had a decision in their hearts.

Everyone’s gaze on Ye Mu completely changed, and at this time, Mo Qianwu also believed Ye Mu more, while worshiping, “Even if Big Brother Night is a werewolf, this game is his normal level.” ”

“If it is placed in the outside world, such statements can be completely popular in the circle, and three wolf pits were pointed out on the first day, which is worthy of being the big brother of night.” Mo Qianwu was full of admiration in his heart, but he did not completely give up his guard, “Although it seems that Brother Nightfall is a completely good person, you must not be fooled by superficial phenomena.” ”

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