“Player number three, here is the hunter!” Ye Mu scolded angrily, “Vote out the No. 2 player, the No. 2 wants to get out of me like this, the possibility of fraudulent identity has been ruled out, whoever intimidates me, who I take away!” ”

“Number three, the only hunter in the field!”

Hearing Ye Mu’s harsh words, everyone was stunned, Ye Mu is a hunter?

Everyone began to consider the information of whether Ye Mu was a hunter or not, and they were completely in thought for a while.

Ye Mu always observed the people on the field, and although he wore a mask, he could still see something according to his movements.

“I don’t want to explain more, the hunter is still not good at proof? Let’s see if anyone jumps? It’s so cumbersome, I don’t know what you’re doing. Ye Mu snorted lightly, “It’s over, and today I directly came out as the number two player.” ”

When Ye Mu said this, the No. 2 player was a little panicked in his heart.

Is this number three really a hunter? So why did he show panic before?

【Player No. 4 speaks】

Mo Qianwu glanced deeply at Ye Mu, and his pretty face sometimes showed surprise, and sometimes showed a look of suspicion, “What is the identity of Big Brother Night?” Mo Qianwu secretly said in his heart, “If he is really a hunter, there is no need to do this before, right?” In the past, Big Brother Night would never show such flaws. ”

It’s your turn to speak.

Mo Qianwu threw away all the thoughts in his heart.

“Since player number three jumped the hunter, it is much better to line up, if he is a real hunter, this game is out of player number two, if he is not a hunter, player number three is out of this round, and the identity of player number two can also be determined.” Mo Wu said lightly, “As for verifying whether player number three is a hunter, of course, it is the real hunter who jumped out.” ”

“The best way to deal with it at the moment is this, so let’s speak.”

Mo Qianwu said the current situation most succinctly, and then directly chose Guomai.

While looking at Ye Mu curiously, I didn’t know what I was thinking, but the small and delicate little mouth behind the mask was pouting, and if her cute appearance was seen by others, she seemed to be able to cute others, but in reality, she had never shown such an expression to outsiders.

【Player No. 5 speaks】

“Girl number four, do you really not understand or fake do not understand?” Player Number Five retorted, “This Player Number Three is obviously a werewolf, why do you want our hunter to jump out?” If No. 3 is a hunter, then what did you panic about when No. 2 killed you? ”

“I’m sure everyone saw it, right?” Player No. 5 explained, “Player No. 2 sent a kill, and player No. 3 was flustered, is this a hunter’s reaction to receiving a jumping wolf killing?” ”

“It’s clear that this is a sign of weakness, maybe we can all control our emotions and behavior, but player number three looks young, how can he control it?”

“It is only natural to show such a posture without the world.”

“If Player Number Three is a hunter, then you shoot and take Prophet Number Two, and if you are not, don’t you also go away?” Player No. 5 said, “So we real hunters don’t need to jump out, otherwise he will be knifed at night, who will be taken away?” Is it a disaster to bring a mistake? ”

Player No. 5 explained Dao, while looking at Ye Mu, as if he was putting pressure on Ye Mu.

Sure enough, when his words fell, Ye Mu looked a little stiff, as if his joints were tight, and he actually sat straight with his waist upright.

When everyone saw Ye Mu behaving like this, they all said in their hearts.

“Young man, learn for a while and come again, werewolves are not so simple to play.” Player No. 5 said, while looking at everyone with conviction, “I believe everyone understands, right?” ”

“All votes out of number three, if he can shoot, there will be a ghost.”

When player number five’s words fell, Ye Mu had already given him the death penalty, “This player number five is a werewolf, and this number two is also a werewolf. Ye Mu looked at Mo Qianwu while looking, “Girl, you understand me, will you use this routine to bury yourself?” ”

Ye Mu actually already knew where the three wolves were.



“Ding, the identity of player number six is a villager.” Ye Mu’s villager verification ability is triggered, and the identity of this No. 6 player is a villager.


“Check the identity of number four.” Although Ye Mu determined in his heart that Mo Qianwu was a werewolf, he still decided to check it out, maybe he had wronged this girl.

[Player No. 4’s identity is a werewolf]

Closing his eyes helplessly, Ye Mu knew that the game was over, this number four was a werewolf, and the true prophet was still on the field, and the matter had come to this point, both the hunter and the true prophet saw their intentions, so they would not come out.

At that time, it only takes the true prophet to check, then the werewolf will definitely be able to come out.

This game is over, Ye Mu looked down at the quiet and quiet girl sitting on the side, calm and well-behaved, “It’s a pity that this time we are not teammates.” ”

[Player Six speaks]

“Player No. 5 is right, it is true that the hunter does not need to come out at this time, if player number three is a hunter, then please take player number two.” Player Six Road.

“I’m not targeting anyone, I’m just stating a fact.” Player Number Six said, “Player Number Six is the identity of a good person here, I am not siding with player number five, but in my eyes, the possibility of player number five being a good person is higher now, and even player number four is a good person.” ”

“Your number three is originally the biggest problem card in the game, if I don’t follow the stream, I may be suspected myself.” Player No. 6 said, “Is it a hunter, the ticket will be seen when it goes out.” ”

“Let’s go.”

[Player No. 7 speaks]

“Here I want to solemnly announce.” Player No. 7 circled the audience, “Are you 5, 6, in a hurry to get out of No. 3?” Yes, if the third is a hunter, he takes the number two, then the hunter is gone, right? ”

“Why should we let a hunter with such a strong deterrent go?”

“Number seven, here is the prophet.” Player No. 7 said, “Last night it was the twelfth that was checked, and the twelfth was my golden water, and I jumped out just to get out of this No. 2 player!” ”

“Unanimous ticket out with me number two, there is no suspense.” Player No. 7 snorted coldly, “They have already jumped to the point where there is no way back, who are you out of?” ”

“In my eyes, No. 3 has already secured the identity of a true hunter!”

Everyone was stunned, why did they jump out at this time to ask for a prophet, and still a prophet wanted to fish for number three?

Everyone secretly thought in their hearts.

“You don’t have to turn your brains either.” Player Number seven snorted coldly, “Player Number Two, I don’t know your mind? One by one, you welcome werewolves to jump, don’t you know that someone will come to jump? After sending a kill, I will definitely jump out, a retreat that has already been designed. ”

“That’s enough to tell he’s a werewolf.”

“Believe it or not, I don’t want to explain more, tens of thousands of silver games, tired.” Player No. 7 sighed, “I don’t know when I will be able to Silver IV, this game is really difficult to play, it’s better to go out and kill all sides like a cultivator.” ”

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