Usurping the Qing Dynasty: My first love was Cixi

Chapter 43: Too awesome! He deserves death!!

At this moment, Jia Zhen was really struck by lightning, and his whole body was cold.

When Prince Gong saw this scene, he couldn't help but sigh.

Jia Zhen's reaction was exactly the same as his own at that time.

Jia Zhen read it over and over again, and after reading the memorial, he looked at Su Ye again.

He couldn't express his horror in any words.

This... this can be turned around?

Such a deadly situation can be turned around?

No, this is not just about saving yourself.

And it is to kill all the opponents.

Too vicious!

What kind of sense of smell?

How powerful?

If he is so powerful, why was he so miserable in the south by Zeng Guofan, and even almost lost his life?

He had never met Su Ye before, and he didn't expect that the first meeting would be such a decisive situation.

Jia Zhen instinctively wanted to kneel down, but hesitated.

Can't kneel, must not kneel at this time!

He immediately regretted it very much, why did he come to this mess?

It's obviously none of his business.

But now that things have come to this, Jia Zhen has to fight back. His eyes turned cold and he said, "Su Ye, what do you want to do? What do you think you are as an emperor? In order to escape the death penalty, do you not hesitate to create a shocking injustice? Do you not hesitate to cause unrest in the court?"

"What do you think we are? Do you want to create a witchcraft disaster? In this troubled time, do you want to cause trouble for the Qing Dynasty?"

Then, Jia Zhen knelt down to the emperor and said, "Your Majesty, I beg you to kill Su Ye, otherwise this person will bring disaster to the country and the people, and will cause endless disasters."

And Su Ye pointed at Jia Zhen and said, "Your Majesty, Jia Zhen is suspected of colluding with the rebels, Participated in the murder of His Majesty, and then tried to frame the murder of Guangqi and his brother on my family to silence them. Such evil intentions, shameless in high position, should be beheaded!"

"Jia Zhen, there is no need to hide in front of the emperor. Ask yourself, do you really think we killed Guangqi and his brother?"

"My sister-in-law kicked Guangqi and Guangshu, but it was in self-defense, because these people used obscene moves and tried to molest her in the chaos. What's wrong with a woman kicking them away for her chastity?"

"After Guangqi was kicked away and vomited blood, he still He was full of energy and shouted in front of everyone, "My Su Ye family is finished, our property will be confiscated and our clan will be exterminated."

"What kind of behavior is this? It's a complete scam!"

"After being kicked and vomiting blood, he was still full of energy and alive and kicking, but he died when he got home, and not just one, but two!"

"What time do Shuntian Prefecture usually try cases? It must be after the Si hour, and what time did you try the case today? Chen hour, not long after dawn, when did Lord Jia Zhen become so diligent? Why did he try the case so early and decide the case so early? ? Are you afraid of more dreams in the long night? "

"Lord Jia Zhen, you have a very good reputation as an official, upright and clear-minded! You patted your chest in front of the emperor and said, do you really have no idea about the death of Guangqi brothers? Do you really think we killed them? "

"Jia Zhen, do you think everyone is a fool? ! Mu Ningzhu and his son are in Shuntian Prefecture Court at this time. The emperor will send someone to check and find out why Mu Dutong, such a big figure, appeared in Shuntian Prefecture Court?"

"Tell me, do you dare to lie in front of the emperor? Do you dare to deceive the emperor?"

Jia Zhen's heart was surging.

This Su Ye is too vicious, too powerful, and his questions are too tricky.

Just this series of questions made him unable to resist and answer.

If you answer honestly and say that you know there is something fishy about this case, and you are still in a hurry to convict, then you are taking human life lightly and are not worthy of being an official.

If you answer that I judge the case impartially, then you are deceiving the emperor.

In front of the emperor, evidence is not important, it is completely idealistic.

Doesn't Jia Zhen know that there is something fishy about this case? Of course he knows.

The emperor can also judge that there is something fishy by the cause and effect.

If you, Jia Zhen, say that I handled it impartially and you killed the person, then it is deceiving the emperor, and the consequences are more serious.

Neither left nor right.

And Jia Zhen's thoughts are, why am I so anxious to convict Su Ye's family, in addition to selling a favor to the Xiang Army and Mu Ningzhu, in the final analysis, isn't it to please the emperor?

Your Majesty, you want to do what Yuan Shao did, but you can't do it, then as a minister, I will do it for you.

But this can't be said, you can only do it, not say it.

But Su Ye fabricated a big case of murdering the emperor.

Directly smashed the trivial matter of Yuan Shao killing Tian Feng.

The most important thing is that Mu Ningzhu is indeed in Shuntian Prefecture now, how to explain this?

Although Guangqi is your cousin and you will be concerned about the case, it is enough to let your son Guanglu go alone. It would be too serious for the father and son to go together.

Moreover, as for the conspiracy group suspected of participating in the assassination of the emperor, Jia Zhen found that he could not defend himself after thinking quickly.

Because he had no position to defend himself, because he was indeed the teacher of Prince Gong Yi, and the teacher with the closest relationship.

The person who had the best position to defend himself was Du Han!

Because his father was Du Shoutian, the greatest contributor to the succession of the current emperor and the confidant of the emperor's most loyal minister.

Many words were most convincing when spoken by him.

Zhang Yuzhao, I got involved in this trouble for you. If you are smart enough, you should know what to do.

Otherwise, no matter how big the trouble is, you can't escape.

So, Jia Zhen chose to shut up and not explain.

Anyway, it's wrong to say anything, so it's better not to say anything.

He knocked his head to the ground and never got up.

I have to say that he is really sophisticated and smart, knowing that silence at this time is worth a thousand words.

At this moment, there was a sound outside.

"Your Majesty, Minister of Military and Aircraft Du Han wants to see you!"

Su Yi's scalp was slightly numb. He was really a master.

There may have been some oversights at the beginning, but once he actually started playing, he really didn't make any mistakes.

Jia Zhen's response here is flawless.

Zhang Yuzhao, who was outside the scene, actually had no idea what was going on. But when he heard that a lot of evidence was confiscated from Guangqi's house and carried to the palace, and when he learned that Jia Zhen was summoned to the palace, he immediately made an inference.

Although he didn't know anything, based on the existing signs, he really made a pretty good guess.

Then, he immediately chose the best solution and asked Du Han, who had the most aloof stance, to enter the palace to help. In a sense, this has escalated to a low-intensity party struggle, and compared to history, the Hunan Army and the Sushun Party are more closely tied at this time.

Because Du Han was the emperor's absolute confidant, and he and his father Du Shoutian were also Zhuo Bingtian's absolute political opponents.

Anyone can say a good word for Zhuo Bingtian, but Du Han and his son cannot.

Suddenly, Su Yi's hair stood on end, full of fighting spirit!

Sure enough, after hearing Du Han's name, Xianfeng's expression suddenly changed, full of expectation and intimacy.

This is absolutely confidant treatment.

After a while, Military Minister Du Han entered and saluted.

"Your Majesty, Du Han, long live, long live, long live!"

Xianfeng said: "Du Qing, please help me read this memorial."

Look at this tone, casual and friendly, yet not polite and distant.

When Jia Zhen knelt down, the emperor called Master Jia, came to support him personally, and offered him a seat.

Du Han and Zhang Yuzhao had just made bold guesses about what happened, and they basically had a close guess, but now they were still frightened when they saw this memorial.

Everyone felt that Su Yi would definitely die this time and there was no way he could save himself.

Didn't expect that he would choose this method?

Too poisonous, too cunning, too powerful.

I really underestimate this person.

Du Han read the memorial and looked at a lot of evidence.

"Your Majesty, I have something to say to you in private."

"Okay!" Xianfeng said: "Move!"

After a moment's hesitation, the emperor said: "Tian Yugong, you come too!"

There were only three people in Xianfeng's private study, the emperor, Du Han, and Tian Yugong.

"Your Majesty, this case is actually very simple." Du Han said: "Mun Ningzhu took a fancy to the Su He family's property and tried to annex it. He didn't dare to touch it before. Later, at the court meeting, Chong En went crazy and offended Long Yan. This group of people People speculate that the Holy Heart wants to help the emperor kill Su Yi. "

"Ridiculous!" Xianfeng said angrily: "Do you really think I am Yuan Shao?"

Du Han said: "Yes, Mu Ningzhu is greedy and Jia Zhen is confused."

"But essentially, both of them want to share your worries for you. But Mu Ningzhu secretly wants to make a fortune by sharing your worries for you, while Jia Zhen only wants to share your worries for you." After sharing the worries, he doesn’t need to show off to Mu Ningzhu at all.”

"So, this is a stupid thing done with good intentions!"

Xianfeng said: "What about the unsaid things in Su Yi's memorial?"

Du Han said: "Did Zhuo Bingtian possibly instruct Ning Shou, the young minister of Taipu Temple, to make your majesty's horse suddenly go crazy and make you fall off the horse?"

Xianfeng said: "I was only ten years old when this happened, so I can't remember many things clearly. Aiqing was in his prime at that time and helped me a lot, so he should be clear about it."

Du Han pondered for a while, as if he was deep in recollection.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, my father and Zhuo Bingtian were absolute enemies at that time. If the other party really did such a thing, my father would not let it go." Du Han said: "At least my father never mentioned it to me, and the late emperor was so cautious, if If there is such an appalling thing, I believe he will never let it go.”

The end.

Du Han added: "I would rather kill someone by mistake than let him go."

After saying this, he regretted a little because this sentence went too far.

But this passage directly shook Xianfeng! !

Yes, what kind of political enemies were teachers Du Shoutian and Zhuo Bingtian back then? If Zhuo Bingtian did such a thing, how could Du Shoutian let him go? How could the late emperor not investigate?

Xianfeng said: "Then what I mean is that Su Yi is biting randomly in order to save himself?"

Du Han said: "His brother Su Quan is an honest man. He found out that Taipusi's war horses accidentally went crazy and turned many useless horses. He found out about this. He then remembered that the emperor had fallen from his horse, so he grabbed a life-saving straw and extended the weaving. network, fabricated into a shocking conspiracy, set off a shocking case, and then fought back to save themselves."

In fact, Du Han really told the truth with one word.

Xianfeng frowned after hearing this.

Du Han said: "Actually, there is nothing wrong with this. After all, their family was really wronged about Guang Qi. That kick should not kill anyone."

"But..." Du Han changed his tone and said, "People like Su Yi who use the Emperor's Sacred Heart to save themselves and eliminate political opponents have really lost their sense of awe."

This is heartbreaking! It takes half a life!

Suddenly it hit Xianfeng's most sensitive spot.

At that time, Prince Hui Mianyu persuaded Xianfeng not to kill Su Yi in this way, so as not to become Zeng Guofan's tool for killing people.

Now, Du Han used the same method to deal with Su Yi, but he was not as explicit as Prince Hui said.

But Xianfeng was still furious, feeling that his dignity was greatly challenged.

If it was really as Du Han said, then Su Ye was also worthy of death.

You ministers, do you look down on me so much?

Zeng Guofan wanted to use me as a knife, and you Su Ye are the same?

Am I a tool for you to play power games? Looking for death?

Xianfeng actually didn't care who killed Guangqi. This big smoker, who also lined his pockets, deserved to die.

But he cared about being used.

At this time, Xianfeng was in a huge contradiction.

On the one hand, he felt that Su Ye's memorial was right, Zhuo Bingtian had murdered him back then, and he and Ning Shou, Jia Zhen, and Mu Ningzhu were all in the same party, otherwise how could such a coincidence happen.

On the other hand, he suspected that Su Ye was playing power games, using himself, and wanted to use him as a knife.

For a time, Xianfeng was indecisive.

This person is like this, suspicious and indecisive. As long as he feels that someone wants to harm him, his suspicious nerves are immediately strongly stimulated.

But his wavering is not a big deal, but it concerns the lives of many people.

"Your Majesty, Su Ye's behavior should not be encouraged." Du Han said lightly: "Otherwise, it will set a bad precedent and make the ministers lose respect for the imperial power."

This is a heart-piercing and fatal blow!

Dali Temple Minister Tian Yugong certainly noticed the emperor's hesitation and felt something was wrong. My big case must not be lost.

So he ventured to say on the side: "Your Majesty, I think what Lord Du said is very reasonable."

Then Tian Yugong continued: "If Su Ye is really playing tricks and using the emperor, he deserves death. So I dare to ask the emperor to order Su Ye to come in. Lord Du Han and I will question him face to face. No matter whether he is loyal or treacherous, we will make him show his true colors."

Su Ye, I, Tian Yugong, may not be able to beat Du Han alone, but you are more powerful. Let's go together!

Whether it is a win or a loss depends on this move.


Note: The second update is nearly 4,000 words

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