Tian Yugong led hundreds of people to join Lianshun, and hundreds of people rushed towards Guangqi's house.

It was not yet dawn, and people on both sides of the street were still sleeping soundly. They were awakened by the soldiers on the street.

What happened?

In a blink of an eye, hundreds of soldiers surrounded Guangqi's mansion alley. Anyone in the mansion was arrested without any reason, and no one was allowed to enter or leave the alley.

Then, Dali Temple Minister Tian Yugong led hundreds of people to search the house.

No corner was left out, but nothing decent was found.

This underground secret room in Guangqi's house is considered secret to others, but it is completely child's play for Dali Temple.

When he found this secret door, Dali Temple Minister Tian Yugong was so excited that he trembled all over.

Who has a secret passage? Who makes a secret room?

There must be something fishy here.

As Dali Temple, the most feared thing is that nothing can be found.

Wouldn't that make him look incompetent in front of the emperor?

"Pry it open, I will personally go down to search!"

Then, they pried open the secret door, and a group of people rushed into Guangqi's secret room.

They began to rummage through the boxes and cabinets inside, and only a moment later, a surprised voice came.

"Sir, we found it, we found it!"

They also have meritorious service indicators. Whoever finds something useful first will also be included in the assessment, which will have an impact on the next promotion.

Dali Temple Minister Tian Yugong immediately stepped forward and took it to have a look.

This is the account book, Guangqi made the war horse crazy, turned it into a useless horse, and then sold it outside for personal gain.

This involves a large number of officials in the Imperial Household Department.

Next, more and more things were seized, and there were blackmail letters from anonymous officials in the Imperial Household Department to Guangqi.

In addition, there were secret letters from other accomplices to Guangqi, saying that Su Quan seemed to be investigating the outflow of crazy horses, and asked Guangqi to be careful and try to deal with Su Quan.

There are also various recipes, all of which are about how to make the warhorse temporarily crazy, but not incomplete.

There are even various experimental data.

Moreover, the paper and handwriting on these recipes are relatively old, and the handwriting is very good. It is not Guangqi's handwriting, but most likely written by his father Ningshou.

"Sir, this... case is not small, but it is not big either." The Dali Temple Shaoqing next to him whispered: "At least it is not so high-profile that you have to come out in person."

Tian Yugong was also a little confused.


The amount involved in the Taipu Temple warhorse loss case is at most a few thousand taels of silver a year, and at most tens of thousands of taels.

How could such a case alarm the emperor? And let the Nine Gates Admiral and the Dali Temple come together?

Tian Yugong immediately racked his brains to think about the reason.

He could feel that this case was very important, and even related to his weight in the emperor's mind.

In the past two years, Tian Yugong has been under great pressure. The emperor deposed Weiren from the title of Dali Temple and asked him to take his place.

Weiren is famous and well-known, and has a high prestige in the Dali Temple.

Although Tian Yugong has the support of the emperor, he is still criticized in the government office and his prestige is seriously insufficient.

Finally, there is a major case that the emperor cares about, and he must make good use of it.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If it is done well, it will not only consolidate the emperor's favor, but also establish prestige in the government office.

Tian Yugong, the time to test you has come.

You must think the same as the emperor, otherwise your future will be bad.

The only rule for official promotion is to guess the emperor's heart.

Why would the emperor care so much about such a small war horse corruption case and send such a big battle?

Think big, guess big!

Tian Yugong couldn't help but think of the emperor's slightly lame leg in his mind, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

He knew!

He understood!

Suddenly, Tian Yugong became excited.

He was almost shaking all over.

Oh my God! This is a shocking case!

This is the first major case he has dealt with since he became the Dali Temple Minister!

He knew exactly what to say and what to do next.

Your Majesty, the time has come for me to serve you.

"Come here, pack up all the evidence, do not damage it, and send it directly to the palace!"

"No one is allowed to approach the evidence, damage it, or exchange it."

"Violators will be killed without mercy!"

The people around were stunned. Lord Tian Yu, we know that your life in the Dali Temple has not been easy in the past two years. You are looking forward to a big case every day, but you don't have to treat a fly leg as a ham.

It's just such a small case, but you have to send it to the palace. Aren't you afraid of being embarrassed?

"Quick, what are you still standing there for?!"


Tian Yu urged, while thinking about what to say in his mind, how to deal with the emperor next.

You must, you must make this case a big case!


At the same time, in Shuntian Prefecture.

Su He, Su Quan, and Bai Feifei had been detained in the hall.

Guangqi's wife, Wanyan, was the plaintiff and was on the other side of the hall.

Su He was shaking all over, already filled with fear, but he held his head high and held on.

Su Quan had a wooden expression and angry eyes, but when he saw his wife, he was completely panicked and kept asking, "Why are you here? Why are you here? Didn't Concubine Yi protect you?"

Su Quan had been an official for several years and was no longer naive. He was prepared for what would happen next. As long as his wife and mother were fine, he would feel at ease.

But his wife was also caught, and his defense was completely broken.

But now that my wife is here, where is Su Yi? Did he run away again? Are you still so cowardly and unable to take responsibility?

Standing on the other side were Niu Guanglu Guangqi's wife and son, and several servants kneeling, all appearing as witnesses.

On both sides of the lobby, there were two rows of government officials standing, holding thick fire and water sticks.

"The royal family has arrived!"

Everyone looked behind the door. Jia Zhen walked out and sat down in the court hall.

He glanced at Su He's family briefly, showing little interest.

Jia Zhen picked up the gavel, photographed it, and ordered the trial to begin.

Jia Zhen said sternly: "Ms. Bai, someone is accusing you and your family of murdering Niu Hulu and Guangqi yesterday. Do you have anything to say?"

Bai Feifei said: "Sir, I kicked Guangqi away yesterday, but he was not dead at the time. What's more, he tried to reach out to me, and I fought back. According to the laws of the Qing Dynasty, didn't I fight back? Right?"

Jia Zhen said: "If a woman feels her innocence is threatened, of course she can fight back. Do you have any witnesses?"

Bai Feifei said: "My father-in-law Su He and my husband Su Quan could see clearly that day."

Jia Zhen said: "According to the laws of the Qing Dynasty, these are your family members and cannot testify for you."

Bai Feifei said: "It seemed that there were many people yesterday who could see clearly. There were no less than a hundred witnesses."

Jia Zhen said: "Call the witness!"

After a while, more than a dozen witnesses were brought to the court, and they were all indeed present yesterday.

Jia Zhen said: "Ms. Bai, were these people present when what happened yesterday?"

Of course Bai Feifei knew something was wrong, but she only had one thought in her mind.

Delay time!

The longer the better.

She pretended to remember and identify them, and looked at them one by one.

Jia Zhen didn't want her to waste her time like this and said, "Do you know her or not?"

Bai Feifei said: "Yes, these people were all present yesterday."

Jia Zhen said: "Are you sure they are all present and can serve as witnesses?"

Bai Feifei said: "Yes, they are all present."

Jia Zhen said: "Did you see Guang Qi trying to reach out to molest Bai?"

The dozen or so witnesses present shook their heads and said, "No, not at all."

"Brother Guangqi is the most honorable man. How could he reach out and molest a woman in front of everyone?"

"This witch is slandering the name of our banner people."

"Bai Feifei, you're afraid you might have made a mistake. It was Su Yi who reached out to touch you, not Guang Qi!"

Of course these people are talking nonsense. Not only did they see Guang Qi reach out to Bai Feifei with their own eyes yesterday, but many of them also tried to fish in troubled waters.

Jia Zhen was stunned and the whole place fell into silence.

"Wanyan said that yesterday her husband Guangqi went to Su He's house to ask for an explanation, but was kicked by Bai Feifei and vomited blood. Wanyan, do you have a witness?" Jia Zhen said.

Wanyan said: "Yes, there are many bystanders present, hundreds of them."

"Call the witness!"

After a while, a dozen more people came in.

Suddenly, there were more than thirty witnesses present.

Jia Zhen said: "Did you all see clearly what happened yesterday?"

"Return to your lord, see clearly."

Jia Zhen said: "Do you know that perjury violates the laws of the Qing Dynasty?"

"Sir, it's clear, but if there is half a lie, there will be five thunders from the sky!"

Jia Zhen said: "Did you see Bai Feifei kick Guang Qi away yesterday? Su He, Su Quan, Su Yi and his son surrounded Guang Qi?"

"Yes, I saw it with my own eyes!"

"All the men saw it, hundreds of people could see it clearly. Su Quan was holding a stick, Su He was slashing with a knife, Bai Shi kicked Guang Qi's brother away and vomited blood, Su Yi rushed over and took it directly The dagger was pressed against Guang Qi’s neck.”

The document next to it records all this in detail.

"As witnesses, are you willing to sign and stamp the confession?" Jia Zhen said.

"Sir, I do!"

"If you wish, Guangqi can't die in vain!"

"Kill for life, kill for life!"

More than thirty witnesses signed their names and pressed their fingerprints on the confession.

Jia Zhen said: "Wanyan, please tell me in detail what happened after your husband brought me home."

Wanyan cried and said: "My husband was carried home around noon. I called him to eat, but he said he felt sick in his heart and couldn't eat after two bites. I helped him lie down on the bed, and then he started vomiting blood. , I kept saying that my heart hurt, and I quickly asked someone to call the doctor, but less than half an hour later, he was gone and he vomited half a basin of blood. "

"Sir, my husband-in-law died miserably. Please ask Mr. Qingtian to make the decision."

"Before he died, my husband-in-law said that the people who killed him were Su He's family!"

"Please ask Mr. Qingtian to make the decision."

Jia Zhen said: "Pass it to the doctor, pass it on to the widow, and bring up Guangqi's body!"

After a while, the doctor who rushed to treat Guangqi yesterday and the widower of Shuntian Mansion came to the court together.

The other two government officials carried Niu Hulu Guangqi's body up.

Jia Zhen said: "Mr. Zhong, when you went there, were you sure Guang Qi was dead?"

The doctor said: "Sir, he is already dead."

Jia Zhen said: "According to your judgment, what is the cause of death?"

The doctor said: "He was hit hard on the chest and his heart was fatally injured, so he vomited blood and died."

Jia Zhen said: "Wu Zuo, you dissected Guang Qi's body. What results did you get?"

Wu Zuo said: "Sir, you can clearly see that there are obvious bruises on the heart of the deceased's chest, and there are signs of broken ribs on the chest. After anatomy, there are many damaged blood vessels in the heart. So it is very obvious that this is He was hit hard in the heart and died of severe internal injuries.”

Next, the doctor and Wu Zuo signed and stamped their respective testimonies.

Jia Zhen's face turned cold and he said sternly: "Now that the witnesses and physical evidence are all there, what else do you have to say, Mrs. Bai?"

Mu Ningzhu and Guanglu, who were observing secretly, felt extremely happy.

This is what hunting feels like.

The kind that tramples the prey underfoot, unable to survive or die, but does not kill it, but gradually plays with it.

Being weak is the original sin, being weak and wealthy is the worst sin among sins.

Looking at the beautiful Bai Feifei, Guang Lu and Mu Ningzhu were salivating.

It won't be long before this woman belongs to him.

Above the court, Jia Zhen of Shuntian Prefecture said in a cold voice.

"Su He, Su Quan, Bai, can you plead guilty?"

Su He and Su Quan looked desperate. They felt that this was completely irrefutable and there was no possibility of turning over.

Even they themselves felt that Guang Qi was kicked to death by Bai Feifei.

Only Bai Feifei remained silent.

Her main purpose is very simple, to delay time, and to do everything possible to delay time.

I simply cannot admit guilt.

"Ms. Bai, can you plead guilty?" Jia Zhen raised his voice.

Bai Feifei said: "I don't plead guilty!"

Jia Zhen said in a cold voice: "The evidence is irrefutable. How dare you not plead guilty?"

Bai Feifei said: "How can this be called irrefutable evidence? These witnesses are all Guangqi's friends, and their testimony does not count. I kicked Guangqi, but it was just a self-defense counterattack. Who can prove that I Kicked him to death, maybe he was murdered after returning home? "

Jia Zhen immediately felt Bai Feifei's difficulty and said angrily: "Ms. Bai, I'm telling you that if you plead guilty in court, I can give you a lighter sentence and sentence you to manslaughter."

"I think you are also decent people, and you are from a distant clan, so I don't want to be punished. It would be disrespectful."

"But my patience is limited. If you don't have dignity, don't blame me for not showing you dignity."

"I don't believe that under torture, you still dare to act so recklessly!"

At this time, Jia Zhen just wanted to complete the process in the shortest possible time.

This Bai Feifei is so beautiful, no wonder Guang Lu and Mu Ningzhu are salivating, so Jia Zhen really doesn't want to be punished.

Wouldn't it be a waste of natural resources to destroy this beautiful woman?

But if you are so stubborn, don't blame me for being ruthless.

Immediately, he picked up the signing token and threw it down: "Come here, torture the suspect!"

The so-called torture means pinching the fingers.

Qianqianyu's hand was pinched like this, and it was absolutely painful.

Bai Feifei gritted his teeth and prepared to be punished. He would delay the punishment as long as he could, but he would never plead guilty anyway.

But Su Quan rushed forward: "I am willing to be tortured on your behalf!"

After saying that, he stopped directly in front of his wife.

Jia Zhen said angrily: "You have your punishment, how can there be an alternative? Give Bai a punishment!"

At this time, the deputy chief eunuch Zenglu, who had been watching in secret for a long time and not allowing anyone to enter, suddenly coughed.

He was ordered by the emperor to stop the trial, but the emperor had another intention. Let's not stop it and test Jia Zhen's quality. Now it seems that something is wrong with Jia Zhen. Why are you in such a hurry? Do you want to kill someone quickly and silence them?

He was about to surrender.

He suddenly shouted: "There is an oracle!"

Jia Zhen was stunned. Is there an oracle at this time?

What happened?

Then, he walked down to the court and knelt down: "Your Majesty, Jia Zhen, respectfully send you holy greetings!"

Deputy Chief Eunuch: "Holy Holy Gong!"

Then, the deputy chief eunuch said loudly: "The Holy Father ordered Jia Zhen to stop hearing the case at hand and immediately go to the palace to see him. All the defendants and related persons present are under house arrest in the Shuntian Mansion. No one is allowed to approach."

At this time, Jia Zhen's heart trembled, why on earth is this?

Oh my god? What happened? Did he alert the emperor?

However, there was no room for him to say no at this time.

Suddenly, Jia Zhen kowtowed: "I accept the decree!"

At this time, Su He and Su Quan were extremely happy, but they were also confused.

What happened? Why did you stop?

Did the emperor suddenly summon Jia Zhen for something, or was the emperor paying attention to this case?

No way? How could such a small case alarm the emperor?

Only Bai Feifei beside him was ecstatic.

She knew that Su Yi succeeded.

Boy, did he pull it off.

Note: The second update is four thousand six.

Next update at midnight.

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