Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the system prompt the good guys to win.

It’s really hard for the good guys to win this game, and if it weren’t for this number six, this game might have been up in the air.

“This number six is really a god.” Number Eleven said in the lobby.

“Yes, I didn’t expect this kind of game to be won by him.” Number Four echoed.

“Today is really lucky, I didn’t expect to meet this kind of god, I don’t know if he will be interested in my figure.” Number Two scratched his head and said with a scowl of his head.

“You? You forget it, this number six looks quite young, at this age is a silver rank person, the strength must be very strong, there are not many beautiful women around, will you still fancy an aunt like you? Eleven taunted.

“you, it doesn’t have to be that his taste is a little heavy.” Number Two said with twinkling eyes.

“The MVP of this round is the number six player, the reward is doubled, and the rest of the good guy players record a promotion victory. Werewolf players record a failed promotion match. ”

Everyone teleported to the lobby.

“Damn, I almost made the cut!” Number Three said with chagrin.

“It’s really uncomfortable, I already lost a handful today, I hope I won’t run into a monster like No. 6 in the next one.”

“Yes, pray well.”

Werewolf players are still there chagrining for failure.


Ye Mu did not stop in that hall more, his promotion match has already won a round, if you want to advance, you have to win, after advancing to Silver IV, your strength can be improved again, maybe this time you can directly upgrade to the Nirvana realm, becoming the kind of realm that everyone on the earth cannot reach.

“Keep up the qualifiers.” Ye Mu said to the system.

“Start the promotion round.” The system’s icy words replied to Ye Mu.


“Match the player, ready to enter the game.”


With a white light, Ye Mu came to a hall.

Eleven people sat around.

Everyone is looking at the people around them with scrutinizing eyes, as if everyone is their own enemy.

“Shirakami Mode, begin.”

This one’s luck is not so good, he actually matched to the White God Mode, and he thought that he could match two in a row to the Guard Mode, and then complete his kaleidoscope chakra eye task.

Forget it, although it is not a guard mode, but the white god mode is also familiar to itself, presumably this one will end as soon as possible.

Ye Mu’s location is number one.

The location is still good.

[Please confirm the player’s identity.] 】


This identity is fun.

[Close your eyes when it gets dark.] 】

【Please open your eyes at dawn.】 】


[Game over, werewolf wins.] 】

This game passed quickly, Ye Mu successfully pushed the true prophet out by communicating with the werewolf at night, jumping the prophet himself during the day, and through his powerful logic and speech.

Then three gods were selected in each player’s speech, so after Ye Mu communicated with the wolves, he successfully eliminated all the gods.

Don’t think, the MVP of this game is also Ye Mu’s.

Ye Mu now has a thorough understanding of the White God Bureau’s playing style, and his technique is also very accurate.

There was no pressure in this qualifying round.

“Congratulations, you have won two more victories in the qualifying round and successfully qualified.”

Haha, these are all expected by Ye Mu.

“This is your reward, please check.”


A tone came from inside the mailbox.

“Strength promotion qualification certificate?” Ye Mu was a little curious, what is this thing? I didn’t have this thing when I was promoted?

“This is the reward given by the werewolf killing system through your strength.” Ye Mu’s voice sounded in his head.

This system is really a roundworm in my heart, and I want to ask what it knows.

“Is this thing any use?” Ye Mu questioned.

“This is an item that must be used to advance to the Nirvana Realm.” The system answered Ye Mu’s questions.

“What must be used to promote the Nirvana Realm to the Creation Realm? So why didn’t I have this thing when I was promoted before? Ye Mu was a little puzzled, his cultivation has been advancing all the way, from an ordinary person, to the current Silver IV., the Fifth Heaven of the Creation Realm, he has never had any strength to advance to the qualification book?

“On this planet, the Nirvana Realm is a node, and many people’s strength will be stuck in the Creation Realm Five Heavens without progress, but if you break through the Creation Realm and reach the Nirvana Realm, then the planet’s restrictions cannot limit you.”

“And what are the limits of the planet?”

“The spiritual power of each planet has a saturation point, and this saturation point is within the five heavens of the Creation Realm, which represents the purity of the spiritual power of this planet. And in the universe, there is a purer spiritual power than every planet. ”

“When your strength reaches the saturation point of this planet, the spiritual power you absorb can no longer nourish your body and bring about an increase in strength, so you can no longer grow.”

“However, if you absorb the pure spiritual power in the universe, then you can get an improvement. And this strength promotion qualification book. It is something that werewolves can only get by killing players, and only this thing can open the origin of your body, absorb the pure spiritual power from the universe, and then break through yourself. ”

“Is it so amazing?” Ye Mu was secretly taken aback in his heart, it turns out that there are still such rules in this universe?

No wonder there is no more advanced existence on this planet than the Fifth Heaven of the Creation Realm.

Suddenly, Ye Mu thought of a question, didn’t it mean that this werewolf killing system would give away the qualification certificate for strength promotion? Then as long as the promotion match is won, won’t that person be able to improve his strength and reach the Nirvana realm?

“However, not every strength promotion qualification book can be 100% successful, and each book has only a success rate of one to three percent, which can expose you to the spiritual power of the universe.”

The system’s words successfully answered the questions in Ye Mu’s heart.

It seems that it doesn’t matter if he asks questions or not, this system seems to have insight into what Ye Mu is thinking, and answers all of Ye Mu’s questions.

So everything is reasonable, it turns out that this book has a success rate, and the success rate is so low, no wonder there are only a few strong people in the Nirvana Realm, he only sees two now, that is, the two old guys who came down from Jiuxiao.

“However, the success rate of every book is so low, and you have to win the promotion tournament every time to get it, so how long will it take to advance to the Nirvana Realm?”

“This strength promotion qualification book can be traded, and it can be traded with each other through information exchange, but every book is valuable on the black market, and with the current market, each book costs at least three billion points.”

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