Usurping the Qing Dynasty: My first love was Cixi

Chapter 77 Su Ye saves the emperor! A great contribution! The emperor is shocked

"Brother Su Ye, the emperor summons you!" The emperor's guards bowed to Su Ye.

Then, they turned their horses around and led the way for a few miles.

They looked up.

Not far ahead was the Dishui Rock,

about three miles away.

The terrain there was too obvious, with a narrow and high waterfall. It was still the flood season.

The drop was probably more than 30 meters.

The cliffs on both sides of the waterfall were steep, with a few trees growing diagonally, and the shadows were hazy.

It was simply the best shooting point.

Moreover, it was actually very suitable for escaping. You could get away by climbing over the cliff to the other side.

The emperor's dragon chariot was only about three miles away from the ambush point.

It was too dangerous. I was almost late, and I was almost too late.

Su Ye came to the emperor's chariot and saluted: "Your Majesty, long live, long live, long live."

The emperor lifted the curtain and said, "What happened?"

Su Ye said, "After participating in the internal examination of the military examination today, I was going to ride back home. As a result, I met Master Fu Qi, who was covered in blood and rushing towards the North Camp. After seeing me, he immediately asked me to go to the northwest to help. Something big happened there."

Then, Su Ye told the emperor the whole process in full.

After listening, the emperor slapped the small table next to him.

I shivered in pain, but it was difficult to rub it.

Then his voice changed.

"The Nian Army is in Henan and Anhui, and now it has rushed to the periphery of the capital. This is too much, this is too much."

"The Eight Banners are incompetent, the Green Camp is incompetent, and the civil and military officials are incompetent!"

Don't worry, in another six or seven years, the periphery of the capital will really be everywhere.

Not only the Nian Army, but also all kinds of bandits and rebels.

Even before six or seven years, in the Ming and Qing dynasties, there were already many bandits around the capital.

Su Ye said: "Your Majesty, this Nian Army is very elite and extremely rare."

"Moreover, their target is not only the princess, but the emperor!"

"They want to hide a lot of gunpowder in Princess Shou'an's body, and then pretend to be the princess's servants, send the body to the emperor, and then detonate it."

As soon as these words came out, everyone around was stunned.

So vicious?

Such tricky means?

Thinking about that picture, it is completely chilling.

If Princess Shou'an died in their hands, and the body was processed by them and sent to the emperor, would the emperor not see her?

He would definitely meet her, and he would hug her and cry bitterly.

And he would definitely ask the so-called servant how the princess died.

Detonate it directly at that time?

Then... the consequences would be unimaginable.

Suddenly, the emperor couldn't help but feel a wave of fear.

The emperor said, "That is to say, you first snatched the princess's substitute from more than 200 rebels, and then took the real Princess Shou'an and fought your way out of the siege."

Su Ye said, "Yes."

The emperor said, "Are you injured?"

Su Ye said, "No problem."

The emperor said, "Tear off your clothes."

Su Ye stood still.

The emperor said, "Tear off your clothes."

Su Ye then pulled the clothes on his back slightly down, and it was immediately bloody.

Although only a corner was seen, it looked like the injury was very serious.

The emperor's eyes became gentle.

He said, "This is not your duty, but after you heard Fu Qi's request for help, you immediately stepped forward and fought several times in the chaos. You have made contributions."

"I am not such a person who can't distinguish right from wrong. My sister is blessed by heaven. Even if something tragic really happened, that... that is fate! ”

Then, the emperor said to Lian Shun: "The real incompetent one is you, the Nine Gates Admiral. Did you catch Hong Renli, who was asked of you? Your Infantry Command Office was busy arresting people everywhere, which left such a big gap in the defense outside the city. The rebels were only thirty miles away from the capital, and they robbed and killed the princess's carriage. It was appalling!"

"And the first thing you thought about was not taking responsibility, but shirking the blame."

"Think about it carefully. The deadline I gave you is very close. If you can't catch Hong Renli by then, don't ask me to issue an order, just resign yourself."

Then, the emperor said to Su Ye with a pleasant face: "You have worked hard and been injured. Rest well now. You will have to take a retest in the court tomorrow? But I probably can't attend it because I have to personally deliver the empress dowager's coffin to the Eastern Tomb, which is still a long way to go."

"By then, several university scholars will serve as your on-site examiners. I really hope you can perform steadily and make everyone convinced. "

"At that time, I will grant you the civil and military stars."


Su Ye felt a very strange emotion from the emperor.

First, the emperor will not attend Su Ye's re-examination tomorrow, because in his heart, he may also suspect that Su Ye cheated in the civil examination.

Or it cannot be said that he suspects, but a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall.

If Su Ye fails the re-examination, it will be a huge fraud case.

The emperor can completely avoid this right and wrong without being present.

When he comes back, he will become the supreme judge again.

Historically, the emperor did not personally send the empress dowager's coffin to the Eastern Mausoleum, but this time he personally escorted it. In addition to wanting to gain a reputation for filial piety, it cannot be said that there is no concern in this regard.

Second, although the emperor said that Su Ye had made great contributions to saving the princess, and his attitude was gentle and polite, and his words were not harsh.

But according to Su Ye's understanding of the emperor, his real attitude of closeness was not like this.

He was polite to you, but it showed his inner estrangement.

When he was close to you, he would scold you from time to time.

The emperor knew that he could not appear mean and ungrateful. After all, Su Ye had made a contribution in saving the princess, so his words were gentle.

However, this still could not avoid his inner blame.

Lianshun said it well.

The princess's life and death are uncertain, but you, Su Ye, are alive and kicking.

If this is not a sin, what is it?

Reasonable? The emperor has already reasoned with you, without reprimanding or punishing you.

Do you still blame him for his inner emotions?

However, in this world, the emperor's emotions towards you are the most important.

His reasoning towards you is the least important.

Su Ye immediately bowed down and said: "Your Majesty, since the real target of the rebels is your Majesty, then I ask your Majesty to return to Beijing immediately. For your precious body and for the country, your Majesty, please return to the throne."

The emperor glanced at the densely packed army around him, tens of thousands of people.

How many people were there in that rebel army? Only a few hundred people.

Moreover, although the plan to hide gunpowder in the corpse was poisonous, it had been cracked.

Xianfeng was afraid of death, but he stopped escorting the empress dowager's coffin to the Eastern Tomb before he was halfway there, and returned to the palace by himself.

Isn't that a big joke?

At that time, people will really laugh at his so-called filial piety.

The emperor said: "The Qing Dynasty governs the world with filial piety. I said that I would personally escort the empress dowager's coffin to the Eastern Tomb. How could I give up halfway? Don't mention this matter again."

Su Ye bowed again and said: "I am really worried. Please escort the emperor to the Eastern Tomb together."

The emperor frowned.

This move seemed quite suspicious to the emperor.

You, Su Ye, first asked me to return to the palace, knowing that I would never agree.

So, you compromised and wanted to escort the emperor to the Eastern Tomb.

There was only one purpose, that is to avoid the re-examination tomorrow.

Could it be that you really cheated in the civil examination?

That... that would be a serious crime of deceiving the emperor.

Suddenly, the emperor's tone became very stern.

"Su Ye, go back and rest, study hard, and prepare for tomorrow's re-examination."

"Although I am not here, I will definitely send you the test questions before noon tomorrow."

This sentence has another meaning.

Su Ye will enter the palace early tomorrow morning and wait in the palace.

Tomorrow at noon, the emperor will send the fastest horse to deliver the test questions to the palace as quickly as possible, so that Su Ye can take the re-examination in class.

In this way, any possibility of Su Ye getting the test questions in advance is completely eliminated.

You really think it through.

"That's it, you return to Beijing immediately!" The emperor said firmly.

Then, he closed the curtain.


The whole huge team continued to move forward.

Su Ye immediately looked at the eunuch Zenglu.

Zenglu whispered, "Your Majesty, Brother Su Ye is also very loyal."

The emperor said, "What do you want to say?"

Zenglu said, "Even if he is not allowed to escort you to Dongling, let him escort you for more than ten or twenty miles. In this way, he will fulfill his loyalty and will not delay his retest tomorrow."

The emperor was stunned.


This is obviously the most appropriate way.

As an emperor, he is used to winning people's hearts.

Such a simple method does not need Zenglu's reminder, why didn't he think of it just now.

Then, the emperor thought of the reason.

Because Su Ye needs to take the retest in class tomorrow, the emperor dare not look forward to it, fearing that Su Ye will make a fool of himself in public.

So, he distanced himself in advance to avoid being too involved.

Second, he still had a grudge against the princess's life and death and Su Ye's alive and kicking.

So, he was unwilling to let Su Ye escort him by his side, even if it was more than ten miles away.

This approach is obviously chilling.

So, the emperor said: "Pass the order, Su Ye is loyal and commendable, let him escort the emperor for ten miles, and then return to the capital by himself."

"Hey!" Zenglu hurried to pass the order.

"The emperor ordered, Brother Su Ye, to escort the emperor for a few miles, and then return to the capital by himself."

Su Ye bowed: "I thank the emperor for his grace."

But the people around him sneered in their hearts.

It is useless to come here without the emperor's favor.

Su Ye spurred his horse and quickened his pace.

Zenglu didn't say anything anymore. He had a very good impression of Su Ye and really hoped that he would pass the re-examination tomorrow.

This is the real way to solve the crisis.

However, he could do nothing.

No one knew the test questions set by the emperor himself.

And even if they knew, no one dared to say it out, because it would cost their lives.

Until now, the emperor kept it in his heart and didn't say it.


Su Ye caught up with the dragon chariot.

But the emperor didn't lift the curtain again, nor did he speak again.

Moreover, he instinctively fell behind Wang Shiqing.

Wang Shiqing was the emperor's most personal bodyguard, and Su Ye had to force his way up.

Although Wang Shiqing didn't say anything at this time, he felt a little more contempt in his heart.

The emperor didn't want to, Su Ye, you are trying to flatter the emperor like this, is it fun?

The emperor's dragon chariot was getting closer and closer to the dripping rock.

Su Ye's hair stood up all over his body, and he concentrated all his energy.

He knew that the most dangerous moment was when the emperor walked out of the dragon chariot and changed to the walking chariot.

At that time, it would be a matter of life and death.

The dragon chariot stopped.

Next, he had to climb the stairs.

Dozens of guards came forward and blocked the dragon chariot, protecting the emperor in the middle.

The emperor walked out of the dragon chariot.

His body leaned out.

On Dishui Rock, the Hong Renli organization was ambushing, and their whole heart was lifted.

Then, several advanced foreign guns began to target the emperor.

They held their breath.

Must hit!

The ancestors bless you, and the countless dead brothers bless you.

The emperor waved his hand and moved the chariot away.

After riding the dragon chariot all this way, he wanted to walk faster and faster.

Seeing Su Yi beside him, still guarding him, the emperor waved his hand and said, "Su Yi, you can go back."

Su Yi said: "Your Majesty, please let me escort you for a while."

Everyone sneered even more in their hearts. They didn't expect that you, Su Yi, are such a flattering person.

The emperor stood still and said, "Tell me honestly, do you want to follow me to Dongling?"

Su Yi said: "Yes! I am worried and want to escort you all the way."

The emperor said: "Then you don't want to ask me for a favor. You saved the princess today and was seriously injured, so you are exempted from the court re-examination tomorrow, or should it be postponed for a few days?"

These words can be regarded as heart-breaking words.

He finally said what everyone wanted to say but was too embarrassed to say.

He also said what he, the emperor, wanted to say but couldn't say.

For loyal ministers, this sentence is the most lethal.

After hearing this, Su Yi turned pale.

Eyes filled with tears.

Then he bowed deeply and said: "I... I... I take my leave!"

And at this time!

Over there at Dripping Rock.

Hong Renli and several people fired fiercely!

"Bang bang bang bang..."

Several advanced foreign guns were all aimed at the emperor and fired.

Everyone is shocked!

The three people around the emperor were directly hit and fell down screaming.

The emperor suddenly fell into a state of extreme panic.

"Guard, escort, escort..."


Immediately afterwards, the emperor saw a fire on the dripping rock.

He couldn't see the bullet, but it was definitely coming toward him.

He felt infinite fear.

Feeling death coming.

All guns were aimed at him.

Could it be that I am about to collapse here?

And the next second!


Su Yi, who was on the ground, jumped up suddenly, opened his arms, and rushed towards the emperor. He threw the emperor to the ground and protected him under him.


Su Yi's body was shaken.

A bloody hole was blown out of his back.

The emperor was knocked down on the steps by Su Yi.

Su Yi's entire body opened up, blocking every corner of the emperor's body.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Over at Dripping Rock, keep shooting.

And on Su Yi's back.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Blow out bloody holes.

The whole body was shaking.

Everyone was completely shocked when they saw this scene.

Is there really such a loyal minister in the world?

Blood gushed out from Su Yi's mouth and flowed on the emperor's face.

The emperor looked at this scene and was stunned.

At this moment, the only thing he saw was Su Yi's face.

There was blood pouring from the mouth.

But Su Yi's gaze at this moment was full of incomparable determination and fiery passion.

That handsome face was filled with absolute loyalty.

"Your Majesty, I will protect you even if my body is shattered to pieces..."




"Shoot, shoot!"

The emperor's shotgun battalion immediately opened fire wildly in the direction of Dripping Rock.

Thousands of archers, shooting arrows like crazy.



Under this intensive firepower, Hong Renli's people fell one by one.

"Go, go, go..."

The few who survived fled desperately.

But a moment later, he was hit again and fell directly from the cliff.

The remaining two people used their bodies to block bullets and arrows for Hong Renli, and escorted her to escape desperately.

"I won't go, I won't go..." Hong Renli watched the people around him fall one by one. He just wanted to jump off the cliff and continue to kill the emperor with his knife, even if he only killed a few soldiers, even if he was always close. No emperor.

Several people rolled and climbed, desperately pulling her over to the other side of the cliff.

Of the dozen or so people we brought, only three were left.

"Mother Wang, no matter whether you give up your previous name or not, no matter what your current name is Hong Renli, you are still a member of the Kingdom of Heaven."

"Go back to the south. Even if you don't want to go back to Tianjing, it's dirty and dirty there, then go back to Jiujiang!"

"That team in Jiujiang is the purest. They need you. Chang'er's father is also in Jiujiang. You go back to Jiujiang..."

After the confidant finished speaking, he breathed his last.

"Wang Madam, let's go!" The only remaining confidant pulled Hong Renli and jumped directly into the river below.


"Save people, save people, save people..."

After a long while, the emperor roared.

He shook Su Yi's shoulders desperately.

"Su Yi, wake up quickly, wake up quickly."

"I was wrong, I was wrong."

At this time, Emperor Xianfeng felt extremely guilty.

Yi Chi, Yi Chi.

What did you do?

What did you do?

How could you so chill the heart of a loyal minister?

Su Ye has never changed, he has always been loyal.

And what about you?

You are afraid of being involved in disputes with him, afraid that if there is a cheating scandal, your reputation will be implicated. So before the court re-examination began, you ignored him and alienated him.

Princess Shou'an was attacked and injured, was that Su Ye willing? He killed several people in and out, and he has tried his best.

You don't blame those mediocre and incompetent Eight Banners officers, but you blame a hero who risked his life to save people.

He wanted to escort you to Dongling, obviously because he was worried about your safety.

But you said he had ulterior motives, saying that he wanted to avoid the court re-examination, and you were determined that he cheated.

Su Ye has never changed.

It is you, the emperor, who has changed.

Moody, mean and ungrateful.

At this moment, the emperor's eyes were filled with tears.

"Imperial physician, imperial physician, imperial physician..."

"Put Su Ye on my dragon chariot, heal him, heal him!"

"If you can't save him, you don't have to live."

At this moment, Wang Shiqing was also completely stunned by this scene.

In fact, he reacted quickly just now, but it was too late.

He also thought that Su Ye was flattering, and although he was capable, he was indeed a cunning villain.

But he didn't expect that he was such a loyal person.

I, Wang Shiqing, misjudged him, misjudged him.

There are more heroes in the world than just you, Wang Shiqing.

Next, several people lifted Su Ye onto the dragon chariot and directly tore off his clothes.

All of a sudden, everyone took a breath of cold air.

Including the emperor.

It was really bloody.

Four or five holes shot by arrows.

Four or five holes shot by bullets.

The imperial physician's hands began to tremble.

This scene in front of him was really scary.

The emperor was even more shocked. He was so seriously injured, but you said he was going to use the injury as an excuse to avoid the retest.

As a monarch, how could you say such words?

Are you worthy of such a loyal minister?

Several imperial doctors carefully took the clamps, disinfected them with strong liquor, and then roasted them on the fire.

They clamped out the bullets from Su Ye's back one by one.




The bloody bullets fell on the basin, and the emperor's heart trembled.

And Su Ye cursed me in his heart.

There were a total of six bullets, four of which were fake. He thoroughly disinfected the bullets in advance and then buried them in the back meat.

Su Ye was absolutely cruel to himself, and of course he knew his body well enough.

If he hadn't made a folk antibiotic, he wouldn't dare to make such a tragic wound.

But... two of them were real, and they really hit his back.

These bastards, they shot... quite accurately.

This is definitely a rifled gun, otherwise it wouldn't be able to shoot so far and so accurately.

However, the distance is too far, and the power has been greatly reduced. In fact, it can't kill people.

But... being hit is still enough to suffer.

But it's good this way. This self-torture trick is already extremely realistic.

Even if the gods come, they can't doubt it, and they can't find any flaws.

The imperial physician trembled and said: "Your Majesty, all six bullets have been dug out."

"Brother Su Ye, loyal and unparalleled, blocked six bullets for the emperor."

"If these six bullets hit the emperor, the consequences... are unimaginable."

"Puh, phuh, phuh, the emperor is blessed with great fortune, how could he be hit?"

With the desperate treatment of the imperial physicians, Su Ye finally woke up.

The emperor held his hands tightly. Just now, he said something like "I was wrong" in his heart.

He couldn't say this now, but his eyes looking at Su Ye were also full of excitement.

As if everything was self-evident.

Su Ye said in a hoarse voice: "Your Majesty, I... am going back to Beijing to participate in the re-examination in the court tomorrow!"

The emperor felt even more sad when he said this.

Just now, he said this to stab Su Ye.

The emperor choked and said: "Participate in what? What re-examination?"

The emperor couldn't help but said hoarsely: "Su Ye, I was wrong. I really shouldn't doubt you. I was wrong."

"You are the star of civil and military affairs. Who dares to doubt you?"

"Who dares to doubt?"

Then, the emperor turned around and asked angrily: "Do you doubt it? Do you doubt it?"

"You keep nagging me every day, saying that the martial arts examination suppresses the suspicion of the civil examination."

"You have ulterior motives, you have ulterior motives."

"Use the heart of a villain to judge the belly of a gentleman!"


Note: The second update is here, and 13,000 words will be updated today.

I slept for four hours last night, and I will go to the Yuewen classroom activity tomorrow.

So I will continue to write like crazy and write tomorrow's manuscript.

Benefactors, can you give me the monthly ticket? I will continue to work hard on pastries!

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