
Chapter 102 The First Uninvited Guests

"No, absolutely not. And even if you cook me a better meal today, Sirui, you can't tell me. It's better for the people to prepare for the Chamber of Commerce themselves. After all, the funds of the Council Hall itself are a bit insufficient. I am worried about whether to buy on credit for just one temple."

"Buy on credit? Not that exaggerated, right?"

"Last year, the total annual income of our Council Hall was 234. The problem is that we still have projects that need to be invested and constructed last year, among which 239 must be crossed out. So... don't ask why I dislike those so-called adventurers so much. Can't they just stay in the city and work honestly?"

Thanks to the endless forests and grasslands or the endless blue ocean around the city of Male, the safe and peaceful environment forced Sogen to build warehouses one after another to store various strategic materials.

You must know that the United Kingdom of Eri was in the so-called spiritual enjoyment. Not only was the military slack, but even the vast majority of the people did not have the idea of ​​forgetting war. The result is that the United Kingdom of Eri has been repeatedly attacked by the Black Crow Principality under various excuses, creating border frictions, trying to invade and seize the territory of the United Kingdom of Eri.

In short, the corrupt United Kingdom of Eri has now woken up and knows the hard truth that a strong army can make a country rich.

Therefore, on the second day, after Manco and other new immigrants found their jobs and confirmed their places of residence, the alarm bell in the city suddenly sounded without any expectations for the first time.

"Do you want my help?"

"Not for the time being, Manco, since you work for the Chamber of Commerce, you should be busy with the Chamber of Commerce first. Let the garrison here solve the next matter. If it doesn't work, I will find you again."

After explaining the trivial matters such as the need for the Chamber of Commerce to register with the Council Hall and related taxes, Sogen brought Beth to the militia office and talked to the supervisor here and Nice who came here with him on the same ship.

"I didn't expect that after such a long period of peace, there would finally be visitors to visit us."

In order to ensure safety, the Congress listed Solo City as the first town to be abolished. Even if all residents were not transferred to Marle City, all the machinery and equipment of the Solo Arsenal that could be shut down were basically transported to Marle City.

The reason is that the Solo Arsenal, as an arsenal that mainly develops cannons, has a very important strategic significance. In addition, it has been recorded separately by the elders of the United Kingdom of Eri, and it may face a sudden attack at any time. Therefore, professional guards like Nice are naturally listed as those who need to immigrate, and this is also to ensure that the militia here has more professional experts to train.

"This is not a good thing."

"I know, you see, our radar shows at least fifty large unknown creatures flying towards our town."

The radar in Nice's mouth refers to the automatic detection device that can display a three-dimensional picture of enemy identification on the round table in his office. In the new continent full of unknowns, they brought it here, and even made similar unmanned automatic devices here. There are many such devices - especially farmland and workshops.

"Then what?"

"Of course, let our automatic defense device shoot these guys down. After all, this is the first actual combat of the beam machine gun air defense system that you and my nephew cooperated on."

As Nice said, when Sogen had no official business to handle, he often tried to develop beam weapons with Omai's son, Otto, who now also has four wives. After all, the steel production in the New World is really not very good, and it is not known whether it can sustain the physical ammunition consumed by the war. Beam weapons were proposed by Sogen twenty years ago.

To be more clear, he wanted to release the spell energy in some physical medium. So after rounds of experiments, the first batch of double-barreled beam launchers from the Marle City Arsenal were officially developed.

In this regard, let alone Otto, Sogen also didn't know how these guys with an effective shooting height of 4 meters would perform.

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As a result, on the round table of Nice, another real-time picture that can show each anti-aircraft beam system in the first-line wall, which can automatically aim at the target under the guidance of the radar device, is also projected on the crystal ball in the center of the round table.


"It seems okay."

Although the sound of the beam is not very pleasant, these anti-aircraft devices that continuously project white rays into the sky quickly shoot down all the green flying creatures flying in the sky. The first actual combat was a great success.

"Sogen, do you think your air defense system can be used by the army?"

"This thing alone weighs 67 kilograms, is 7.8 meters long, and has a launch tube that is 3.5 meters long. The worst thing is that this thing needs a crystal core for power, and as for heat dissipation... In short, this thing is not yet fully mature. Gunpowder weapons will probably have to continue to be used for hundreds of years, or even a thousand years."

In fact, Sogen had also thought about whether the Kingdom of Negan could weaponize all its members with beams, but the Kingdom of Negan did not have the technical assistance of dwarf craftsmen, and did not have enough scientific research and technical reference objects. Many times, the development of Negan's military equipment requires repeated experiments to come up with good things or lessons of its own.

In short, when Sogen and Ness brought a group of militiamen to the grassland north of the city of Gala, they found that these blue flying dragons, which were less than three meters long but had obvious protruding fangs, were basically beaten into charcoal with various holes by the white high-energy beams. And while he was taking out his notebook to record, these eyeless wyverns with a pair of thick thighs began to flow out some kind of green corrosive liquid.

Even if the nearby green grass was not touched, it would turn yellow and black directly as long as it was about 3【To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are available.】cm away.

No need to ask, it is poisonous.

As long as the members present were not stupid, they would step back several steps and begin to realize how dangerous the outside world is.

Just a wyvern without eyes, with poisonous body fluids flowing in its body, and fangs that are obviously only found in carnivorous animals, and even able to fly, it is obviously not something that an adventurer with a sword and no spells can easily deal with.

To put it bluntly, it is suicide.


Of course, accompanied by the normal sound of rifle shooting, Sogen was very clear that supplementary shooting had become the standard tactic of the militia. And what made him feel very fortunate was that the rifles they used could still directly penetrate the heads of these wyverns within 5【To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are available.】m...

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