
Chapter 11 That's OK

"You, you are one of us...why did you betray us? You are also blessed by the true God and are destined to destroy these bastards..."

"Shut up!" Sogen casually rescued another injured person at this time, and then continued to say to the possessed warrior: "It's true that I hate them, but why don't you even let us brown-skinned members go?"

"Whoever lets you block the road, no one can be left behind! They are all scum that hinders the great cause of the true God!"

In response to such an answer, Thorgen could only activate his ability to move objects through the air, take the bullet bags scattered on the ground into his own hands, and load his Hurd lever rifle.

"Scum, right? This Yeliu City... No, please die!"


When Thorgen pointed the gun in his hand at the eyes of the possessed warrior and pulled the trigger, he saw the eyes of the possessed warrior blossom into a bright red flower. Surrounded by flames, Thorgen could only sigh that he was somewhat similar to the fallen possessed warrior, but very different.

"Sogen, you... forget it."

As Thorgen turned around, Hengurid, who also looked miserable, and his clothes basically turned into strips of cloth, staggered towards the fallen possessed warrior.

"You never thought about using a gun to kill him?"

"Ha!" After listening to Sogen's question, Hengurid shook his head, and then said: "I am the Eli warrior responsible for law enforcement. I can only abide by and implement the laws and regulations as they are stipulated. And... …Gunpowder weapons are not the key to the problem, and the Utopia is not the only rebel force.”

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After hearing that, Thorgen shook his head repeatedly. Then he removed the optical sight from the Hurd lever rifle in his hand and handed the empty gun directly to Hengurid.

"Take it."

"Don't underestimate me. Well..."

After finishing speaking, Hengruid completely refused the suggestion of using the rifle as a crutch, and just released the same blue healing ray on himself.

"Hengurid, didn't you say you wanted to collect all gunpowder weapons? Take them."


Hengurid looked at the rifle handed over by Thorgen with an embarrassed look on his face, and then had to use it as a crutch under the pain. Then Sogen turned around and continued to rescue other injured people with Luoshan and his daughter, completely ignoring the warriors of Hengulid.

"Sorgan, you gave Hengruid a rifle."

"What's the next mission?"

Rather than answering Luoshan, Suogen was happier with doing this. After all, when faced with the thing called a possessed warrior, the warrior Hengurid did not retreat even a step, but took the initiative to step out and face the danger head-on.

With this quality in mind, he felt that Hengrid was worthy of his status as a warrior.

"But you don't have your rifle..."

"Next mission."

"Pack up the wine shop first, the things you want won't come so soon."

Luoshan could also see that Sogen was not a machine that would raise a knife when seeing fair-skinned Kalai and carry out indiscriminate killing like those possessed warriors. At the same time, Saugen now understands why the Black Dragon God took the initiative to convert him to its power.

Because as long as brown-skinned Kalai slaves like him can't stand the torture and slavery of white-skinned men, the devil is one of their brown-skinned Kalai's options with fatal appeal. Including the wine shop, buildings in at least three blocks had serious cracks and even collapsed.

Looking at the past, fortunately, the sky is still ruled by night, and a brown-skinned Kale like him can still hide in the shadows very easily.

During the day the next day, the six brown-skinned members who were unable to go out gathered together in the underground living room.

"Don't worry about things on the ground. There are other employees in charge. The boss outside will also call the foreman and ask the cleanup crew to come over. But you all know that an armed force like the Utopia Organization has become another organization that believes in the power of the devil. Group. We...Thorgen, you may not know. We, the brown-skinned Kalais, are the few who have not heard the whispers of the devil."


Although he didn't know what the devil looked like, he couldn't help but shudder after seeing the scene of the twenty-odd possessed warriors shooting and throwing fireballs last night.

"It's best if you don't know what the devil is. But listen, everyone, we and other colleagues need to be careful in recent times. There are more and more villages that believe in the power of the devil. No one can guarantee whether they will be like last night The same thing, one explosion will blow up three blocks, just the dead... I have been using 5 lately..."

"Dad, the deceased are basically white-skinned members."

"Beth, do you think it's better for the white-skinned members to die? Indeed, our status is low, and most of the white-skinned members don't like us. But if we didn't have their guarantee, do you think we could have survived last night? "

Indeed, Luo Shan was right.

Even Thorgen himself admitted that without Hengrid holding on, the more than twenty enchanted warriors would have massacred the city in a matter of minutes.

But as a result, Saugen himself had a huge headache. How many fair-skinned Kalais can give them a good look? And more and more brown-skinned Kalais who are unbearable to be enslaved can easily become tools of the devil.

"Luoshan, what's next..."

"Jasmine, let me think about it. Um, Sogen, are you willing to do something?" Luo Shan covered his face, looked at Sogen, and continued, "Eliminate the leader of the ideal country."

When these words came out, the six brown-skinned Kalai were silent. Because everyone is not stupid, they can guess that the leader is most likely controlled by the devil. It is not easy to eliminate such a guy.

"I go back to assassinate?"

"No, within the next two days, the ideal country will continue to attack our city that doesn't even have a wall. Then the entire city's people will be turned into sacrifices and summon the real devil out."

The real devil?

Sogen didn't know what it was, but since there was a task to do, he had the motivation to live. Otherwise, he probably had to consider going out to continue to live in the open air, relying on wild fruits and water that he didn't know whether it was clean or not.

"Then... is there a rifle?"

To complete such a task, Sogen needed a better rifle. However, he found something very embarrassing. He was very short of something called money in his pocket.

But what made him feel at ease was that he seemed to have found a green crystal that he had not taken out and sold before.

"Yes. But this crystal can only be used to buy a quick-pull rifle with 3 bullets. Of course, this gun comes with a folding four-sided spike."

"That's good."

Just like that, Thorgen, who had no idea that he was being cheated, bought a weapon that made him very embarrassed...

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