USSR 1941

Chapter 253 Tiger Den

In the command compartment of the armored train, German signal soldiers are communicating with their superiors.

"22, report location, report location!"

"We're on our way to the train station!" replied the signalman.

"What happened, why did you stop communicating just now!"

"During the fierce battle just now!" The signalman replied: "The artillery shell hit us, and the equipment malfunctioned!"

"Is the situation okay?"

"Yes, we broke through the enemy's siege, but the enemy crossed the Volga bridge!"



Of course, what the German command on the other side didn't know was that the communications soldier on the armored train said these words when his head was pointed at a gun.

As a result, the armored train drove into the German defense line very smoothly, and the German soldiers even removed the roadblocks on the railway line for the armored train.

The south bank of the Volga River is the center of Tver, where there are dense and tall houses. A battalion of the German army used the railway station as the supply center to build a second line of defense here.

After the armored train drove into the line of defense, what you saw on both sides were tanks transferred to the line of defense, anti-tank guns, and teams of German soldiers for reinforcements... Tver is a supply base for the German army , Many equipment and supplies brought from the west are stored here. For this local area of ​​Tver, the German army has no shortage of equipment, and even two battalions were temporarily reinforced from the rear.

These German troops intend to fight street battles with the Soviets in the city center.

The Germans still had a chance of victory.

This is mainly because the German army only needs to hold out until dawn or close to is considered a failure when the Soviet army has no time to withdraw its own defense line and hide when it is close to dawn, because the 4th Tank Brigade will be completely exposed to the bombing of the enemy's air power under.

And if the fourth tank brigade is destroyed, Moscow will almost be unable to hold it.

Therefore, Rokossovsky has another order: Regardless of whether the 32nd Army can be rescued in the end, the Fourth Tank Brigade must be withdrawn in due time.


Time is on the side of the Germans.

On the other hand, the tanks of this era are really not suitable for street fighting... In fact, street fighting is still a big problem even for modern tanks.

Because street fighting means that the enemy is often at close range when they appear. Every building, every window, and even every ruin may hide enemies, especially at night when the visibility is not high, so it is hard to guard against.

Therefore, German tanks, anti-tank guns, and even anti-tank grenades can pose a great threat to the Soviet army.

Once the battle is fought like this, it is not difficult for the German army to hold the Soviet army for a few hours until dawn.

But what the Germans didn't expect was that at this time their defense line had been mixed with the enemy, and this enemy was not an ordinary enemy, but a behemoth equipped with many weapons and equipment... an armored train.

"You are under the command of the 3rd Battalion!" The German command gave an order to the armored train: "Stay at the train station, Major Luca will contact you!"

"Yes!" The communications soldier replied.

The instructor looked out nervously through the perforation. There were German soldiers everywhere outside. He didn't even dare to stay too long at the perforation for fear of being recognized by the enemy.

"Do you want to do it?" the instructor asked.

"No, Comrade Instructor!" Shulka replied: "Not yet, we have to wait until the main forces are ready and attack!"

The instructor nodded, nervousness made him a little short of breath.

He knew that Shulka was right, that the attack at this time would only cause a little confusion in the German army, and maybe kill some German troops or destroy a few tanks.

But after the German army realized it, it would soon block the armored vehicle, just like the Soviet army captured it.

"This is the craziest thing I've ever done!" said the instructor. "I feel like I'm surrounded by Germans...and they don't know it yet!"

In fact, not only the instructor, but also the other soldiers were so nervous that they didn't dare to take a breath. They had to lower their voices when talking to each other, for fear that the Russian they spoke would be noticed by the German troops outside.

At this time, two barrel cars stopped next to the armored train with a "chuck", and several officers jumped off the barrel car, followed by a few signal soldiers with radios on their backs. They seemed to be familiar with armored trains until Ben commanded the carriage to come, and then "bang bang bang" beat the iron sheet hard outside.

"Open this thing!" The voice outside shouted: "They told you that I will come, I am Major Luca, and you are under my command!"

"What should we do?" The veteran standing by the car door turned his head and looked at Shulka.

Shulka raised his head towards the signal soldiers, and then everyone understood.

The German signal soldiers were escorted to the iron gate and opened it slowly. Major Luca and his group didn't have any doubts, and got in straight away.

After entering, Major Luca even took off his military cap and asked, "Who is in command here?"

The iron gate was closed again, and Shulka stood in front of Major Luka and replied in English: "I will command here, Major!"

It was only then that Major Luca realized something was wrong. They were just about to touch the guns, but there was no time. Several guns had already pressed their heads and disarmed them.

"Hello, Major Luka!" Shulka handed over a map and a pen, and said, "We still have a little time. I wonder if you can draw me the firepower configuration along the railway?"

"You are delusional!" the German major replied.

"Very good!" Shulka glanced at the officers around the major and said, "I believe that you are not the only one who knows this information... If you don't want to, I can ask other people, I think there will always be someone who is willing!"

"I know!" replied a German captain.


"Major!" Louis said, "they're going to get the information anyway, can't you see? We're screwed, the armored train is behind us and we don't know anything about it!"

The instructor quickly took Captain Louis to the other side.

"He's right, Major!" Shulka said to Major Luka: "You're finished, at least Tver is finished... We're waiting for that moment, the moment when the main force will attack!"

Major Luca suddenly sat up from his chair and wanted to resist. In fact, he hoped to make a little gunshot to attract the attention of the German army outside.

But the veteran didn't give him this chance, and he knocked Major Luca to the ground with a butt of his gun.

At this moment, there were explosions from the defense line, and the faint "rumbling" sound of tank tracks... The main force of the Soviet army launched an attack.

The German army became tense, and everyone bowed their waists and faced the north to prepare for battle. Some German troops even leaned against the armored train.

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