
Chapter 139 Good things...

"Captain, there are natives ahead!"

Accompanied by the warnings of his men, Turan saw a large group of natives on the march holding square shields and javelins looking in his direction.

In response, the explorers on the convoy naturally prepared their guns and aimed their crosshairs at the natives. Then...


Since they were unfortunately faced with a battle with the natives, the more than 100 members of them would take the initiative and fire first.

However, Turan herself was also extremely impressed by the performance of Li Yi's rifle, which could provide almost the same firepower as a semi-automatic rifle. In addition, there were three submachine guns and one machine gun for every ten members of her team. Recently, they have been using it. [To be honest, I have been using it recently. Android and Apple are both available.] Within 5 meters, the natives suddenly became a large group of fallen hornets.


"Everyone, prepare your bayonets."

Because Turan's team suddenly encountered a large number of native troops, even if their firepower was sufficient, they had to be prepared.

Once the natives are really capable of using their own human bullets to exchange for their own ammunition. They may have to prepare for hand-to-hand combat, or retreat directly.

"Captain, the machine gun ammunition is gone."

"Riflemen, divide your bullets a little, and retreat immediately to bypass them."


With a machine gun, the consumption of ammunition is not a trivial matter. Turan watched her men hand over the rifle magazine of Li Yi's rifle to the machine gun, and asked the machine gunners to urgently load the cloth belt with a fast loader. She became more and more aware that after she finished this round, the machine guns and other things really had to be sent to the steel plant for refining.

However, the natives at this time did not continue to launch a suicidal group charge, and began to disperse to avoid the baptism of bullets. Turan also acted according to the situation and immediately asked the convoy to make a big circle to the east, leaving all these natives behind.

As for what was on the bodies of the natives, she didn't have time to pick it up now.

"Maps, and signal soldiers, talk to Ruyi Town. If possible, Ruyi Town should directly provide a round of artillery support to blow up all these natives."


As the leader of the expedition team, Turan asked the signal soldiers to come over. After confirming the signal coordinates, she returned to the increasingly prosperous Ruyi Town without looking back.

Compared to the white exterior walls of the buildings that were as bright as new everywhere, Turan felt very helpless about her harvest.

There is really not much good profit from beating the natives, and it may even cause more trouble.

Even if these natives already know the preciousness of gold, silver and jewelry, she feels that her bullet money can still pay for what she has earned.

"If you really want to make money, then come to the Chamber of Commerce..."

"Stop! Manco, I don't want to learn from you to attract customers. And compared to my own territory, the world outside is the most attractive to me to explore."

Obviously, even if Turan is losing money on the expedition, she is unwilling to be a traditional woman who runs the family at home. Since she has the opportunity and the strength, it is unlikely that she will easily put down the Tafo submachine gun in her hand.

Manco also understands this a little bit. Women in the Kingdom of Negan are not like those in the United Kingdom of Eri, which are purely political tools used to win over other family forces or their own family forces.

In addition, the king of the Kingdom of Negan is Her Majesty the Queen. Since she is Her Majesty the Queen, it means that the status of women in the Kingdom of Negan is higher than that of women in the United Kingdom of Eri, Kalai.

So he understands why the proportion of women in politics in the Kingdom of Negan has remained high over the years.

Listening to Sogen's own complaints, he has difficulty finding a male colleague. It is said that there are only two male officials in the city of Marle now, one is Sogen who is responsible for statistics of various affairs, and the other is the commander-in-chief of the militia of Marle.

It seems to be called Nice or something, or Sogen's roommate when he was in the arsenal.

In short, after he finished talking to Turan here and counted Turan's spoils, he gave a large sum of money to Turan's expedition members. The next job...

"Miley, how about the experimental automatic beam launcher? The goods..."

"It's here, but the code name of that thing is the Warrior Three-Barrel Beam Machine Gun."

"Warrior? A good name."

"Manco, the Minotaur helped and participated in the cooperative product. So as for the name, they like more powerful names than anyone else."

Indeed, the Minotaur tribe is proud of their history of resistance. In particular, they were praised by the leader of the Japanese resistance army at that time, a Japanese hero named Bingyang, and their portraits were used as the pattern in the middle of the flag to reward brave soldiers.

In other words, to this day, the Minotaur tribe is still extremely proud that their portraits have become a symbol of warriors.

Of course, in the eyes of the Eastern human country, the Minotaur tribe is a wanted criminal who can be killed on the spot at any time. Therefore, the Minotaur tribe, who value honor, still repeatedly mentions this glorious history in the books they publish.

After all, the only good brother of the Minotaur tribe during the resistance war was the Japanese Mai people, and the only comrade-in-arms of the Japanese Mai people was the Minotaur.

Sharing life and death, honor and disgrace.

This is the best portrayal of their relationship.

So until now... the Minotaur tribe can settle down in the Kingdom of Nigan, which is actually a very good thing for both the Minotaur and the Japanese Mai people.

No matter how you look at it, there will always be various conflicts when a vegetarian race and an omnivorous race live together. As for the dietary issue, the two groups of minotaurs and Japanese people could not escape in the end.

So this is an important reason why the minotaurs are now dedicated to the Kingdom of Negan. They are also vegetarian races. If the dietary issue is solved, then other issues can be discussed slowly.

No matter how difficult it is, many things can be explained clearly at the dinner table.

"But I still don't understand why the minotaurs don't insist on continuing the traditional layout of firearms like the Japanese people. Instead, they are quite interested in the rear-mounted bolt layout of new firearms, and they don't even say a word of opposition."

"Miley, this is also very simple. The minotaurs pay more attention to the actual combat performance of weapons and equipment than the appearance. They used to use 8×25mm pistols, which are one of the fine products in the underground black market."

[The book-chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who I have known for ten years! It's really useful. I use it to read and listen to books while driving and before going to bed. You can download it here. 】

"Red Flag pistol? I don't like that and their submachine guns. There are no stocks in the New World. The Old World..."

"Really don't want it?"

"No. The types of ammunition in the New World are not as rich as those in the Old World. The 8×25mm pistol bullet is not very popular with us."

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