Usurping the Qing Dynasty: My first love was Cixi

Chapter 2: Fierceness of tigers and wolves after crossing

I don't know how long it took, but Su Yi woke up again, her head was spinning and her vision was blurry.

It took a long time to see the surrounding scene clearly. This... this seems to be a prison?

He himself was wearing prison clothes.

His mind couldn't help but shut down for several seconds?

What...what happened?

After a long while, he had to confirm one fact.

Did he really travel through time? ! Have you traveled through time to that group leader, and his name is Su Yi?

Xilinjueluo Su Yi, who wears the blue flag, is an unknown person in history. Since the decline of the Ertai clan, the Xilinjueluo clan has not produced any decent talents.

The first thing I did after traveling through time was to greet my second brother.

That was the pain of a lifetime in my previous life. Being unable to sleep when I wanted to sleep was the loneliest thing.

"In the name of all the teachers, wake up, my brother!"

My mind just recalled it for a moment, and suddenly I woke up to the smiling faces of all the teachers!

The two images ripple through my mind again, sister-in-law? Yi concubine?

Suddenly angry and arrogant!

Okay, okay, I know you are powerful, so just accept your magical powers.

However, it is easier to ask God than to send him away.

Su Yi had to sit down quickly, otherwise it would be too shocking and bizarre, which would make the soldiers guarding the prison jealous and hateful.

Quiet distracting thoughts, collect your emotions, and think about the current situation.

Then, there was a sound of snoring, and in the cell next to him, there was a big man curled up on the ground, sleeping soundly.

Who is this? !

"Shi Fengkui, the brother of the false king Shi Dakai!" Su Yi seemed to have an echo in his head, which startled him.

Why are there still voices in my head? !

According to history, Shi Fengkui had already escaped during the Battle of Wuchang?

"Su Yi, someone is here to see you." At this time, the jailer's voice came from outside.

A young man walked in, dressed simply but elegantly, with a square face and a bit old-fashioned in every move. After giving the jailer a piece of silver, he looked unnatural and then sent the jailer out the door meticulously.

There were only two people left in the cell, so the young master looked more natural, and his eyes towards Su Yi became complicated, accusing, feeling distressed, and hating that iron could not be transformed into steel.

It seemed like a thousand words finally turned into a sigh.

"When I bought you an official position, I asked you to be a civil servant, but you said you wanted to make contributions. After you got the official position, you didn't take it, and you spent a lot of money to become a military attaché."

"It's okay to be a military attaché. At that time, you were buying heads and paying for merits. I would advise you to just do the same and be more restrained. As a result, the more you bought, the more ruthless you became, and you also paid people to spread your reputation everywhere. The whole capital was spreading the news about our Xilin There is a Baturu born in Jueluo’s family.”

"As your reputation grows, the higher ups will make great use of you. This time in the battle with the long-haired Tianjiazhen, you will be able to block half of the mountain battlefield alone. In the future, you will replace Taqibu and become a famous general in the army. Do you know how much we have spent? Thoughts? How much does it cost?”

"What's the result? The other generals are fighting to the death, and they are all victorious. But you were so frightened by Changmao that you turned around and ran away. As the general ran away, your soldiers also ran away, which affected the entire battle. It was clear that you were going to win a big victory. The situation was almost defeated, with heavy casualties, affecting the entire southern war situation. "

"Zeng Guofan wants to kill you to sacrifice the flag, who can stop him?"

Listening to the young master's accusing voice, Su Yi knew who he was? the official brother of the group leader? His name is Su Quan, and he is married to a very rich and beautiful wife.

My sister-in-law is beautiful, fierce, and has big breasts.

The leader of the group, Su Yi, even molested his sister-in-law, so he couldn't stay at home any longer, so the family bought him an official position and moved south.

For a moment, Su Yi couldn't help but look at the top of this young master's head.

"The family was also deeply implicated. Eni cried for several days, and Amma begged your sister-in-law for several days." Young Master Su Quan said: "Your sister-in-law scolded you for a few days, and then she raised a sum of money from everywhere to go south to rescue you. "

Amma and Enie are really not used to hearing this.

But when he heard that his sister-in-law spent money to save him again, Su Yi couldn't help but ask, her voice slightly hoarse: "Is it a lot of money?"

Su Quandao: "A lot, a lot of properties have been sold. Even if you are incompetent, you are still the son of Ama Ene."

Su Yi asked: "Is the family deeply implicated?"

Su Quan did not answer, half blaming, half helpless: "If I can save your life this time, our family will finally have a chance to turn around in the future. If I can't save you, don't blame me, my brother."


"I'll pay my respects to Mr. Zeng!" Su Quan bowed his head to the end.

Zeng Guofan hurriedly stepped forward, helped him up, and held his hands without letting go. His eyes were gentle and his face was enthusiastic as he said, "Is it a good journey in Wenlin? After traveling thousands of miles, I, as a senior, can cleanse you of the dust."

Then, several servants served simple but delicious meals.

Su Quan saluted again and said: "The unscrupulous son of the Jueluo family of Xilin has made such a big mistake and delayed the commander-in-chief's military affairs. How can he dare to ask for the commander-in-chief's hospitality?"

Zeng Guofan grabbed Su Quan's hand, gently but forcefully pushed him down on the seat and said, "How about you just eat with me? I have been busy with military affairs all day, and I haven't eaten even a drop of rice yet."

Next, the two of them ate quietly.

Su Quan ate very little and was a little reserved, while Zeng Guofan ate elegantly but quickly. In just a few moments, he finished the food on the table and then served tea.

He personally poured tea for Su Quan. Su Quan quickly stood up again, with his butt half hanging and not daring to sit down. He was frightened and sighing at the same time. Zeng Guofan was really a courteous and virtuous corporal. Although he, Xilin Suquan, was from the Xianglan Banner, he did not come from the imperial examination, but from the writing style. Now he is just a seventh-rank official in Taipu Temple.

And Zeng Guofan, a minister of the Ministry of Justice, governor of Hubei Province, was decorated with two-eyed flower feathers and was the most popular second-rank official in the world. However, towards Xilin Suquan, a humble official and a family member of a prisoner, he still had no pretensions, and his words and deeds made people feel like spring breeze.

Of course, this is just an appearance. At this time, Zeng Guofan had an imperial edict in his hand, killing people when others stood in his way, and killing Buddhas when he stood in the way of Buddhas. Over the years, the people in Hunan and Hubei were also killed, and everyone was afraid.

Su Quan drank tea, but didn't know how to speak.

Zeng Guofan said: "Wen Lin is here to rescue your younger brother Su Yi?"

Su Quan stood up again and bowed: "Yes! My younger brother made a big mistake and dragged down the commander and the whole army. It is not a pity to die. But my parents at home have already vomited blood after hearing about it. If he is beheaded, they may not be able to support them. Please have mercy, Commander."

After saying that, Su Quan knelt on the ground.

Then, he took out a thick stack of silver notes and said: "The country is in a difficult situation now, and hair growth is rampant. I would like to use this money as military supplies, and I will forgive my brother for his serious crime."

Zeng Guofan took the banknote and slowly placed it on the table, saying: "Emperor Gaozong's system of silver for deliberation has been around for seventy or eighty years. According to the rules, this amount of money is enough to buy my brother's life, and to tell you the truth, I am really short of money here. I am short of money. When I close my eyes at night, I can hear countless voices asking for money. Your money can really solve my urgent need. "

Su Quandao: "That's my luck, Xilin Jueluo, to be able to be loyal to the country."

"But, I can't take it." Zeng Guofan said slowly: "This battle was supposed to be a great victory, but because my brother Su Yi escaped from the battle, it almost led to a great defeat. How many people were killed in vain? If I don't kill him, how can I tell the soldiers How do we explain to the innocent dead?”

"Three days later, before the war begins, I will definitely kill Su Yi and sacrifice the flag. No matter who comes, they can't change my decision."

"When I am transferred back to the capital in the future, I will definitely go home to apologize to my respected parents."

"But Su Yi, I must kill him!"

"He will be decapitated in three days, and no one can save him."

After saying that, Zeng Guofan bowed his hands to Su Quan, his posture seemed soft, but his will was extremely determined.

Su Quan could no longer say anything and bowed his head to Zeng Guofan again.


Inside the prison.

Su Quan's eyes were red and he was speechless for a long time. "I couldn't save you. He will definitely kill you and sacrifice your head to the flag in three days."

Su Yi suddenly remembered and said, "Let's just say we are kind to him."

According to history, after Zeng Guofan captured Wuchang, Emperor Xianfeng appointed him governor of Hubei. As usual, Zeng Guofan submitted a memorial to resign to show his high integrity. It is said that this was just a formality. Emperor Xianfeng should have issued another decree to confer the title, and then Zeng Guofan pretended to be reluctant to accept it. .

However, the Minister of Military and Aircraft Qi Zhuanzao persuaded Emperor Xianfeng that they were Han people and already had military power in their hands. Do they still want to be appointed governor of Hubei? In the end, Xianfeng really took it back, and turned around and made Zeng Guofan's political enemy Tao Enpei the governor of Hubei, which made Zeng Guofan half-dead angry.

In this world, in order to make meritorious deeds, Su Yi specifically mentioned this matter to his father-in-law Shen Baozhen and asked Shen Baozhen to provide suggestions.

Zeng Guofan made arrangements in advance for Shen Baozhen's father, Shen Ting'en, to come to Beijing and bribed Qi Zuozao and others. Only then did Zeng Guofan successfully obtain the governorship of Hubei.

Not only that, Su Yi said that the Hunan Army Group had no one in the capital, which was very disadvantageous. It was very necessary to send one or two astute people to stay in the capital to specifically lobby or bribe the senior officials of the imperial court and observe the imperial court's movements.

Therefore, the Hunan Army Group also deployed in the capital in advance. Compared with history, the political environment of the Hunan Army Group at this time is much superior.

Su Yi said: "Where is my future father-in-law Shen Baozhen?"

Su Quandao: "It's not in Guangji City. I don't know where he is? I can't find him. He says it's a military secret."

The former time traveler was really very kind to Shen Baozhen. He allowed Shen Baozhen to join the Hunan Army in advance, becoming Zeng Guofan's right-hand man, and taking the post of prefect of Jiujiang.

The former time traveler went to great lengths to help his father-in-law get promoted and make a fortune.

Therefore, Shen Baozhen was the one who should actively rescue him, but at this time, no one was even there.

Su Yi closed her eyes. This situation was much more serious and complex than she had imagined.

There is a deep conspiracy here!

It's just that the former time traveler is simple-minded and can't see it.

Su Yi felt a little bored and asked, "Is Guizi here?"

Guizi, Su Yi's former slave, is now the confidant eunuch of Yi concubine (Cixi). A lot of money was spent on arranging for him to enter the palace, and then arranging for him to be with Yibin.

"Here we come." Su Quan said.

Su Yi said: "Then it's always okay to let Guizi come to see me."

Su Quandao: "Yes, but... time is precious. Don't you have anything to say in the end?"

Explain what? Last words?

"Let Guizi come in and see me." Su Yi said again.

Su Quan frowned, but still agreed.

After a while, a plainly dressed little eunuch walked in. He looked about fourteen or fifteen years old, with a delicate appearance and lively eyes.

"I have seen the Second Master..." The young eunuch was far away, so he knelt down and kowtowed to Su Yi.

"Brother, you go out first." Su Yi said.

Su Quan glanced at the young eunuch and walked out.

"Gui'er, come here." Su Ye said.

The young eunuch knelt over and just grabbed Su Ye's hand that was stretched out of the fence, looking at him with red eyes.

"Gui'er, you are with her, you are not the same as before, you don't have to treat me like this." Su Ye said.

The young eunuch's tears slid down and said: "Second Master, what are you talking about? If you hadn't saved me, I would have died long ago. It was you who rescued me from the Beggars' Sect, it was you who healed my broken leg, it was you who saved me from the devil's cave, you treated me like your own brother during those years at home, I will never be able to repay your kindness in this life."

Although Shi Fengkui in the cell next to him was still snoring, the two of them still spoke in a low voice.

Su Ye didn't say anything, but just reached out and stroked the eunuch Gui'er's head.

"Gui'er, are you okay in the palace? Is anyone bullying you?"

"To be honest, it's not as good as being around you." The young eunuch said, "There are good people and bad people in the palace. But for people like me, most of them are bad people."

Su Ye said, "Is she good to you?"

"Very good." The young eunuch said, "She trusts me very much."

Su Ye said, "What's her reaction when something happens to me?"

The young eunuch whispered, "Master Yi is very disappointed that you escaped from the battle this time, but she is very anxious that you will be beheaded. This time, I was able to leave Beijing and go south in the name of an errand. She spent a lot of thought and money from the family."

The family here refers to Su Ye's family, because he has been following Su Ye since he was six years old.

From this sentence alone, it can be seen that Guizi is really loyal to Su Ye.

"Silly child, don't say such things in the future. She is your master, and your life and property are in her hands." Su Ye rubbed his head.

Guizi said, "Don't worry, I'm not that stupid."

Then there was silence, and it was the young eunuch Guizi who broke the situation and said in a low voice, "Second Master, what do you want me to do? As long as I can save your life, I can do anything."

Zeng Guofan was extremely determined to kill him. The reasons were also very complicated.

Especially Shen Baozhen, the future father-in-law, was nowhere to be seen.

The former time traveler couldn't understand, but Su Ye immediately realized that something was wrong.

Su Ye's throat seemed to be a little tight, and he said, "You may die. Once exposed, you may be cut into pieces."

"It's okay, I'll do it." The young eunuch Guizi said, his voice seemed very quiet, and it was obvious that he had thought about it many times along the way.

Su Ye said, "You go and do two things, one bright and one dark, one virtual and one real!"

Next, Su Ye whispered in his ear for a full three minutes, and the young eunuch Guier's eyes became more and more shocked.

When did his second master become so bold? So wise?

The former Second Master was a very nice person, but he didn't have much brains.

"Did you hear it clearly?" Su Ye asked.

The young eunuch Gui'er said in a trembling voice: "Very clearly, I know what to do."

Su Ye said: "Can you grasp the timing accurately?"


Then, Gui'er knelt down and kowtowed several times on the ground.

"Second Master, take care, I'm leaving."

Then, he ran out of the night without looking back to do something that might lead to him being cut into pieces.

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