Usurping the Qing Dynasty: My first love was Cixi

Chapter 15 Can’t stop showing off!

I don’t know what happened, but as soon as I stretched out my hand for this precious bow, that wonderful feeling came and surged directly to my fingers. Taking advantage of this feeling, I started shooting arrows.

That kind of confidence, that kind of absolute certainty.

In modern society, there is no such mysterious feeling at all.

And although the distance is more than 60 meters, the small center of the circle on the target feels very clear, and even feels very close.

The crossing effect, double superposition.

Not only strength, but also spirit, concentration, etc.

In modern society, he can also shoot arrows by feeling, but... that time is very rare, and he needs to be in excellent condition.

And now, he can shoot every arrow by feeling, full of security.

"This, this bow has been put away for a long time, and it is loose?" Su He said for a long time.

He really couldn't believe that his son could actually shoot this 17-force bow, because his eyes were still on this bow, and he didn't have time to look at the target.

"I remember to maintain it regularly. This is our heirloom?" Su He stepped forward, took the bow, and wanted to try to pull it.

As a result... I used all my strength, but I couldn't pull it at all.

I even stepped on the bow and pulled the bowstring with both hands, but I still couldn't pull it.

After a long while, Su Quan came back to his senses and said, "Just based on this archery skill, he can be called Baturu. All the people in the Eight Banners of Manchu, Eight Banners of Mongolia, and Eight Banners of Han can't pick out a few such people."

"What do you mean you can't pick out a few?" Tong Jia said, "There are none at all."

"Oh my God, my Xiaoer is really the star of Wu Qu in the world."

In this way, there is no need to lift the stone lock. The fact that he can use this bow of 17 forces and do it so easily fully proves his terrible strength.

Besides, there is no such thing at home.

Su Ye asked, "Sister-in-law, can I try it again now?"

Reason told Bai Feifei not to agree.

But her emotions made her blurt out.


Su Quan next to him said anxiously: "Wife, think twice!"

It's not that he is reluctant to spend money, but he is really afraid that his family will be tossed again.

Bai Feifei also felt that she agreed too rashly, but once she said it, she would never regret it.

"Such martial arts cannot be wasted in vain. As a sister-in-law, I will do my best to help you succeed."

Su He said on the side: "Isn't it the Wenwu Double Star?"

Tong Jia was afraid that her son would be embarrassed and said: "What Wenquxing? Isn't this martial arts enough? What other Wenquxing do you need?"

Bai Feifei didn't mention Wenquxing at all, so as not to embarrass Su Ye.

And in his opinion, this martial arts alone is more than enough.

Bai Feifei said: "I will prepare the money and arrange people to publicize that you came back to life because of the Wenwu Double Star..."

Speaking of this, she was full of shame and couldn't say it, because she felt that this cow was really a bit exaggerated.

"The civil and military double stars have come down to earth to save the Tartars... the Qing Dynasty is here."

Sister-in-law, did you accidentally say what was in your heart?


Bai Feifei's silver bullet offensive is really not empty.

A large amount of silver was thrown down, and a large number of manpower was thrown down.

Suddenly, a rumor was spread all over the capital.

Su Ye was resurrected because the civil and military double stars came down to earth to save the Qing Dynasty.

The Qing Dynasty still needs your rescue? Isn't this treason?

In fact, it's okay to say so.

Since the loss of the Opium War, everyone feels that the Qing Dynasty is in danger.

After the Taiping Army captured Nanjing and established its capital, many people even thought that the Qing Dynasty was going to end.

The people in the capital are the most bored and love gossip and rumors the most.

Especially this kind of rumors that seem particularly absurd, shameless, and shameless.

As soon as you say it, it will spread from one to ten, and from ten to a hundred.

In just a few days.

This rumor is known to everyone and has spread widely.

However, almost everyone regards it as a joke.

Previously, it was said that Su Ye came back to life, and the lower-level people were superstitious and believed it. The middle and upper levels did not believe it at all, and they all thought that Zeng Guofan accepted bribes and spared Su Ye's life.

As for the current rumor, Su Ye came back to life because of the Wenwu Double Quxing?

That means everyone from the bottom to the top does not believe it.

You, are you going to make me laugh to death so that you can inherit my katydid and snuff bottle?

Su Ye's awesome look?




You, Su Ye, took the martial arts examination a few years ago, but you came in last, which was embarrassing.

Not long ago, you fled from the battlefield of Banping Mountain, and almost caused the battle to collapse.

You spent money to donate to the Imperial Academy to become a tribute student, but you didn't go to school for a few days. We still remember your unlearned appearance vividly.

We know that you are unwilling to be dismissed and want to make a comeback, but there is no need to tell such a big lie. Are you really not afraid of angering the emperor and killing you again?

Just when everyone in the streets and alleys was laughing at Su Ye, this rumor reached the ears of the middle and high-level Manchu dignitaries, and it was interpreted differently.

Zeng Guofan is almost done. Su Ye is a red belt after all. You have strangled him once. He escaped death. Do you want to kill him again with rumors?

You want to let the emperor hear the rumor, anger the emperor, and order the death of Su Ye?

The emperor of the Qing Dynasty, is he your tool to kill someone with a borrowed knife?

Su Ye may be stupid, but he is not stupid enough to spread such a ridiculous rumor.

The high-ranking officials of the Qing Dynasty who heard the rumor unanimously believed that this was the work of the Hunan Army Group, who wanted to kill people with rumors.

Not to mention the high-ranking officials of the Qing Dynasty, even the Hunan Army Group thought so.

Shen Ting'en also specifically asked Zhang Yuzhao: "Is it inconvenient for me to do something? So you think of another way? Did the higher-ups decide to kill Su Ye?"

Zhang Yuzhao said: "This rumor was not spread by me, not by us."

Then who did it? !

Could it be that a third party wanted to take the opportunity to frame the Hunan Army Group, so that the Qing nobles would think that the Hunan Army Group was aggressive, and even a very down and out Su Ye was not spared, so that the emperor would hate Zeng Guofan?

Of course, such an effect was unexpected by Bai Feifei, the initiator.

Everyone was laughing at Su Ye, but they didn't think he was spreading rumors.

Everyone believed that Su Ye was not so stupid.

So, people came to visit Su He's family and asked what was going on.

Some came just to see the joke, and some came to ask for punishment.

Some came to solve the problem, such as the one who came at this time.

Su He's elder brother, Su Ye's uncle, Guanglu Temple Shaoqing, Su Dong!

This person is completely opposite to Su He, he is serious and cold.

At this time, his expression can be called stern.

"This is not a trivial matter, we must take it seriously, Su Ye..." he shouted.

Su Ye said: "My nephew is here."

Su Dong frowned and took a look, a useless thing, only dragging the family down.

"Find an opportunity to clarify this rumor in person. Now everyone in the capital is laughing at us."

"You are not young anymore, you should understand things."

"This rumor is obviously someone else's attempt to harm you, but you should also think about why they want to harm you."

"What is the Wenwu Double Star descending to the earth? I feel ashamed to hear it, and you can listen to it, why don't you hurry up and clarify it?"

"Go and clarify it as soon as possible, don't harm your father and mother, let alone implicate the family."

After saying that, he left directly without even drinking a cup of tea.


After my uncle Xilinjueluo Sudong left, relatives from my mother's side came.

It was my uncle and aunt who came.

These two people were much softer.

Su Ye's uncle Tong Jiewu was the Sixth Treasury Doctor of the Guangchu Division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, an absolutely lucrative position, a typical low position, but great power, and the most promising among several blood relatives.

At that time, in order to take this position, Su Ye's family also paid a total of 8,000 taels.

Although his uncle Tong Jiewu's attitude was much softer, his meaning was the same. He asked Su Ye to come out and clarify.

"If necessary, I can organize a party, find some adults to come out, and hold a banquet at home. Witness Xiao Ye to clarify this rumor in public, so that our family will not become a laughing stock in the world."

"This matter must be handled quickly, the longer it is delayed, the worse it will be."

And the words of the aunt Uya to the mother Tong Jia were much more direct: "Sister, you asked me to matchmake for Xiao Ye before, and you took a fancy to my niece Bingbing from my mother's family. My brother agreed to investigate and meet her, but it turned out to be such a mess. Now the marriage is also broken, and the girl dare not marry into our family."

"You have seen my niece from my mother's family. What a good girl, with that figure and that appearance, how many young men are chasing after her?"

"Now it's good, a good marriage is ruined."

"Hurry up and let Xiao Ye come out to clarify, otherwise not only will you be implicated, but also I'm afraid I won't be able to find a wife in the future. Who would want to marry such a boastful guy? "

As a result, as soon as he left the house, his aunt Uya couldn't wait to sneer at her husband: "Look at your sister, she's really wild. Su Ye, a man with a ruined future, dares to ask for my niece's hand in marriage?"

"Who is my brother? He's a third-rank officer of the Eight Banners Army stationed in the capital. Who is my niece Bingbing? She's one of the most beautiful women in the Eight Banners. Your sister is really crazy. She's a toad wanting to eat swan meat!"

"Fortunately, this rumor came in time, and I have a reason to refuse it. Otherwise, my relatives would probably tear their faces apart."

"Okay, that's my sister!" Tong Jiewu said coldly: "Hurry up and collect the silver and return the eight thousand taels to Su He. It's not good to owe favors."


These days, Su Ye's house has been constantly visited.

There is also a group of people who are more straightforward.

"Su Ye, are you the Wenqu Star or Wuqu Star descended to earth? We went to study together in the Imperial College and peeked at our master's wife taking a bath together. Just tell me the truth, right?"

However, no matter what the attitude of the visitor was, Su Ye remained silent.

He neither admitted nor denied it.

He even had no attitude towards this rumor.

He was waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity to make a splash.

And it was his first real appearance in the capital!

Su Ye had been planning this plan for a long time, and it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

And this opportunity was coming soon!

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