Usurping the Qing Dynasty: My first love was Cixi

Chapter 66: Blood boiling! No regrets for being a hero (2 more updates, congratulations to the leade

Chapter 66: Blood boiling! Heroes have no regrets! (2 more congratulations to the leader Tiantian WuJ)

Qingqing lay in Su Ye's arms infatuatedly, unable to speak for a long time.

"Tell me, what do you want me to do?" She said softly, but found that her voice was a little hoarse.

She is really too smart.

Su Ye said: "At this time, don't you care if I use you?"

Qingqing said softly: "What I want, I have already got it."

What did she get?

That day, Qingqing pushed him away, not only was she not strong, but her will was not very strong.

If Su Ye is a little stronger, he can still get what he wants.

But Su Ye didn't do that, but retreated.

He would rather lose huge benefits and risk losing the first place than hurt Qingqing again.

This is the love Qingqing wants.

You need me, I am very happy.

It's not impossible for you to deceive me.

But all this must be based on the foundation that you also love me.

And the most difficult moral wall to be broken was destroyed cleanly last night.

Everything that happened last night made her chastity look so ridiculous.

What's the point of keeping this thing when facing someone who doesn't love you at all and doesn't even have any marriage facts?

Su Ye said: "I'm going to take part in the provincial examination soon. I can handle the first and second examinations, almost perfectly. The only important question is the policy question. Although I know the test questions, I still can't do it. I need you to help me write it."

Qingqing couldn't help but put her mouth close and kissed Su Ye again.

She was mature and it was her first time to fall in love. Kissing was almost addictive to her.

"You actually know the test questions?!" Qingqing said softly: "This is very dangerous. Our dynasty is very strict with cheating in the imperial examinations. Disclosing the test questions is a capital crime. Once it is leaked to one person, it is leaked to many people. There is no wall that is impenetrable."

This is true. Several cases of cheating in the imperial examinations in the Qing Dynasty were dealt with very harshly.

A few years later, Wenyuan Pavilion Grand Secretary Bai Chen, in the 1858 Shuntian Prefecture provincial examination cheating case, he did not participate in the cheating at all, but was only implicated. At most, he was charged with a dereliction of duty, but he was still beheaded.

Su Ye said: "I did not cheat, but I knew the test questions."

His tone was very firm, but he did not explain.

"Really?" Qingqing asked.

Su Ye said: "I did not cheat at all. Apart from the relevant people, I was the only one who knew the test questions. I can't explain the reason to you. But I promise that it is true."

"Well, then I know." Qingqing said softly: "Then what?"

Dealing with smart girls is so pleasant, she didn't ask directly.

When she spoke, her watery eyes always looked at Su Ye's face, full of light, as if there were stars in her pupils.

"My biggest opponent in the provincial examination is Zhang Yuzhao. If nothing unexpected happened, he would have been the first."

Qingqing said: "If the exam goes on normally, I may not be able to beat him. But since the test questions are known, I should be able to beat him. After all, I have enough time to think about the questions."

Su Ye said: "I already have Zhang Yuzhao's questions, and I have found the most outstanding talents to analyze the shortcomings of his questions, the shortcomings of his ideas, and reconstruct a set of ideas, focusing on his essay."

Suddenly, Qingqing opened her beautiful eyes wide.

This... How is this possible? I know all the people around you, and they don't seem to have great talent.

Su Ye saw that she was cute and couldn't help but kiss her again.

This time, it took another two minutes, and she was so fascinated again.

"Let me see..." Qingqing said: "Her essay, and the analysis you mentioned, do you have it here?"

Su Ye said: "Yes."

Then, Su Ye got up and went to find it.

Qingqing looked at his body, dazed for a while, and then blushed again.

It looks so good!

Su Ye handed it to Qingqing to read.

She sat up, her beautiful upper body exposed to the air, and hurriedly tried to cover it with a quilt.

She read Zhang Yuzhao's strategy very quickly.

But the second and third times, she read very slowly.

"He wrote very well, very well, very well." Qingqing said: "The person you found is also very good. He analyzed the shortcomings of this article very thoroughly. And the framework he rebuilt is also very brilliant."

"But..." Su Ye said.

Qingqing said softly: "How do you know there is a but?"

Su Ye said: "Because your eyes are full of fighting desire."

Not only fighting desire, but also arrogance.

It seems that she has entered the battlefield where she is best.

Top generals will immediately be eager to move when they meet opponents on the battlefield.

At this time, Qingqing's literary thoughts are like a spring, and she immediately wants to get up and write this strategy.

But just after taking a step, she screamed in pain.

Su Ye wanted to carry her.

"Don't, I want to experience this kind of pain, sweet." Qingqing said in a delicate voice.


Talented woman, don't be so tempting.

Then, she took a piece of clothing and wanted to put it on.

Su Ye said: "No, let me see, it's very beautiful."

Qingqing blushed, but she let Su Ye go, and came to the brocade cushion like this, and Su Ye took the clothes to cushion it.

The woman took a breath and sat down carefully.

Su Ye also took a breath of cold air.

The back view is too charming.

As white as snow, like the remnant of plum blossoms, a light touch, one half.

The most beautiful thing in this world is the arc.

It's an exaggeration, but not an exaggeration.

It's not an exaggeration, but it's quite an exaggeration.

Qingqing felt extremely shy and begged in a low voice: "Can you watch for a while longer with your clothes on? Otherwise, I won't be able to calm down and write."


Three minutes later, Su Yi took the clothes and gently put them on her body.

After a quarter of an hour of shyness, the eldest sister finally entered her state, her world.

His whole personality changed.

Quiet, confident, determined, sweet.

The pen in his hand seemed to turn into a sharp sword.

Every word I write is filled with extraordinary confidence.

At this time, Qingqing bloomed with extraordinary charm, which was fascinating.

She writes very quickly, and her writing moves swiftly and swiftly.

In just about an hour, I finished writing a policy question.

Then, she seemed to have exhausted all her energy, and was excited and tired.

Su Yi took it over and read it two or three times.

"I'm in really good condition today, very good." She said softly, "My writing is much, much better than usual."

Su Yi said: "Then use this one?"

Qingqing said softly: "Not necessarily. I am so happy tonight, as if I am in the clouds. The writing is very good, but it may not be appropriate. If it is poetry, it is excellent. But the policy questions in the imperial examination, This may not be good.”

"In the next few days, I will continue to revise and rewrite, and I will definitely write a policy question that will definitely surpass Zhang Yuzhao."

Su Yi said: "Isn't the article about being natural?"

Qingqing said: "The policy questions for the imperial examination are not like this."

Then, Qingqing stretched out her jade arms like lotus root joints and hugged Su Yi's neck.

Su Yi gently picked her up and returned to the bed.

She lay tightly in his arms again, pressed together.

"You go and make peace, and I'll marry you." Su Yi said.

Qingqing said softly: "What do you want to do in the future?"

Su Yi thought for a while and said, "Save this country."

Qingqing said: "Then I can't marry you, that would be bad for your future. And if I don't marry you, maybe you will love me more."

Su Yi said: "A wife is not as good as a concubine, and a concubine is not as good as a thief?"

Qingqing said softly: "Yes."

You are such a pure and flawless woman, but you really know everything.

"Xiaoyi, do you like Zhenzhen?" Qingqing asked.

"It's not a matter of whether you like it or not."

Qingqing said: "She likes you very much and has come to see me twice. Although she didn't say it explicitly, she wanted to use my hint to ask your family to come to propose marriage."

Su Yi said: "What do you think?"

Qingqing said: "Are you very good at martial arts?"

Su Yi said: "Don't you know how powerful I am?"

Qingqing blushed with embarrassment and whispered: "I only have book knowledge. I don't know very well."

She always says the boldest words with the shyest attitude.

Su Yi said seriously: "It's amazing."

Qingqing said: "Then what is your next goal?"

Su Yi said: "Training troops, military power!"

Qingqing thought for a while and said: "Then you can't marry Zhenzhen, she is not the best marriage partner."

Su Yi nodded, he also knew this.

"Okay, go to sleep, it's already very late."

Qingqing said softly: "I don't want to sleep."

But soon, her beautiful eyes closed, and she fell asleep sweetly in Su Yi's arms.


The next day!

After the two woke up, Hongmei brought hot water.

"Congratulations, master, and congratulations, grandma."

Although Qingqing was shy, she still generously handed over a letter of silver.

Then, Hongmei took a pair of scissors and asked, "Will grandma do it yourself, or will the slave help you cut it?"

What was cut was the red drop on the sheets.

"I'll do it myself." Qingqing said softly.

Then, she carefully cut out a one-foot-square piece of white silk sheet, thinking about how to use these drops to make a painting.

Hongmei said with envy: "This slave likes to watch the master and Da Gege, a couple of gods and goddesses, just like in the play."

Then, Qingqing naturally bathed and changed clothes under Hongmei's service.

"Oh my god..." Hongmei exclaimed: "Da Gege, how do you grow? I am the one who is jealous of this figure."

Qingqing said sheepishly, "You have a good figure too."

Hongmei said: "You're just a big butt, not tall, and your legs aren't long, what's so good about it?"

Then, she stared at Qingqing's legs and said, "Da Ge Ge, your body is so beautiful. The master must be so in love with you. I saw a lot of teeth marks."

Qingqing finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Hongmei was very smart and stopped talking immediately.


After breakfast, Qingqing asked: "Where is Xiaoyi?"

"Going to practice martial arts." Mazhuangtou's daughter Cuihua said, but her tone was not very good.

She looked at Qingqing, whose features were as beautiful as snow and jade, and she was filled with jealousy and envy.

Qingqing asked: "Is he good at martial arts?"

She remembered Su Yi's words that he was very confident in martial arts.

Cuihua said: "What does it mean to be very good? Second Master's martial arts is the best in the world. He can kill a hundred horses and dogs."

The horse and dog next to him didn't dare to look at Qingqing. After hearing what his sister said, he raised his head and said, "What? Why did the second master want to beat me to death?"

Cuihua said: "Because you are stupid!"

"Men are all idiots. What's so good about such a beautiful woman? Isn't it bad that I'm so fat?" Cuihua was indignant.

Next, Qingqing asked for a horse, and under the protection of three guards, she rode to the grassland to look for Su Yi.

One of the original four guards went home to report that he was safe.

The beauty was newly broken, and although it hurt a little, she didn't care and enjoyed it a little.

Although she is a talented woman, she is not the kind of person who suffers from colds and is weak.

But the sun was too strong at this time, so she covered her face with silk, leaving only her eyes exposed to avoid getting tanned.

Go four or five miles deep into the grassland.

Then he saw Su Yi's figure.

Qingqing was so excited that her heart and eyes were all filled with him.

After just over an hour without seeing each other, I was already exhausted.

She immediately patted the horse's back and sped forward.

"Da Gege, there is a situation, be careful!" said the guard next to him.

Qingqing also noticed it.

There were more than a dozen people like Su Yi on the grassland.

There are two other groups.

A escort team and a group of horse bandits.

There were two hundred horse bandits in total, and they surrounded the entire escort team.

And this escort team is the same Yang Wu escort team that Su Yi met yesterday.

When Qingqing saw this, she immediately stopped and did not rush up to cause trouble to Su Yi.


Wang Tianyang said to the leader of the horse bandits: "Master Li, but we are not diligent in our daily filial piety, or have we been rude and offended somewhere?"

The leader of the horse bandit said: "There is really no other way. I am too poor to open the pot, so I can only eat grass from the side of the nest."

Hei Gong came over and said, "Li Tianfeng, a big bandit!"

The head of the escort, Wang Tianyang, said: "Master Li, we are also hard-working people. We only drink a ladle of cold water every day to cheat our stomachs. The goods my little escort agency has secured are not worth a few dollars. Even if you snatch them all away, It can’t be sent either.”

The leader of the horse bandit said: "It's better than nothing. What if I let the people from your escort agency go back and this batch of goods belongs to us?"

The escort leader Wang Tianyang said: "Then you might as well kill us. You can't afford to pay for this batch of goods even if you sell us. And if I give the goods to you, my sign will be destroyed and I won't need it anymore." Live."

Li Tianfeng, the leader of the horse bandits, said: "That means there is no need to discuss?"

Wang Tianyang pulled out his knife in despair and said, "We are all going to die, so what are we talking about?"

Li Tianfeng, the leader of the horse bandits, looked at Su Yi and said, "Hero, how about we go down and rob this sum together? Give you 20%."

The leader of the escort, Wang Tianyang, cupped his hands towards Su Yi and said, "My noble man, as long as you stand by and watch, if we are lucky enough to win, we will give you a 10% share afterwards."

People on both sides looked towards Su Yi.

Hei Gong said from the side: "Sir, we can just watch indifferently. You are about to participate in the martial arts competition. If you are injured, it is not worth it."

"Yes, sir, you are a rich man and it is not worth the risk for these miserable escorts."

Li Qi hesitated to speak, but in the end he said nothing.

The young Wang Wu looked at his mother and then at Su Yi, his eyes full of longing.

He didn't know what kind of person Su Yi was, but he envied him for his majesty, wealth, and being surrounded by more than a dozen strong men.

He had no role model. Su Yi was the most majestic person he had ever seen.

Therefore, I instinctively regarded Su Yi as a role model, and also instinctively regarded Su Yi as a hero.

And a hero should roar when he sees injustice and draw his sword to help.

Su Yi took one look and knew that this escort agency was definitely no match for these two hundred horse bandits.

This is a down-and-out little escort agency, and it was obviously very difficult to accept this escort.

Because there were three women, seven or eight young men, and a dozen people who were at least forty or fifty years old among the escorts inside.

How can the old, the young, and women defeat this ferocious horse bandit?

Su Yi glanced at Qingqing.

Qingqing's thoughts are also very complicated.

As a woman, as a kind-hearted woman, she certainly couldn't bear to see this old and weak escort agency being slaughtered and robbed.

But as Su Yi's woman, she selfishly doesn't want her lover to take risks.

Especially the civil and military examinations are coming soon.

He is too valuable and really not worth fighting for these dozens or hundreds of ordinary people.

Su Yi's eyes fell on the faces of the old and weak people from the Yangwu Escort Bureau.

Grief, despair, pain, even numbness.

Li Xiu pulled out the knife, filled with grief and anger, and stood behind his son.

Why is this life so difficult?

His husband was an escort and died on the road.

She raised her son alone as he grew up. Even though he was a woman, she still had to show up and escort him.

Wang Tianyang was a bodyguard who didn't know how to adapt, and the old and frail bodyguard couldn't bear to fire him. He saw that his former brother's family members had no food to eat and were being kept in the bodyguard bureau.

Over time, Yangwu Escort Agency changed from first-rate to third-rate, becoming a retirement agency.

She, Li Xiuniang, actually became the backbone of the escort agency.

I didn't expect that I would die here again today, and my eldest son, who I had finally managed to hold on to, would not be able to save him.

Damn it, why is it so hard?

Su Yi took a deep breath and said, "Master, five thousand taels of silver, how about you retreat?"

Li Tianfeng, the leader of the horse bandits, said: "Are you going to send the beggars away?"

Su Yi said: "How about ten thousand taels?"

The leader of the horse bandits sneered: "The arrow is on the string and must be fired!"

Su Yi was silent for a moment and said slowly: "I know I shouldn't take action, but I can't help it!"

Then, he said to Heigong: "I will take action, whether you take action or not is up to you!"

Then, Su Yi suddenly pulled out the knife and rushed forward.

In an instant!

Li Qi felt that the blood all over his body was boiling.

He suddenly drew his sword and followed Su Yi as he rushed forward crazily, screaming strangely as he rushed.

In an instant, Qingqing's whole heart melted.

The entire field of vision was filled with Su Yi's back. my man.

This is my lover!

How amazing!

Then, she immediately ordered: "You three, go help Xiaoyi."

"Hongmei, let's go!"

After saying that, Qingqing immediately turned the horse's head and ran in the direction of Zhuangzi.

She knew that she was Su Yi's biggest weakness at this time, and she had to escape from here as soon as possible.


Hei Gong, the leader of the Nian bandits, looked at the more than 200 horse bandits and felt his scalp numb.

But almost in the blink of an eye, Su Yi rushed out.


I'm here to gain wealth.

Why did I follow a stupid master?

Do you think I'm as stupid as you?

But the next second, the brothers behind him rushed out one by one.

grass! grass! grass!

Black Gong cursed angrily and rushed out.

At this time, the skull of the escort leader Wang Tianyang seemed to be opened.

My whole body is hot, and my heart is also hot.

Is there such a hero in this world?

He is obviously a rich man, but he is willing to fight for these cheap bones?

Fuck the cargo.

Fuck the escort agency.

It's worth dying here.



So, Wang Tianyang led dozens or hundreds of escorts, regardless of age or sex, and they didn't want any goods, and rushed forward crazily.

"Swish, swish, swish..."

Su Yi and Heigong kept shooting arrows on horseback.

At this distance, the arrow will definitely miss its mark.

Although it is only a fourteen-power bow, it is already a super powerful bow in this world.

Whenever it is shot, it penetrates directly.

Even if it hits the head, it's still an arrow into the brain.

A short distance of two hundred meters.

Su Yi shot a dozen arrows while galloping.

Depend on!

This is real practice, one actual battle, more than ten drills.

In just a short moment, Su Yi felt her riding and shooting and climbed up a level.

These horse bandits are right in front of us.

Su Yi put down the bow directly, and slashed wildly with the long knife in his hand.

"Swish, swish, swish..."

He went crazy!

Sixteen black bow men followed him, forming an arrow and thrusting into the scattered formation of the horse bandits.

The knife falls with the hand, the knife falls with the hand!

The blood is boiling!

Kill the enemy to the point where they will fall on their backs.

When we meet on a narrow road, the brave one wins!

Although the men of Yangwu Escort are weak in force, their morale is high and they are not afraid of death.

The whole person seemed to have entered another realm.

The whole world is quiet except for the sound of the knife cutting into the bone.

Qingqing, who was in the distance, turned around to look while running wildly.

She saw it.

Her lover didn't lie.

He is very good at martial arts.

No, he lied.

How is this... awesome? ! This is obviously invincible.

When young Wang Wu saw this scene, his eyes turned red when he looked at Su Yi's figure.

There are heroes in this world!

In an instant, all the ideals and ambitions of this young man seemed to be supported.

Su Yi led seventeen people, and in just a few moments, they killed the entire camp of horse bandits.

Then, it turned around again.

Killed it again.

Just like that, the grassland screamed.

Blood is everywhere!


In less than two quarters of an hour!

The horse bandit collapsed!

He began to flee wildly in private, leaving half of his body behind.

They were killed until they were howling like ghosts and wolves, and they tried their best to escape towards the west, not sparing any power at all.

Su Yi looked at the back of leader Li Tianfeng!

Take a deep breath!

Bow and arrow.

Shoot out an arrow suddenly!

The arrow is like a shooting star.

Just a few moments later!

The leader of the horse bandits, Li Tianfeng, screamed and was shot directly in the back, causing him to roll off his horse.

After running far away, the second leader of the bandits shouted: "May I ask which hero you are, so we can come and visit you in the future."

This means coming for revenge.

Su Yi said loudly: "If you don't change your name when you are walking, and if you don't change your surname when you are sitting down, you will be free of people!"

Are the horse bandits shocked? !

This...this person is actually Hong Renli? !

No wonder it’s so powerful!

This Hong man has a recent reputation throughout the North, and specializes in killing officials. And the name is a bit strange, but everyone still remembers it.

The Qing government sent many people to arrest and investigate, but not even a single person was caught.

I don’t even know if this is a personal name.

"Okay! We remember your name. From now on, Shanxi Green Forest will be your enemy."

"Jianghu fatwa!"

"Hong Renli will kill anyone on sight!"


Wang Tianyang and the entire escort agency knelt down in front of Su Yi.

Kowtowed three times.

"Thank you for your kindness. From now on, our lives will be yours!"

"I still have to go to transport this escort."

"When we return to Beijing, we will come to find you, my benefactor. You can choose any one. We will work hard for you in the wind and rain!"

Then, Wang Tianyang took nearly a hundred escorts, collected all the bodies, and continued to head west.

The young man Wang Zhengyi walked and looked back.

The escort leader Wang Tianyang came over and said, "Xiaowu, don't look. When we finish escorting this escort, uncle will take you to find him."

Wang Zhengyi said excitedly, "Okay."

Then, he asked in confusion, "What do you want to find him for?"

Wang Tianyang said, "I don't know, but it should be for big things."

In his opinion, Su Ye is so rich and noble, and he is so good at both civil and military affairs. Of course, he can only do big things.


Note: The second update is here. Remember to give me the monthly ticket. Thank you.

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