“Let’s vote for the number two player.” Player No. 12 said, “I’ll see his speech tomorrow on this No. 7, or if you don’t wait until tomorrow, No. 7 will die today, what do you think?” ”

Player Number Twelve looked at Player Number seven meaningfully.

Player No. 7 naturally had his own thoughts in his heart, and did not care about the gaze of Player No. 12.

【Please select the player you want to vote for】

Players 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and No. 2 voted for Player No. 2.

That is, the number two player himself voted for himself, and it turned out that the number two player was voted out unanimously, and everyone showed a puzzled look when they saw this ticket type, but they soon showed their faces.

[Player No. 2 was voted out, please leave a last word.] 】

“Hmph! You guys! Player Number Two was angry and snorted coldly, “Out of my Player Number Two? Out of me out of Avira killed the number two player? Yes, you want to get out of me, and I will get out of me! ”

“Everyone rejoices! Let’s all follow Number Seven, yes, yes, Player Number 7 is the true prophet, follow him, I see what you can play in the end! Player No. 2’s chest heaved one after another, obviously angry in his heart, and looked at everyone angrily, “This game will be handed over to you, see what kind of world you can create!” ”

Player No. 2 waved his hand angrily, and directly turned into a rainbow light and disappeared.

Seeing the number two player leave everyone’s different thoughts, many players even feel that it is a mistake to show the number two player.

But at this point, they could only make a mistake, and they all looked at Ye Mu and Player Seven unkindly.

【Please close your eyes when it is dark.】 】

[Werewolf please open your eyes, who are the players you are going to attack?] 】

The two werewolf players opened their eyes.

“What are we going to do?” The wolf teammate asked like a light figure on the side, “I didn’t expect that such a good routine would be broken, is this number three really a hunter?” Do we knife number seven today? ”

“No thanks, we’ve already lost.” The beautiful figure said softly, “No. 3 has seen through everything, the routine you call is the big brother of the night, he circulated, I didn’t tell you before because it was inappropriate.” ”

Hearing Qingli’s words, the wolf teammate was obviously stunned.

“This… No way? The middle-aged man was stunned, “Then you didn’t say yesterday…”

“Did you believe it yesterday? Can such a powerful routine come from the hands of a young man? A cold voice came, and although there was no reproach, the wolf teammate felt the disdain in his tone. The wolf teammate continued, “Then why didn’t you sword player number three yesterday?” Since you know him, why don’t you stab him? We’re werewolves. ”

The wolf teammate’s tone was respectful, and he looked at the motionless figure and couldn’t help rolling his Adam’s apple, and swallowed a mouthful of spit.

“In case he is a witch or a hunter who knows that he has been stabbed, it is most likely not me, and it will be exposed at that time.” Qingli figure’s voice said coldly.

The wolf teammate nodded, not doubting this, but only she knew the reason why she didn’t take the lead to Ye Mu.

“So what do we do today? Did he really see it? The wolf teammate wondered, “Since he saw through our identity, he directly stabbed him today, didn’t he?” ”

“No thanks, it’s late.” Qingli figure said.

“If the knife is on number three today, the witch will definitely save him.” A cold voice came, “He is not a hunter, that flaw is only for you to see, but I have no way to tell you directly, you are fooled.” ”

“The hunter and the witch also understood the identity of Number Three, and even the prophet was present, whether this Number Seven was a prophet…” Qingli figure was a little hesitant, “We can only sword the prophet, so that the witch may not be saved.” ”

“But if Player Seven is not a prophet, then everything is empty.”

“Dilemma, this game has been lost.” Qingli’s figure was a little helpless, “Big brother Night is too powerful.” ”

The wolf teammates were a little disbelieving, and looking at the beautiful woman who seemed to have given up, she silently put the knife on the edge…

[Prophet, please open your eyes, who are you going to check your identity?] 】

[Witch, please open your eyes, do you want to save?] Are you going to use poison? 】

[It’s dawn, player No. 7 died last night]

Seeing the dead players, everyone’s expressions froze.

Last night, the seventh prophet died, and the witch was not saved, it seems that the witch did not believe that player number seven was a prophet, and everyone thought so in their hearts.

The first to speak was the third player, and everyone set their eyes on Ye Mu.

[Player No. 3 speaks]

“Let’s vote out this No. 5 player today.” Ye Mu nodded, “This No. 5 player is a werewolf, as for his wolf teammate…” Ye Mu paused, “Guess for yourselves, No. 3 is the identity of a villager here.” ”

Hearing Ye Mu’s speech, everyone was stunned.

“No. 7 has reversed the card, a villager who blocks the knife, it can be said that the good guy is very high-fied, I believe that the identity of my No. 3 player No. 12 player has been determined, isn’t it?” Ye Mu chuckled, “Player Twelfth is a prophet. ”

“Hunter Nine, Witch Number, isn’t it?” Ye Mu chuckled, “The villagers who block the knife No. 7, 8 and 9, are all good people who want to prove their identity, and No. 11 also uses his speech to block the knife for the hunter, then…”

“I don’t need to say more, this number five came out of me directly yesterday when I showed my flaws, of course, it was a werewolf.” After saying that, Ye Mu stopped speaking, and Mo Qianwu, who was sitting next to Ye Mu, looked up at Ye Mu with emotion, “Big brother at night…”

The pretty face behind the mask couldn’t help but show grievances, and even a small mouth pouted, Shui Lingling’s eyes stared at Ye Mu shining, and Chu Chu’s moving appearance made people’s hearts melt.

At this time, others were directly dumbfounded.

Especially the players who were ordered by Ye Mu couldn’t help but be shocked in their hearts.

Ye Mu turned out… That’s all right!

They never thought that their identity was completely understood by an outsider, and they looked at Ye Mu in silence, but at this time, they were calm and calm, and they looked directly at everyone at this time.

On the first day… He was obviously sent to the killing by player two and recorded a lot of flaws, but at this time, he seemed calm, humble and elegant.

Everyone even if they were fools understood that Ye Mu was purely acting before.

The MVP of this game was actually won by a villager player, and everyone was a little ashamed in their hearts, in the general game, the MVP is either a priest or a werewolf, and the villagers have very few chances to get the MVP.

Especially the No. 5 werewolf player’s heart was even more shocked, looking at Mo Qianwu, who was obviously close to Ye Mu, he was completely dumbfounded.

Just last night, they were still worrying about where the prophets were and where the hunters were, but now Ye Mu actually broke the positions of the three priesthoods with a single word! Not a single one is bad!

Although it is still impossible to determine whether it is true or false, looking at Ye Mu’s sworn appearance, player No. 5 couldn’t help but believe it in his heart.

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