Usurping the Qing Dynasty: My first love was Cixi

Chapter 100 Six months later, the new army has reached its fateful moment

Chapter 100 Half a year later! The new army is formed! The moment of destiny

The mutiny of the new army spread throughout Zhili and the capital.

Everyone was waiting for the emperor's order.

How will it be dealt with after such a big fuss?

Su Ye demoted? All those who participated in the mutiny were executed?

However, after ten days, the emperor still did not issue any order.

After half a month, the emperor still did not issue any order.

After nineteen days, the cholera in the new army camp had basically subsided.

The emperor's order came.

"The emperor summoned Boyan Nemohu to complete the recruitment mission as scheduled. I am very pleased. I promoted him to the first-class guard and returned to Beijing today. I decree this!"

Bo Yan was stunned, his eyes showed a trace of pain, and then he bowed and said: "I thank the lord for his grace. Long live the emperor!"

The emperor finally transferred him away.

"Su Ye accepts the order!"

Su Ye stepped forward and knelt down to salute.

"The Emperor of Heaven and Earth has ordered Su Ye to take full charge of the new army and to be promoted to the fourth-rank governor of Tianjin. In a few days, the military expenditure will be supplemented by 200,000 taels. This is the order!"

"I thank the Lord for His Grace. Long live the Lord!"

Suddenly, cheers from the new army came from behind.

"Wing Marshal is mighty!"

"Wing Marshal is victorious!"

"Long live the Emperor!"

The arrival of these two imperial edicts marked the official end of the internal struggle of the new army.

Su Ye won a great victory, Boyan was defeated, and the new army soldiers he recruited also made wedding clothes for Su Ye.

This struggle, which lasted for several months, finally ended.

More than 400 people died in the new army, and hundreds of people died in the Tianjin Green Camp.

The son of a prince was defeated, and a second-rank official died tragically.

The most important thing is the treatment of the mutinous soldiers, which was not mentioned in the imperial edict.

No one will be killed.

No one will be punished.

Even Lin Li, who led the mutiny, was not punished.

Su Ye sighed inwardly. He knew that at least at this moment, his favor had been used up.

Moreover, it was not to say that the mutiny was over, absolutely not.

The emperor did not say that he would deal with it, but he did not say that he would not deal with it.

In other words, it was shelved!

The sword of Damos was always hanging over his head and could fall at any time.

When the new army was trained, if it achieved great results, then the mutiny would be over.

And if the new army was trained, the result would be just like that. It was not a strong army at all, but no different from other armies.

After going to the battlefield, it did not make great achievements.

Then... the new and old accounts were settled together, and it would not be as simple as executing all the mutinous soldiers.

The emperor would feel that he had been deceived and all his efforts were in vain.

Roughly refer to Yuan Chonghuan's five-year pacification of Liao.


Su Ye and Boyan said goodbye and set up a simple wine.

"You won..." Boyan raised his glass to Su Ye.

Su Ye shook his head and then raised his glass to drink.

The result of the internal struggle was too tragic.

Su Ye couldn't help but said: "Bo Yan, your means of seizing power should not be so fierce. If you were more moderate, you wouldn't have to go to this step."

Bo Yan said: "I am fierce, aren't you fierce?"

"Su Ye, I did put obstacles in your way from the beginning, but this is extremely common in the army and officialdom." Boyan said: "Everyone has to swallow their anger and it will pass. Who is like you, who directly draws a knife and kills people?"

It is true.

In the officialdom, there are many cases of mutual obstacles. What is the point of Su Ye's first day in the military camp?

As a result, Su Ye killed the steward of the Governor of Zhili with a knife.

Suddenly, everything intensified in an instant.

The struggle went from feminine to extremely fierce, and finally hundreds of people died, including a second-rank official.

Su Ye said: "Bo Yan, of course I know that my sword strike directly intensified the conflict, but can I not strike? Can the new army be trained without the sword? If I don't strike, what is the difference between the new army and other armies?"

Some things can be tolerated, but some things cannot be tolerated.

Su Ye said: "Zhang Yuzhao and I had such a fierce personal conflict, I endured it and did not retaliate. It was not until he snatched my guns and ammunition that I killed him."

"So, I can tolerate personal conflicts, but I can't tolerate official affairs!"

"Time waits for no one, I don't have the energy to waste time on such meaningless struggles."

Bo Yan said: "But you used up the emperor's favor all at once, is it worth it?"

Su Ye didn't say anything else, of course it was worth it.

He didn't do it for promotion and wealth, everything he did was to seek power and usurp the throne and change the fate of the country.

Time is already very tight.

In a few months, the Jiangbei camp will be broken.

In a few months, the Tianjing Incident will break out.

At the end of the year, the Second Opium War will begin.

One link after another, each node is extremely important to Su Ye.

Missing any step will have a huge impact.

So, Su Ye has no time to waste, and is still fighting with you openly and secretly?

But the other party doesn't know this, and there is no point in talking.

After the emperor's favor is used up, just make more money.

Boyan said: "Do you know why the emperor is desperate and supports you completely?"

This time, the emperor can really be said to be desperate.

Transfer Boyan away and let Su Ye take charge of the new army. For the mutinous soldiers, put it aside for the time being.

Make up 200,000 taels of silver.

This is not just a favor from the emperor. The emperor at this time is more like a gambler.

He has paid so much before, and the sunk cost is too high. He must win, so he can only pay more. Any interference factors that affect winning must be removed.

The emperor must have thought about it for a long time before making this decision.

Boyan said: "So, you can't afford to lose."

Not only Su Ye can't afford to lose, but the emperor can't afford to lose either.

The next day, Boyan left the new army with only a few people and returned to the capital.

So far, the entire new army has only one leader.


Zhao Bu knelt in front of Su Ye, motionless.

"General Yi, my father used up all his courage and his life at the last moment to keep the last glimmer of hope for our family."

"Father and us have no chance to stay in the Eight Banners, so I can only follow you."

"General Yi, is it too late for me to follow you now? Do you still want to accept me?"

Su Ye stretched out his hand to Zhao Bu and said, "Accept me!"

Zhao Bu kowtowed and said, "From now on, Zhao Bu will follow General Yi's lead."

Su Ye said, "Then we'll see in the future!"

Zhao Bu stood up and said, "Then I'm going out."

After Zhao Bu left, Su Ye stood there, took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and began to think.

When he opened his eyes, Li Qi handed him a military cap.

Su Ye put it on, then pushed the door out!

Outside, 1,900 new soldiers stood there in a neat row.

Originally, there were about 2,300 new soldiers, 200 of whom violated military law and were beheaded, and another 200 died of cholera.

Now, there are only 1,900 left.

But it was all worth it.

These 1,900 people were no longer divided into Manchus and Hans, they were united and had a fire in their hearts.

When Su Ye appeared, all eyes turned to him.

Infinite awe, infinite love and admiration.

The marching law made all the new troops feel awe. A cholera made Su Ye gain the love of everyone.

"A lot of things have happened in the past few months, and many people have died."

"The emperor has not dealt with anyone in this mutiny for the time being."

"Bo Yan, the eldest son of Prince Khorchin, has been transferred away."

"Zhao Lin, the co-organizer of the new army, committed suicide."

"This is a great favor, but also a great pressure!"

"We are standing on the cliff!"

"There are mountains of swords and seas of fire in front of us, and a bottomless abyss behind us."

"The Eight Banners are watching us, the Green Camp is watching us, and the emperor is watching us!"

"We have no way out. If we take a half step back, we will be crushed to pieces."

"Only forward, forward, forward!"

"Only strong, strong, strong!"

"In a few months, we will officially form an army."

"By then, if we are not as strong as we imagined, we will die without a burial place."

"Either die!"

"Or win!"

"Gentlemen, it's time to fight!"


It's time to fight!

These are the only few words in the minds of all the new army members.

The army in this world has no faith.

And Su Ye's army has already had a preliminary belief.


This word is their current belief.

Either win or die!

Everyone has a flame hidden in their body.

Fighting hard every day.

Almost crazy training.

The already high training intensity is still increasing.

Practice shooting, artillery, horsemanship, and engineering skills.

Everyone has their own duties.

Training during the day and literacy at night.

Everyone works around the clock.

The Western officer corps was also completely shocked by this scene.

This army is brewing a flame.

Brewing a powerful force.

Just waiting for one day to explode suddenly and officially make a splash.

This amount of training has exceeded any army of the Qing court.

Even, it has exceeded the Western army.

And every day's food is not cut at all, and a huge supply.

Bullets are also not stingy.

Every elite soldier is fed with bullets.

Money is spent like water.

Sir Henry's transport ships came again and again, bringing batches of ammunition.

He exclaimed as he made money.

Are you crazy? Are you making money by reselling arms?

Otherwise, why would there be such a high consumption?

The emperor allocated another sum of money.

Su Ye looked at the silver he had spent, and his heart was trembling.

Although the emperor had allocated a lot of silver, it seemed that it was still not enough.

He could not ask the emperor for money anymore, because he would definitely not give it.

So Sir Henry showed a devilish smile.

"Do you need a loan?"

"The interest rate is very low, not high at all."

"HSBC, is it okay?"

"In your name, Su Ye."

So Su Ye signed his name and borrowed the first sum of money from HSBC, equivalent to 200,000 taels of pounds.

As soon as the money was in hand, it immediately turned into ammunition and guns.

It turned into a large amount of eggs, pork, and a small amount of beef.

Originally, there was no such level of food, although the food of the new army was far better than that of other armies.

However, under such a terrible amount of training, the original food was still not enough, and the physical strength could not support it.

Modern armies are prone to hematuria during high-intensity training.

And the proportion of hematuria in Su Ye's new army was unprecedentedly high in a certain period of time.

When the recruits ate such food, many of them cried on the spot.

When they were at home, they had never eaten such good food, even during festivals.

Not only them, even landlords in this era, it was difficult to eat meat at ordinary times.


Colonel William ate beef and drank red wine.

"Sir Su Ye, you are risking everything. I suspect that one day, the British Empire will regret supporting you."

Su Ye said: "In front of the British Empire, I am too weak to withstand a single blow. A strong army cannot be built by training alone, but also needs to go through the test of blood and fire."

Then, Su Ye said: "Colonel William, what are your plans after the contract expires?"

Colonel William said: "Will you give me a higher salary?"

Su Ye said: "Of course, a much higher salary."

Colonel William said: "Then I will seriously consider it and continue to serve you."

"Sir Su Ye, I am really curious about what your new army will look like after it is trained."

"Is it amazing, or..."


Crazy training day after day.

Time passes day by day.

Winter is over, spring is here!

Su Ye's new army soldiers did not look stout, but became leaner.

Everyone was dark.

Only two eyes were shining!

The Spring Examination has begun!

The civil examination begins, and the military examination begins!

Wang Shiqing followed Gui Liang to Shandong and Henan to suppress the Nian Rebellion, and made great military achievements and became famous in the north.

He returned to the capital three days before the military examination.

Just as Su Ye said, he completely broke through himself.

In the entire military examination, it was entirely his performance.

Almost all of his results exceeded Su Ye's military examination at that time.

Then, in the military palace examination.

He went one step further and achieved better and stronger results than in history.

He was hailed as the first military champion in a hundred years.

His bravery was even comparable to that of Yang Yuchun, the prince's guardian at that time.

In the capital, he replaced Su Ye and became the new Wu Quxing.

After winning the military champion, the emperor rewarded him greatly.

He had accumulated military merits before, and with the military champion, the emperor directly promoted him to the Eight Banners Han Army and made him a second-class guard.

At this time, Su Ye made a memorial to recommend Wang Shiqing and invited him to become the deputy commander of the new army.

A few days later!

The emperor issued an order that the second-class guard Wang Shiqing become the deputy commander of the new army.

So far, the deputy commander, who had been vacant for several months, finally had a candidate.

After Wang Shiqing joined the new army, he was very low-key.

He obeyed Su Ye's orders in everything, never interfered in military affairs, and just buried his head in learning.

And he must attend every class of Su Ye.

He seemed not to regard himself as a deputy commander, even though he had made great achievements in the battle against the Nian Rebellion.

But after coming to the new army, he was like a new recruit, training again.

Even, he was eager to learn new things.


“Bang, bang, bang!”

Wang Shiqing and Su Ye rode their horses wildly, raised their carbines, and aimed at the seagulls in the sky.

He was very strong in bows and arrows, and he practiced carbines very quickly.

Or, he practiced everything very quickly.

Cavalry formations, saber tactics, carbines tactics, and so on.

In almost the shortest time, he became the strongest cavalry in the new army.

Su Ye said: "Brother Shiqing, you are the deputy commander of the new army and you don't have any real position. How about you be the commander of the cavalry?"

Wang Shiqing immediately rolled off the horse and knelt down and said: "Thank you for the promotion of the Wing Marshal."

Su Ye said: "If you were in the Eight Banners or the Green Camp, you would probably command one or two thousand cavalry. It's not like here, where you can only command a few hundred cavalry?"

Wang Shiqing said: "Commanding a few hundred cavalry here is far better than commanding two thousand cavalry in other places."

Su Ye said: "Brother Shiqing, I took a fancy to you when I was in the military examination, and now I finally got what I wanted."

Wang Shiqing said: "I didn't like the Wing Marshal when I was in the military examination. But now, I am happy to accept it."

Su Ye stretched out his hand and said: "Brothers, you and I are connected by heart, and we can break metal with our strength."

Wang Shiqing first stretched out his hand to shake hands, and then bowed again and said: "Shiqing will follow the lead of the Wing Marshal."


History has undergone certain changes here.

A very important node that Su Ye was waiting for did not come.

In history, the Jiangbei camp should have been broken by the Taiping Army.

This was an extremely huge blow to the Qing court.

But more than half a month had passed, and this incident still did not happen.

April 25!

Concubine Yi gave birth to a prince, and the emperor was overjoyed.

This was two days earlier than in history.

The emperor's eldest son was born, and the whole world celebrated.

The emperor canonized Concubine Yi as Concubine Yi.

At this time, Su Ye's new army had been trained for about seven months.

In the past few months, the emperor did not summon Su Yi.

Su Yi still sent out memorials every three days, but most of them had no reply.

Occasionally reply, I already know!

However, his support has not diminished. Half a month ago, he sent another sum of money.

The meaning is very clear. Stop gossiping and show your true skills.

Use your new army to prove yourself to me.


A few days later!

A major event occurred in the capital. A pay mutiny broke out in the Eight Banners camp.

Hundreds of Eight Banners soldiers burned the camp, chased the general, and killed seven of his own soldiers.

Then, everyone's eyes turned to the emperor.

How will you handle it this time?

The last time Su Yi's new army mutinied, they kidnapped Deputy Commander Boyan and killed six of his soldiers.

As a result, the emperor did not punish Su Yi in any way. Not only did he give Su Yi the title of Tianjin Taoist priest, he also transferred Boyan away and did not kill him even if he participated in the mutiny.

Now the Eight Banners also mutinied.

If it is not dealt with, I don’t know how much trouble there will be.

But if the Eight Banners soldiers are dealt with, will the soldiers who mutinied by Su Yi's new army also be dealt with?

The emperor suddenly felt tremendous pressure.

I hesitated for three days!

The emperor decrees severe punishment!

As a result, hundreds of Eight Banners soldiers who participated in the mutiny, including more than a dozen leaders, were all beheaded.

There are only a few hundred people left, all of them are fired and marched out of the flag!

As soon as this punishment came out, the entire capital was in an uproar.

The entire Eight Banners was in an uproar.

Countless bannermen were boiling and the sky was filled with anger.

There is no such cruelty to people. Su Yi's new army mutinied and you did not punish them.

Our Eight Banners barracks went on a mutiny, and instead went on a killing spree, expelling hundreds of people from the banner.

How can this convince the public?

Your Majesty, our Eight Banners are your foundation.

Is this new army so valuable?

What kind of ecstasy soup did Su Yi pour into the emperor?


Yangxin Hall, Sanxi Hall!

"Your Majesty, the troops of the Eight Banners are now in a state of excitement, which may lead to another drastic change."

"More than 100,000 people from the Eight Banners stationed in Beijing are all complaining."

"In order to quell public anger and treat everyone equally, we issued an order to deal with the dozens of people who led the mutiny in the New Army."

Ruilin said: "Your Majesty, you can't. The reason why the Tianjin New Army mutinied was because they encountered life and death, which is excusable."

"A mutiny is a mutiny, and there is no extenuating circumstance. If we cannot treat everyone equally, wouldn't it chill the hearts of the armies all over the world?"

"The Emperor doesn't think highly enough of Su Yi? He spent millions of taels of silver for his mere two thousand new troops."

"The new army is fighting among themselves. How noble is the eldest son of Prince Horqin? The emperor still ordered Boyan to be transferred away, leaving Su Yi to take sole control of the military."

"What kind of new army is worthy of such treatment by the emperor? In comparison, our Eight Banners Army is like a piece of grass."

"The Eight Banners are the foundation of our Qing Dynasty. If the hearts of the Eight Banners are chilled, the world will be unstable, Your Majesty."

Not only the camps of the Eight Banners, but also the court hall was turbulent.

In fact, the last time Boyan was transferred back, there had already been trouble.

This time, the Eight Banners were killed in a pay mutiny, and another riot occurred.

However, this time it was even more serious.

The emperor summoned Wang Shiqing.

"Wang Shiqing, do you think the group of people who caused the mutiny in the New Army should be killed?"

Wang Shiqing kowtowed and said: "Your Majesty, the mutiny of the New Army at that time was completely different from the mutiny of other armies, and this group of mutineers were the most elite and most loyal to the Emperor in the New Army."

"The emperor did not deal with them. Every time we talked about it, they were so grateful to the emperor that they burst into tears."

The emperor said: "In your opinion, is this new army elite? Is it really what Su Yi said?"

Wang Shiqing said: "I have only been in the New Army for a short time, but I have never seen such a desperate army, nor have I seen such a loyal army. Everyone is training hard, and almost every soldier has Blood in urine."

"Your Majesty, because I have never actually fought a war, I am not sure whether the new army is a strong army in the world. But I firmly believe that given time, this new army will never disappoint the Emperor."

"Your Majesty, a scholar will die for his bosom friend. Since Your Majesty shows kindness to the new army, he should show his kindness to the end."

The emperor fell silent.

Why is he not putting all his efforts into this new army?

Giving too much.

So, there are huge expectations.

Originally, the emperor had a certain amount of patience, waiting for the expiration of one year and the completion of the new army before entering the battlefield.

But now, the Eight Banners are almost unable to suppress them.

If the anger of the Eight Banners Jingying is not calmed, the consequences will be disastrous.

As a new army member that I have high hopes for, is it time to come out and help me share the burden?


At the court hall the next day.

Another discussion was on how to deal with the mutiny of the new army.

Military aircraft foreman Wen Qing said: "Your Majesty, I have an idea."

The emperor said: "You say."

Wen Qing said: "Su Yi keeps saying that he wants to build the strongest army in the world. He keeps saying that he wants to build an army that has not been seen in a hundred years of history."

"Then let him prove to everyone, what kind of army is worthy of such special treatment? What kind of army is worthy of such pampering?"

"If the performance is really amazing, as Su Yi said, then everyone will naturally be convinced. Then who dares to cause trouble in the Eight Banners Jingying camp? You are not as capable as others, how can you still have the nerve to cause trouble?"

"But if the facts prove that the new army is not as powerful as Su Ye said, then Su Ye is wasting national funds and should be punished more severely."

Rui Lin said: "Lord Wenqing, the emperor and all the ministers agreed to give Su Ye a year to train the troops, and now it has been less than eight months."

Wenqing said: "Is there a big difference between eight months and a year?"

Rui Lin said: "Of course there is a difference, there are still four months left."

Wenqing said: "Then how can we suppress this situation? Su Ye's new army has less than 2,000 people, while the Eight Banners Beijing Camp has more than 100,000 people."

The emperor said: "Wenqing , tell me what you think. "

Wen Qing said: "The birth of the eldest son of the emperor is a celebration for the whole world. The emperor ordered a military parade and martial arts performance, ordering the Eight Banners Beijing Camp to select elite troops to participate, and ordering Su Ye's new army to participate. "

"If the new army is really as Su Ye said, it will surely amaze the audience and win the first place, so that the Eight Banners Beijing Camp will be convinced and brave after knowing the shame. "

"If the new army is not as strong as Su Ye said, but is not as good as the Eight Banners and Green Camp elites, then the emperor ordered severe punishment to calm the anger of the Eight Banners Beijing Camp. "

"In this way, you can have the best of both worlds. "

As soon as this was said, everyone nodded, thinking that this was indeed an excellent way.

The emperor thought for a while and said: "Approved!"

The next day!

The emperor ordered a military parade and martial arts performance.

Order the various armies in the capital to select elite troops to participate, and order the Tianjin new army to participate.

Suddenly, the restlessness of the various armies in the capital subsided.

Then start selecting elite troops and start training hard.

Then let the emperor and the world take a good look.

What new army, what army that has not been seen for a hundred years?

It's all bragging.

We have more than 100,000 people, can't we pick out a few thousand elites, and can't we defeat your less than 2,000 new army?

We must completely overwhelm your new army and make you look humiliated.

How long have you been training? Less than eight months.

Most of your soldiers were mud-legged and farmers before.

And how many years have we been training? We started training when we were children.

It's because the emperor was fooled by you, Su Ye, that he believed that you would train a world-class army.

This time, let you show your true colors.

Let's expose your cloak.

And the people of the capital were suddenly filled with infinite expectations.

There's something exciting to watch again.

Su Ye's new army has been making a lot of noise, and now it's time to take it out for a walk.


New army camp!

The eunuchs in the palace came again.

"The Emperor, in compliance with the will of Heaven and the Mandate of Heaven, has ordered the new army led by Su Ye to enter the capital to participate in the military parade and martial arts performance. This is the order!"

"Your servant Su Ye accepts the order and thanks you. Long live, long live, long live!"


Note: I have fallen out of the top three in the monthly ticket list for my new book. I am panicking. Can you brothers help me?

I really ask for your help.

200 monthly tickets, please?

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