The group of three came to a pile of stalls, where the shopkeepers were sitting on the floor, and the front was covered with strangely shaped stones.

In front of each stall, there are signs shouting at guests.

Some of the shopkeepers are sitting lazily, while others are shouting to greet customers.

Second Sister Yang took Ye Mu and they walked in front of the stall for a while, and did not speak along the way, as if these people were not shopkeepers.

“Second Sister Yang, isn’t this the place to gamble stones? Why not introduce the introduction? Mo Qianwu had some doubts in his heart.

“These people are some charlatans, they may not be able to open a good thing if they sell a hundred stones, I am kind, I want to take you to a more honest store, so that you can not be deceived.” Second Sister Yang explained.

There are really many people here who are liars.

In order to attract customers, some shops specially cut a small hole in a waste stone, then apply a small mouth with dye, and then inject some spiritual power to pretend to be a gemstone.

Some people who don’t understand the mystery will mostly be pitted once or twice, if they are discovered by guests, they can’t do anything to them, this is the Wanbao Pavilion, even if there is anger, you can’t send it here, but here it is forbidden to fight.

So some guests swallow their anger, anyway, this money is not much for some big guys.

Ye Mu looked around with his chakra eyes and found that as Second Sister Yang said, nine out of ten stones here are waste stones, and even if they can be seen, the quality is very low, and it is not worth the price of opening stones at all.

So Ye Mu continued to follow Second Sister Yang.

Soon, Second Sister Yang stopped in front of a stall, which was very shabby, did not have the same slogans as some previous shops, and the shopkeeper did not even move when he saw the guests coming, but still lazily lay on his recliner.

“Poe Monkey! There are guests, but I don’t receive them yet! Second Sister Yang roared excitedly.

“What are you arguing about, don’t disturb my rest, a stone fifty dragon coins, buy it if you fancy, buy it and leave it.” This Po Monkey Yin Yang Weird said angrily, but in the end he still didn’t look at Ye Mu and them.

Ye Mu and Mo Qianwu were both stunned by this monkey, what is the origin of this shopkeeper, so awesome, even the business is like this.

“Why are you like this!” Second Sister Yang stomped her foot angrily, but she didn’t say what happened to the poo monkey, but turned around and said to Ye Mu: “This guy is such a person, I also know a little about gambling stones, I can also help you pick it.” ”

“Oh? Then there is work. Ye Mu said with a smile.

Second Sister Yang picked and picked on the Po Monkey’s stall, picking up a stone to look left and right for a while, and then picking up another stone and knocking it.

Mo Qianwu also became interested in looking at Second Sister Yang’s appearance, and also picked up a stone on the Po Monkey’s stall to examine it carefully.

“Brother Night, what do you think of this stone? I think there will be a surprise when this stone blooms! Second Sister Yang was holding a gray-white stone in her hand, and the tip of this stone had been cut off, revealing a green stone tire that exuded a rich spiritual power.

At this glance, I knew that this stone was not an ordinary thing, and Second Sister Yang was complacent in her heart, she chose it by thousands of choices.

“Well, this stone won’t work.” Ye Mu glanced at it with his chakra eyes.

Ye Mu could see at once that although this stone had opened a particularly attractive opening, it still could not hide the embarrassment that the other parts of it were actually just stones.

The stone that Second Sister Yang took was actually a stone with only a little aura, but it was not a rare stone.

Second Sister Yang’s face was a little hung up, this surnamed Ye is too unscrupulous, she is kind enough to choose him, but she doesn’t appreciate it?

“I think this stone is very good.” Mo Qianwu also felt that the stone in Second Sister Yang’s hand was quite good.

Ye Mu had to look at the stones on the Po Monkey stall one by one, and found that there were not a few of them that were particularly rich in spiritual power, only one stone was particularly strange, when he looked at it with his writing wheel eyes, the heart of this stone was golden, but there was no feeling of spiritual power at all.

But looking at the golden light, he knew that this thing must not be simple.

Ye Mu ignored the words of the two women, because he knew that his own explanation could not be explained, and this thing could only be known if it was opened, so he was not willing to use fifty dragon coins to buy this waste stone.

“Little brother, I think this stone is really good, or you will buy it.”

There were more and more guests around, and they all saw Second Sister Yang picking stones here.

“What Second Sister Yang personally selected must be a good thing, little brother, you can try it.”

“It’s a man who bought it, I take my family guarantee, this stone must be a good thing.” Some people began to brag in order to please Second Sister Yang.

Hehe, you people are just watching the excitement, it’s me gambling stones, not you gambling stones.

I won’t buy it, you can do it.

“No, I don’t think so.” Ye Mu refused again.

“You kid really doesn’t recognize goods, so what do you think of it?” A man who looked particularly elegant suddenly ran out.

“Liu Gongzi? Why are you here too? Second Sister Yang was a little surprised to see this man, this Liu Gongzi is the eldest young master of the Liu family, the richest man in the United States, and his family is rich.

Liu Gongzi admired Second Sister Yang very much, so he had just followed Second Sister Yang’s footsteps here, observing their group nearby.

“Sister Yang, I’m just here to stroll around and see you by the way.” Liu Gongzi looked at Second Sister Yang with a flattering expression.

“Boy, don’t give a face, can’t you afford it? If you can’t afford me to buy it, I’ll see how good your vision is!” Liu Gongzi looked at Ye Mu with disdain, he really looked down on Ye Mu.

“You say I can’t afford it? Joke, this is a waste rock, what did I buy it for? Also, why should I tell you that I fancy that stone. Ye Mu did not hesitate and replied directly.

“You! How about we take a bet? Liu Gongzi was a little angry when Ye Mu choked.

“Bet on what?” Ye Mu is a little interested, this Liu Gongzi came to send me money in order to please Second Sister Yang, can he not be happy?

“Okay, we’ll bet on whether this stone is a waste stone or not!”

“No, it’s unconscious to gamble like this, or else, I’ll pick a stone at random, you choose Second Sister Yang’s stone, let’s open it together, see who has high quality, who wins?”

Hey? Is this kid fraudulent?

Probably not, he also took a closer look at the stones on the Po Monkey stall in front, in fact, this one has the most chance of opening rare items, and the others are not.

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