Usurping the Qing Dynasty: My first love was Cixi

Chapter 288 Great Victory and Triumphal Ceremony

Chapter 288 Great news! Triumph ceremony!


Three people are having a secret meeting, Li Hongzhang, Peng Yulin, and Zeng Jize.

"What do you think is the difference between Prince Su Yi and Dorgon?" Li Hongzhang asked: "In other words, what is the biggest obstacle to Prince Su Yi ascending to the throne?"

The other two people felt that he got to the root of his question.

Zeng Jize said: "If we put aside time and history and just talk about merit, I'm afraid Dorgon will be even greater."

"After the death of Emperor Taizong, the Qing Dynasty actually remained content outside the Pass. At that time, there were Nanming, Li Zicheng, and Zhang Xianzhong in the world. Most of the bannermen outside the Pass did not actually have much confidence in being able to compete for the world."

"Defeating Li Zicheng, seizing the capital, and then destroying Nanming and seizing the world are all the work of Dorgon."

"Such a feat cannot be replicated."

"So in terms of merit, Prince Su Yi can't compare to Dorgon."

"It seems that Dorgon failed to ascend to the throne at that time, and Prince Su Yi seemed to have no such righteousness."

Li Hongzhang said: "I don't think so."

"I think there will be no big obstacles for the prince to ascend to the throne in the future. There are three reasons."

"First of all, Dorgon's merits are great, but after he pacified the world and captured the country, he was of little use. The civil and military ministers of the world did not have much urgency to let him ascend to the throne, and even he It doesn't matter if he loses his power. To put it more bluntly, after taking over the world, Dorgon will be of no use. Who can't govern the world in that situation? "

"Although the Qing Dynasty is a foreign race, it still adheres to the old methods. It just learned a lot of lessons from the previous dynasty, so it made the old methods of governing the world more perfect. So after Dorgon died, the civil and military ministers relaxed a little. tone."

As soon as these words came out, the other two nodded.

Li Hongzhang continued: "The world at that time was only China. But now the world is the whole world. The old way of governing the world no longer works, and a new way is needed. And with this set of things, no one in the world except Prince Su Yi No one else can understand. The only one who can lead the way is Prince Su Yi. The only one who can lead this country to compete in the world is Prince Su Yi."

Hearing this, Peng Yulin and Zeng Jize felt strange.

There are only three of us here, so you, Li Hongzhang, don’t need to flatter the prince like this.

You admire the prince so much, why didn't you surrender at that time, why did you follow the rebellion?

Li Hongzhang's face remained unchanged and he said: "So, after Dorgon took over the world, he was not irreplaceable. In the future, our country will enter the comprehensive Westernization Movement and after comprehensive reforms, the prince will be irreplaceable."

"Then comes the second reason."

"Dorgon inherited entirely the power of Huang Taiji. It is true that many Han people surrendered to him, but in the final analysis, his entire system still belongs to Huang Taiji."

"But Prince Su Yi is different. His entire system was created entirely by himself and was not inherited from the late emperor."

When Peng Yulin heard this, he had to admit that Li Hongzhang was talented and could see problems very accurately.

Li Hongzhang said: "There is a third reason, and that is the mental preparation of the people in the world."

"When Huang Taiji was in power, would Dorgon dare to disobey Huang Taiji? He wouldn't dare at all."

"But when the late Emperor Xianfeng was in power, did Prince Su Yi disobey the late Emperor?"

"More than just disobedience? It was completely contrary. He completely went against the will of the late emperor, and the facts proved that he was right and the late emperor was wrong."

"So, Prince Su Yi's great cause started from fighting against the late emperor."

"In this way, no one can oppress him based on moral principles such as loyalty and filial piety. In the final analysis, he fought against the late emperor and was the winner."

"This is very important. He does not owe the late emperor anything."

"So, I think our focus should not be on the capital, nor on the bannermen."

"Whether they support it or not, it doesn't matter whether they oppose it or not."

"Moreover, the prince will attack the bannermen again and again."

"In the end, when the stubborn forces of the banner people were suppressed and the clean-up was carried out to the extreme, they would make very radical political choices in order to survive and have a place."

"The biggest obstacle to the prince ascending to the throne is the Han bureaucrats and the Han official class."

"Because from the beginning to the end, they were in a very detached state. When they suppressed the bannermen before, they just stood by and watched."

Li Hongzhang said coldly: "In fact, they are too aloof, as if the prince is completely begging for their help."

"Moreover, this group of people likes to use loyalty, filial piety and justice to oppress others, and they like to flaunt themselves with the banner of morality. They are the most hypocritical."

Peng Yulin couldn't help but said: "But...but this is the kind of people we are."

Li Hongzhang said: "Yes, we are Han bureaucrats, representatives of Han officials. This group of people will become the biggest obstacle to the prince ascending to the throne."

"You two, think about it, we are this group of people, why are we desperately trying to serve the prince now, and even doing our best to remove obstacles for the prince to ascend to the throne?"

Zeng Jize said: "Because we made a big mistake, there is no place for us in this world. In order to seek power, we can only find another position, and following the dragon's power is the best path we see."

Li Hongzhang said: "Yes, because we are suppressed, we have no place, and we are no longer transcendent."

“So, these Han bureaucrats are too reserved and aloof now, and that’s not okay.”

"The prince certainly can't give this group of people anything more, and he can't give them anything more."

"So, the only way is to take things away from their hands and create panic in them."

"The next reforms will not only suppress the interests of the banner people, but also suppress the interests and power of Han bureaucrats and Han officials."

"Only by suppressing them and taking away their things will they kneel down and beg the prince."

"Two peaches kill three people, or even one peach kills three people. We must find a way to make these Han bureaucrats and officials kill each other. In order to fight for interests and power, they also try their best to curry favor with the prince and fight for the merit of serving the dragon."

"In this way, the biggest obstacle for the prince to ascend to the throne in the future has been removed."

Peng Yulin and Zeng Jize were immediately amazed.

Although it is difficult to describe Li Hongzhang's character, his political skills are truly astonishing.

"Both of you, so we're going to start planning next."

"I hope that the prince can win the battle in the north. Once he wins, the flag affairs will be reformed and the Westernization Movement will be fully launched."

"And we are now going to start planning a policy to suppress Han bureaucrats and even eliminate some Han bureaucrats."

Zeng Jize said: "Banning opium is a good policy."

Li Hongzhang said: "Yes, but this is far from enough. Banning opium can only suppress some Han bureaucrats in Yunnan and Guizhou. But those two places are also members of our Hunan Army. The previous wave had long been suppressed by the prince. A bigger, broader policy is needed.”

Zeng Jize said: "Then reform the land policy?"

Li Hongzhang said: "It's too radical, and Emperor Yongzheng has already changed it once."

"The most appropriate thing at the moment is to comprehensively reform tax policies and completely cut off the financial resources of all local bureaucrats."

"Abolish local green camps."

"Reform local government affairs, abolish the post of governor, decentralize governors' powers, etc."

"There are also rumors that the imperial examination may be reformed in the future."

For a moment, Peng Yulin and Zeng Jize felt terrified.

It is unimaginable how much turmoil these policies will cause once they are implemented.

Li Hongzhang said: "Utilize the Westernization Movement to direct the energy and interests of the Han elite to factories and commerce, creating a new interest class that fully supports the prince's interest class."

"Invest in new education and break the monopoly of imperial examinations on official career."

"If these big moves continue, we will ensure that the old Han bureaucrats and Han elites will feel insecure and desperately want to jump ship. They will desperately support the prince and seek their own place."

"The prince handed over the new education to Mr. Luo Bingzhang and allocated one million taels of silver. It will definitely be enough at the beginning, but it will definitely not be enough later. Our group must work hard to transfer money to this matter. The prince is very If we value this matter, we will do our best to do it well.”

"In addition to the comprehensive Westernization Movement, my brother Li Hanzhang will take the lead and invest all our money and savings in it. Even if we don't make money in a short period of time, it doesn't matter. The important thing is to find our place again in the prince's camp."

"As for efforts to promote the policy of suppressing and reforming the Han elite, we need the support of Zhao Liewen, Tian Yugong, and other adults."

"Our current status is too low and we cannot reach the center. But we must also find ways to promote these policies."

"Obstacles will not move unless they are moved. And when they become obstacles, it will be too late to push them forward. You must dig their foundations in advance."

Peng Yulin suddenly sighed: "Brother Shaoquan, you are really a great talent."

Li Hongzhang suddenly became lonely and said: "I don't have any other skills, so... I only know the power of these fools. I really envy you, the prince has already had a place for you in his heart."

"But no matter what, I will eventually let the prince see my value."

"You two, do you agree with what I say?"

Peng Yulin said: "I agree."

Li Hongzhang said: "If you agree, we will take action. Zeng Jize, please reveal my opinions to the leader of the powerful association, Mr. Lin Li. I just want him to know about this matter and our thoughts."

"Brother Peng Yulin, if you can, please bring Zhao Liewen over, Xu Youren, Tian Yugong, Yuan Jiasan, Ma Xinyi, etc. We also need to set up an organization and hold secret meetings from time to time."

"The number of people in this organization should be small, but it should influence the central core. The goal is to remove obstacles to the prince's future and suppress the old elite group of the Han people."

"In fact, I think we need to send such a signal next."

"We need to select one or two Han ministers, find a way to convict them, and then kill them!"

"If you want to create a psychological crisis for Han ministers, don't get too comfortable."

"It's a pity that Weng Xinchun is already dead, otherwise he would be the most suitable."

Zeng Jize said: "Where is Prince Gong's side? He's been a little nervous lately."

Li Hongzhang said: "This group of people is useless."


Prince Gong Yi reported to the Queen Mothers of the two palaces that in order to prevent the worst situation from happening, it was necessary to form a team in advance and prepare to negotiate an armistice with the Russians.

After the news came out, his reputation turned around.

"Sixth Master is really great."

"It has to be Sixth Master. Others are afraid of Su Shave, but Sixth Master is not. He is worthy of being the Prince of Heshuo canonized by Emperor Daoguang, and he is worthy of being the pillar of the Qing Dynasty."

Before, others called him the Green Hat King, but now the Bannermen praised him as the Iron Bones King.

As a result, Yi was scared to death.

You, don't hurt me.

This prince only said that it is necessary to prepare for negotiations with the Russians, and he did not say that he would oppose Su Ye.

So, this Prince Gong stayed at home again.

But it was useless. The public opinion of the Bannermen outside was still vigorous.

Rumors from the battlefield in the north came one after another.

The most important thing is that the Russian and American ministers also saw the banners of the Qing court compromise faction on Yi's side, so they took the initiative to visit.

Yi refused, saying that he was not feeling well and it was inconvenient to see guests.

Then, the Bannermen ministers came to persuade and provoke one after another.

"Your Highness, you are the head of the royal family. Even if you have to obey Su Ye's policies, will you still care about the interests of the future bannermen? If you dare not even show the slightest nod, will there be a place for us in the future court?"

"We are not against Su Ye. We are also sharing the country's worries."

"And Su Ye is not a man who would kill without teaching."

"If you retreat like this, your political life will be over."

Yi still felt unsafe, and did not meet the Russian envoy directly, but submitted a memorial to meet with Baron Romanov.

He felt that this should be safe.

The two Empress Dowagers also approved it directly.

Then, at Prince Gong's Mansion, Yi met with Baron Romanov.

"Mr. Baron, last time Prince Yi led an army of 40,000 to surround your army of 7,000, what were the casualties on both sides?"

Romanov said: "We suffered 5,000 casualties, but your army's casualties may be even more."

Yi said: "Does it still mean that your army's combat effectiveness is greater than ours?"

Romanov said: "Of course, this is normal. Your army is too new, and we had a huge war with the most powerful country in the world not long ago, and we were undefeated, so we trained a strong combat effectiveness."

Yi said: "According to your judgment, how will the war between our two countries in the north go? Do you think our country will win or lose?"

Romanov said: "His Highness Su Ye is a genius commander. You have double the military strength and greater logistical advantages, so this battle will probably be The winner and loser will be decided, and neither can do anything to the other. After entering the severe winter, the two sides will cease fire. And our country will continuously increase troops in the Far East, so this war may last for two or three years, and when our country increases its troops to more than 150,000, or even more, your country should lose this war. "

Yi said: "Mr. Baron, do you think negotiations can solve the differences between our two countries?"

Romanov said: "Of course, our core area is too far away from the Far East, and the military cost is too high. So of course we hope to use political negotiations to resolve the dispute."

Yi said: "Then will your country open its mouth?"

Romanov said: "If it were before, it would definitely be. But now your army has shown its combat effectiveness, so our requirements will not be very harsh."

Yi nodded and ended the meeting.


Next, Yi had an extremely difficult ideological struggle.

There is really little political space left for him at present. If he completely retreats at home, he will completely lose his political status.

It should be reasonable not to openly oppose Su Ye, but to contact the Russians.

If the north loses, there is still a backup route, right?

Even if it doesn't lose, then the possibility of a long-term war is the greatest.

Once it turns into a long-term war, it will be difficult for the national treasury to support it.

At that time, it will become very necessary to solve the problem through negotiation, so we must start planning this path now.

I am also doing this for the country and the people.

So, Yi formulated a clear strategy for himself.

Not opposing Su Ye, and not publicly denying Su Ye, just quietly taking the negotiation route.

So, Yi finally met with the Russian envoy.

The two sides had a brief talk.

Sure enough, the conditions proposed by the Russian envoy were far less harsh than before.

As long as the "Aihui Treaty" and the "Qing-Russia Beijing Treaty" are recognized, and Lushunkou is leased for 99 years, a ceasefire can be reached.

Of course, Yi did not agree.

He did this just to find his own political route.

But he wanted to keep a low profile, and the bannermen were not willing to keep a low profile.

They began to build momentum, saying that the north could not win at all. When the Russians increased their troops to 150,000 or 200,000 in the future, the Qing Dynasty would be in danger of extinction.

Moreover, how could the treasury afford the annual military expenditure of 20 million?

So political negotiations were the only option.

Next, many bannermen ministers reported to the two Empress Dowagers, requesting the establishment of a new team to negotiate a ceasefire with the Russians, headed by Prince Gong Yi.

Then, the Empress Dowager asked Tian Yugong and Wenxiang, ministers of the Zongli Yamen, whether it was necessary to prepare for a ceasefire negotiation with the Russians.

Tian Yugong and Wenxiang both expressed their opposition, saying that this would only make the Russians underestimate our will.

Suddenly, a bannerman minister asked: "Have you forgotten the scene of the British and French coalition forces entering the capital a few years ago? If that day really comes, can you two bear the responsibility?"

"The war with the Russians has lasted for a year, and the national treasury is already unsustainable. If it continues for another two or three years, and the war gets bigger and bigger, can the national strength bear it?"

Because after several waves of killing, no one dares to openly oppose Su Ye now.

So, we can only use other political names.

And once the negotiation route is opened, to some extent, it means denying Su Ye's war route.

If this future war is really lost, or it turns into a war that lasts for several years, then their position will gain the initiative.

As winter approaches, their propositions seem to be getting more and more correct.

The hope of victory seems to be getting bigger and bigger.


Empress Dowager Ci'an went to the private house where she and Su Ye had a wedding ceremony.

At this time, she was having dinner with Zhenzhen.

"It's really frustrating. These people are not quiet at all." Ci'an said, "Have the wives of the sixth and seventh sons come to visit you recently?"

Zhenzhen said, "They haven't come for a long time. The bannermen outside are scolding them badly. I heard that Prince Gong got angry with the sixth wife."

Ci'an said, "Humph, these brothers are both useless."

The brothers she was talking about were Yi and Emperor Xianfeng.

Zhenzhen said: "They are not making a big fuss now, and they dare not do it openly, but if the cold winter comes, the two armies cease fighting, and the war is delayed until next year, then they will openly stand up and make trouble, and even stand up again to oppose our prince."

"When that time comes, I hope the Empress Dowager Cixi will not have other ideas."

Ci'an said: "She probably won't be so unwise."

Zhenzhen said: "Who knows? She has hatred in her heart, and in the capital, Ronglu and Jingshou have more than 60% of the troops combined, which she can command. Our prince's troops are either in the northwest or in Heilongjiang."

Ci'an said: "If we can't win, and the war is delayed until next year, will our master come back?"

Zhenzhen was stunned.

Empress Dowager, is that what you call her?

Zhenzhen said: "If it really drags on until next year, the prince will most likely not return to Beijing and will stay in the north."

The Queen Mother said: "That's really annoying. I haven't seen him for a long time."

Zhenzhen said: "If the situation gets worse, the prince may go south to Tianjin and recruit new troops again to continue to support the battlefield in the north."

"If it really comes to that, it will really become a war that will destroy the country. By then, those bannermen will really come out to make trouble, and even instigate Ronglu and Jingshou to rebel."

"If it really comes to that, I hope my sister can help our master."

Hearing the word sister, Ci'an blushed and said: "Well, that's not even necessary. If it really comes to that, maybe we will have to let the Western Expedition Army of 10,000 or 20,000 people return to Beijing and start a massacre again."

"Well, we just need to make relevant preparations to ensure that our army in Beijing has an advantage."


Next, Ci'an discussed and communicated with Cixi again.

The war in the northwest has been going on for more than a year, and many soldiers are exhausted. It may be necessary to call a division back to Beijing.

Hearing Ci'an's words, Cixi's face changed slightly.

This... is this to guard against me?

Now the troops of Ronglu and Jingshou in the capital are dominant, and the war in the north is not going well. Is this to let Su Ye's direct troops return to Beijing to calm the situation?

Then, Empress Dowager Ci'an, who had disappeared for a long time, appeared in the court again.

She told the ministers whether to call a division of the Western Expedition Army back to Beijing for recuperation.

Then, she told the ministers that the current new-style army of the empire still seemed to be insufficient, and whether to expand it again and recruit three or five more divisions.

Empress Dowager Ci'an's statement immediately caused an uproar.

This... what does this mean?

Su Ye's war in the north is not going well, and he is worried that someone in the capital will cause trouble. Will he use force to suppress it again?

Tian Yugong met with Zhao Liewen, Tong Jiewu and others in secret.

Tong Jiewu couldn't help but say that the Queen Mother really loves our prince deeply.

And in Prince Gong's mansion.

Prince Dun was furious: "What does she mean by this? Is she threatening us?"

"Does she really have no face at all? Are you afraid that the world will not know about his affair with Su Ye? How can this save the face of the late emperor?"

Yi was also trembling with anger, and said: "In theory, the relationship between the late emperor and me was not harmonious. But... he is also my brother. How can we brothers feel embarrassed when she is like this?"

Bao Jun said coldly: "It is said that Su Ye may become Dorgon. Now it seems that he is more than Dorgon. Back then, Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang was not so devoted to Dorgon."

Prince Dun said: "The late emperor's head is green. Does he have face as the empress dowager? Isn't he afraid of being ridiculed by the world?"

"Now it seems that the Empress Dowager Cixi has much more face. We may have to rely on the Empress Dowager Cixi. She is probably also upset with Su Ye in her heart."


The bannermen reacted very strongly to Empress Dowager Cixi.

No one dared to object in the court, but among the people, they could say anything ugly.

What adulterer and whore.

What should be drowned.

What shameless woman, unworthy of being the mother of the country.

What ugly words could be used.

In this way, Empress Dowager Cixi was made to look noble.

And she remained silent.

Before, the bannermen still had reservations about the matter between Su Yi and Ci'an.

And now, the relevant details are fully disclosed, even if these details are fabricated.

Ci'an and Su Yi's affair was completely spread throughout the capital and the world.

If this battle is not won, it will be a scandal, and it may even pave the way for Empress Dowager Ci'an to lose her orthodox status in the future.

Ci'an is completely on the opposite side of all bannermen.


The situation has not yet had time to escalate further, and the little Empress Dowager Ci'an has not yet faced greater pressure.

The messenger from the north rushed to Beijing.

One good news after another came to Beijing, and one good news after another flew into the palace.

"The Northern Expeditionary Army won a great victory, and the Russian army was completely destroyed."

"The commander of the Russian Expeditionary Force, the governor of Eastern Siberia, and dozens of other high-ranking officials and generals were all captured."

Then, not long after.

Another good news came.

"Our army has officially recaptured Hailanpao."

"Our army has officially recaptured Vladivostok."

Not long after, another good news came.

"Our army has completely recovered all the lost territory gained under the Beijing Treaty."

"Our army has completely recovered all the territory lost in the Treaty of Aihun."

"Our army has completely recovered all the territory lost after the Treaty of Nerchinsk. It won a complete victory in this battle and regained more than 600,000 square kilometers of territory."

Then, news came again.

The main force of the Northern Expeditionary Army went south and returned to Beijing.

Su Yi, the king of Yijun, returned to the court with his troops.

The entire capital was completely boiling. Su Yi and his team fell into ecstasy. All the bannermen in the capital were in complete deathly silence and despair.

Although Su Yi was still far away from the capital, the aura of fear had already enveloped the entire capital.

Prince Gong and Prince Yi seemed to have fallen ill again.

He came to Fujin again with a pale face and said tremblingly: "Otherwise, you, you and the seventh daughter-in-law, go to visit Zhenzhen again?"

Guarjia said coldly: "Your Majesty, I don't have such a face. And I have said that the sisterly relationship between Zhenzhen and I in the past few months is real, and we are not so snobbish."

Yidao: "You guys, you have a deep love for each other as sisters. Where is this king? Where is this king?"

Guarjia said: "What does the prince need to do? Do you still need my teaching?"


The next day!

Prince Gong and Prince Yi were the first to come out of the procession, wearing royal uniform.

"Congratulations to the Queen Mother, congratulations to the Queen Mother."

"King Yijun's great victory is the greatest achievement since the founding of this dynasty."

"We must organize an unprecedented triumphal ceremony. I invite the Queen Mother to take charge of this task."

"If it's not like that, it's not enough to express your feelings towards Prince Yi."

As soon as these words came out, many people snorted, "Prince Gong, you are really shameless."

Historically, Prince Gong could kneel without any problems, and in this world, there is certainly no exception. And compared to the Yehenala clan, Su Yi is much more powerful.

Empress Dowager Ci'an was happy in her heart, and said with disdain and pride: "That's it, let's take a look."

In the following time, Prince Gong Yi began to get busy, organizing the largest triumphal ceremony in history to welcome Su Yi back to Beijing.

"Except for the emperor, everyone must kneel down to receive Prince Yi."

"This king is no exception."

"We have to travel thirty miles to meet you, and you have to walk. No one will be exempted."

"Other than that, it is not enough to express my gratitude to Prince Yi."


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