Usurping the Qing Dynasty: My first love was Cixi

Chapter 283: Admirers! Enter the palace with great victory!

(Participating in the event, I have not returned home yet. I am updating the code on my mobile phone. Sorry for the short number of words)

A Russian officer with a haggard expression, handsome appearance and meticulously dressed clothes appeared in front of Su Yi.

He took off his hat and gave a military salute to Su Yi.

"Baron Romanov, pay homage to His Royal Highness Prince Yijun of China."

Su Yi stepped forward and returned the courtesy, saying: "Hello."

Then, take off your gloves and reach out to hold hands.

"Let's eat together?" Su Yi asked.

"Okay, thank you, Your Highness."

Next, two people were inside the tent.

The baron moved very quickly, but he didn't gobble it up. In just a few moments, he had a pound of steak in his stomach.

Su Yi waved his hand, and someone came forward to pour him a cup of coffee.

The baron was shaking slightly as he held the coffee. After taking a sip, all the pores in his body seemed to be relaxed.


"At this moment, I feel like I'm back in St. Petersburg, no... it's London..."

"Your Highness is an Oriental. Do you also drink coffee?"

Su Yi said: "I'm too tired mentally. The strong tea is not strong enough. I have to rely on coffee."

After that, Su Yi also took a sip, closed her eyes and enjoyed the familiar feeling.

"Your coffee beans are very delicious, better than anything I have ever tasted." Baron Romanov said.

Su Yi said: "The coffee beans in Jamaica are very good. The governor selected the best coffee forest and presented it as tribute to the royal family of the British Empire. Prince Albert did not dare to drink it because he had an old disease of gastrointestinal cramps. I heard that I I liked it very much, so I asked the Governor of Jamaica to give me the best batch of beans, and also sent some of the best roasters to Jiujiang, so I can drink the best beans all the time.”

"It seems that His Majesty the Tsar may not receive such treatment." Baron Romanov shrugged his shoulders and said, "Your Highness, I studied in London for three years."

Su Yi asked: "When did you go?"

The Baron said: "From 1859 to 1862, after the Crimean War, I suffered some injuries. While recovering from my injuries, I studied in St. Petersburg, and then went to King's College London to study for a doctorate."

Su Yi asked: "Do you have a doctorate in which subject?"

The Baron said: "Majoring in philosophy, and also taking a course in warfare."

Su Yi smiled and said: "No wonder, he looks like a philosopher."

"I take this as a compliment." The Baron said: "You know, about a part of the war discipline is the textbook written by you."

Su Yi was stunned.

The Baron said: "Of course, it is not very clear that you wrote this. But many people know that this is a reference to your teaching materials at the Tianjin Military Station, and there is a lot of content in it."

"Especially your analysis of the Crimean War and the evolution of future battlefields, we all..."

Su Yi said: "It's familiar to me."

The baron said: "Yes."

"So at least in the discipline of war, you are very famous, and many of your theories are very advanced."

"In addition, I also participated in the World Expo in London, which was really eye-opening. I spent money to order a gramophone, ten bicycles, and also wanted to order a lighting system for my family." The Baron said: "But you The price quoted is too expensive, even for my family, it is difficult to afford it.”

"So, this is also the reason why you surrendered." Su Yi said: "Other Russian generals look down on our country and are completely unwilling to surrender to us, but you don't have this psychological barrier."

The Baron said: "Yes, I have studied you, and I have studied you very deeply. I also wrote a special letter, about 20,000 to 30,000 words, about China's policy and about you, and presented it to His Majesty the Tsar. However, I did not receive a reply until I left St. Petersburg. Perhaps because my status was not high enough, His Majesty the Tsar did not even read the letter."

"Do you smoke?" Su Yi asked.

"Of course, super hard currency." The baron said: "The entire European army is popular with your tobacco. At the time of the expo, your cigarettes did not create much of a sensation, but now they are popular in Europe. But unfortunately, there is a big Part of the profits belong to London."

Tobacco profits are too huge, so London Convenience cannot sit back and watch these huge profits fall into the hands of the Jiujiang Economic Experimental Zone.

But fortunately, Su Yi's economic allies were strong enough and had obtained a considerable share of tobacco manufacturing rights and exclusive rights.

Therefore, a large number of branch factories were established in Europe.

Through a complicated cross-shareholding process, the Jiujiang Economic Pilot Zone Committee, represented by Su Yi, also owns part of the shares of these cigarette factories.

After taking Su Yi's cigarette and taking a puff, the Baron shrugged and said, "Wow, the top level is beyond my reach."

Su Yi said: "Sir, I wonder what you wrote in the letter to the Tsar?"

The Baron said: "In fact, it seems now that these contents are relatively simple. They just raise questions and do not have ideas for solving problems. The core is that we must pay attention to China and not underestimate the enemy, etc. I thought it was very profound at the time, but now it is I think it’s average.”

Su Yi said: "Asking a question is better than not raising it at all."

"You, Russia, are naturally greedy for land. For this reason, countless wars have broken out."

"Do you personally think that this is still an era of land expansion?"

"Is it useful to compete for so much land?"

The Baron thought for a while and said: "I think it is useful. Maybe... it seems useless now, but it will be useful in the future."

"In addition, greed, expansion, and recklessness are our attributes. They seem to be shortcomings. I know there is an old saying in China, which is..."

He couldn't express it accurately in English.

Su Yi said: "If you forget to fight, you will be in danger; if you are eager to fight, you will perish."

The Baron said: "Yes, in fact, there are similar proverbs all over the world. In your opinion, our Russia is too warlike, constantly launching wars, prepared wars and unprepared wars. Moreover, we lose more and win less, and often Fighting unproductive wars, but...if we don’t fight, the world won’t be afraid of us.”

"Once it loses its own attributes and once the whole world is not afraid of us, it will be fatal for Russia."

Su Yi said: "Do you agree with this troop division tactic?"

The Baron said: "The decision-maker is the Marquis, the commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force, but... I also agree."

Su Yi said: "Don't you...don't you think this is too risky?"

The Baron said: "We are impatient, and compared with the benefits, this risk is nothing."

Su Yi felt a wry smile in her heart.

There really is a way that this moment is just like that moment.

More than a hundred years later, the Russians are still like this.

The Communist Party only has this small army, divided into several groups, and directly inserts Ermao.

They even directly sent airborne troops to capture the airport near the capital of Ermao.

To take other people's capital directly, to use momentum to force others to surrender.

What about supplies, what about lack of troops? What to do if you think about it so much, just do it first and then talk about it.

It was the same this time. Thousands of miles away, they immediately divided their forces to capture the capital, capture the empress dowager and the emperor, and force the Qing court to fully compromise.

The Baron said: "In terms of tactics, I made you laugh."

Su Yi shook his head and said: "No, because it is difficult for you to truly understand our country's national conditions, let alone the complexity of the civil war between us and the Hunan Army, so you cannot understand that we can solve the Hunan Army as quickly as possible."

The baron said: "Do you have time? I really want to know why you can so quickly quell the rebellion of the Hunan Army of 300,000 with only 40,000 troops."

Su Yi said: "Because many senior leaders of the Hunan Army are unwilling to accept it, so they plot rebellion. They feel like they have an arrow on the string and they have to do it. Most of them are not deeply hostile to me, and they know that I am right. They even have friendship with me, so as long as their way is proven to be unworkable, they will immediately change their stance and have an explanation for themselves. At least they have tried hard and can surrender with peace of mind.”

The baron said: "Your Highness, from your perspective, what route do you think our country should take next?"

Su Yi thought for a while, shook her head with difficulty and said, "I don't know, your country is really... too complicated."

Historically, Russia's Yellow Russia plan failed because of Japan.

Now, there is no need for Japan at all. As soon as Tsarist Russia's Yellow Russia plan is revealed, Su Yi will push it back.

The baron said: "Your Highness, I don't know what the outcome of this battle will be? But if you win, it may be the beginning of trouble."

Su Yi didn't know.

"I know that if I win this battle, I will completely anger you, the big bear. For the sake of the majesty of the country, the Russian emperor will do his best, shouting that he will win even if he sheds the last drop of blood in the Far East."

The political tradition of Tsarist Russia is authoritarian rule and strongman politics.

As long as you keep winning, we don't care who the leader is?

Wu Zetian also struggled to do well as the Empress of China, but Catherine, the Tsarina, did well for a long time.

As long as you can lead Russia to win, then you are always right and you are supreme.

As long as you lose, you're done.

The baron said: "If we lose this battle, then there will be a steady stream of troops entering the Far East and shedding the last drop of blood with you."

Su Yi said slowly: "I know, but...this is also what we need."

The baron was stunned, hearing the cruelty of these words.

For any empire to be powerful, it needs a suitable opponent to serve as a whetstone.

For China, Tsarist Russia is just right.

Because the navy was not powerful and too far away, and because of the British allies, there was no mortal threat at sea.

Another reason is that the core area of ​​Tsarist Russia is too far away from the Far East, and each expedition is tens of thousands of miles long, so it will not bring a fatal danger of national subjugation to China.

And this army is strong enough.

As a whetstone, it couldn't be better.

The Baron was also a patriot. He had a very pleasant conversation with Su Yi at first, but when it came to this disagreement, he quickly ran out of words.

In the end, it was just a sigh.

To a certain extent, this baron and Su Yi were about the same age, and they also had a kind of close friendship. On other occasions, they could have talked all night long.

Next, the two thousand people showed no resistance and were completely disarmed. Su Yi sent 10,000 people to escort them to the prisoner of war camp in Tianjin.

"Your Majesty, do you want to go back to Beijing?" Chen Yucheng asked.

Su Yi thought for a while, shook his head and said, "No, let's take a short rest and go directly north to the Heilongjiang battlefield."

The staff member next to him, Chongqi, said: "Your Highness, we should report the victory to the palace, otherwise the contradiction will only be further torn apart."

Su Ye sighed, it is still such a rich family who understands politics and is extremely sensitive.

Now the two Empress Dowagers have a small rift, about whether to kill Prince Hui, and many Eight Banners ministers are trying to bind the will of the Empress Dowager Cixi, this disagreement must be nipped in the bud.

Even from an emotional perspective, it is necessary to help the Empress Dowager Cixi.

"Send the victory report to the palace, as eye-catching as possible, and report the outstanding achievements!" Su Ye ordered.


A few days later, the messenger rushed into the palace and shouted loudly: "Great victory, great victory in the war against Russia!"

"The two Empress Dowagers are very happy, and the emperor is very happy!"


Note: More than 10,000 words will be updated tomorrow, thank you everyone.

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