Even such a large family, and as the maids of the family lady, they have never touched such a precious spirit stone, and they are all like this among the lower people, let alone other lower people.

“You wait for the meritorious service, this Zhongpin spirit stone is rewarded by the family master to wait for you, and you don’t thank the family master?” The young man looked at the second daughter with high spirits.

The second daughter nodded respectfully, and while gratefully kneeling down towards the majestic middle-aged man above the hall, she said ‘thank you’.

“Okay, you can go down when you receive the reward, and take care of Xiao Wu in the future.” The middle-aged man waved his hand, his mind moving as if he had discovered something.

As a powerhouse in the Creation Realm, middle-aged naturally possesses strong perception.

The two girls kneeling below were grateful to Dade and finally took two spirit stones and left.


“Daddy, I’ll ask you something.” A crisp voice came from afar, no one arrived, but the clear voice like an oriole made everyone’s eyes brighten.

In a flash, a figure as beautiful as water appeared in the hall.

The girl did not regard herself as an outsider at all, and bowed to the elders of the clan in the hall one by one, and then stepped forward.

There were more than ten people in the hall, all of them looking at the girl with a kind face at this time, but only they knew what they thought in their hearts.

“Dad, do you know a young man named Ye Mu? Very young, as young as Xiao Wu. Mo Qianwu asked the majestic middle-aged man above, not affected by the momentum of the middle-aged man in the slightest.

“Oh?” The middle-aged pretended to be surprised and wondered, “Ye Mu? Isn’t my baby daughter having a sweetheart? ”

Hearing this, the girl was flawless, and a blush appeared on her fairy little face, but she quickly suppressed it, but where could this obvious change escape the eyes of middle age?

The middle-aged heart moved.

“Ye Mu? There are not many young people who can make my daughter look at it, not to mention that this girl seems to have a soft spot for this person. “The middle-aged man was quiet on the surface, but he pondered in his heart.” Ye Mu, I haven’t heard of it, I have to inquire. ”

“No, Daddy is there any?” The girl showed a coquettish look while shaking the middle-aged arm that was the thickness of her thigh. “Ye Mu, it’s Ye Mu.”

The others in the hall were also amazed at this time.

Unexpectedly, the young master-level woman of her own family was so attentive to a person who was obviously male, and everyone thought about it in their hearts.

How many people want to tie the knot between their juniors and the girl in front of them, but in the end they end up disappointed, they will not know the high vision of the girl, and some routine girls can see it at a glance.

“Ye Mu, this person has to check it out.”

“Asia has never heard of such a No. 1 Tianjiao, is it not a Tianjiao? This won’t be, who doesn’t know the vision of this girl. ”

“Ye Mu… I really haven’t heard of such a Tianjiao, and there are not many of them even in the Ye family in Asia. ”

“Ye Mu, it seems that where have you heard this name…”

A middle-aged man looked moved, and suddenly spoke: “What my niece said Ye Mu is only eighteen or nine years old, with extraordinary strength, and he is a genius of Silver V?” ”

Hearing the middle-aged suddenly, everyone else who was thinking about it looked over, and the beautiful girl on the stage also brightened her beautiful eyes: “It’s him!” Nineteen years old, silver IV, the strength may be even stronger, definitely not the Transcendent Realm Duo Heaven! ”

“Uncle Chen, where is he?” The girl asked excitedly. “What’s the story?”

For a while, the middle-aged was stared at by everyone, and he didn’t care much about the girl in front of him, but he could obviously feel the meaning in the eyes of others, and this kind of Tianjiao should be on the Asian list, how could they never have heard of it?

“Ahem, this son is called Ye Mu, born at the grassroots, and his experience is extremely legendary.” The middle-aged man coughed dryly and said slowly: “I was originally an ordinary person, but I became a silver rank in a short period of time, and I am an extraordinary existence. ”

“Before and after, but… But a little more than a month… ”

Everyone was stunned.

Mo Qianwu was stunned.

Everyone looked at the middle-aged man in disbelief, and the look in their eyes was clearly saying, ‘You TM is teasing me!’ ’

It was Mo Qianwu who had been in contact with Ye Mu for so long, and at this time, his mouth was wide open, his eyes were round, his face was shocked, and his surprised look was very cute, and it seemed that an egg could be placed in the open delicate red lips.

“Old Chen, don’t joke, get to the point.”

“To be honest, this kind of person does not exist at all, even Jiuxiao does not exist, even the reincarnation of the demon race is impossible.”

“It’s impossible, it seems that the man you are talking about has made the exterior perfect.”

Everyone said so.

That old Chen was also a little helpless, so he waved his hand and said: “At present, this person is in the Huaxia National Duan Rank Academy, indeed his surface information is these, I also think it is impossible, no one believes that even the fastest genius on the earth to become a Duan rank has taken a full five months and half a year.” ”

“How could he go from an ordinary person to a silver rank in a month.”

Others agree.

“So…” everyone looked over suspiciously.

“This person’s background is very grand, and his “Werewolf Killing” ID card is indeed called Ye Mu, so he must be a relative of a strong man or a big sect, and he can only be a person from Jiuxiao.”

Middle-aged road.

Everyone’s expressions froze.


This has always been a place that has been circulating among the upper echelons of the Terran race, where it is a holy place for cultivation, and it is not an exaggeration to call it the inner circle of human beings, and above it is an ordinary person who is superior.

This place is equivalent to the technological gap between the capital and the deep mountains and old forests.

Not the same.

Over the years, only the powerhouses of the Creation Realm can know the existence of this place ‘Above Nine Sky’, and as for ordinary people, this place has long become a legend, unless some high-ranking people in the big family also know about this place.

“No, there is no powerful family of the Ye family on the Jiuxiao side, and the only clan or even the family force is not even as good as me.” The middle-aged man on the stage shook his head. “You go on, I want to hear the story of this young man.”

Midage has clearly come interest.

And everyone else glanced at Mo Qianwu from time to time.

“When did this girl hook up with Jiuxiao and other Tianjiao?”

“It’s really strange, how can such characters come to the mainland without anything.”

“It seems that the matter of family marriage has to be thought about more, this little girl has found some golden turtle son-in-law.”

“In any case, such figures must not be offended, and the forces behind them are not necessarily smaller than my Mo family.”

People have different minds.

And at this time, the Ye Mu in the mouth of the clan elder ‘Uncle Chen’ that Mo Qianwu was 100% sure was the Ye Mu he knew, and how many eighteen or nine years old in the whole world were silver rankers?

These existences are all listed existences, which one is not drawn by the four forces.

The middle age kept describing some of the deeds he knew.

The expressions of everyone in the hall changed continuously, which was extremely exciting…

PS: Thank you for your subscription support, I wish you all the best, good luck every year, and a lot of money.

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