
Chapter 150 Cleansing

To be honest, the steel output of the Negan Kingdom is mainly used on ships. Among the ships, the amount of steel used on warships accounts for the majority.

After all, Thorgen himself knows that the guns on the warships are very scarce, so that the army of the Negan Kingdom has always complained that its guns are always taken away by the navy.

And what makes the army very helpless is that there are not many occasions where the army needs to use guns. Even in the previous battles, the army only needed mortars to solve most of the enemies.

The depressed army naturally had no way to appeal to the Ministry of National Defense, allowing the navy to take away a lot of gun quotas.

Especially recently, the 55mm caliber field gun has been used. This gun is not only liked by the army, but also by the navy.

As a result, when the navy opened its mouth, the army was in all kinds of distress. The trucks without guns basically became the territory of armored vehicles. After the transformation, the remaining products basically fell into the expedition team (of course, this is definitely not a free product, and the things sold by the army are definitely not free).

Even... According to the information he knows, the strongest main gun of the current Negan Navy ships is the 55mm caliber field gun that has been used recently. It's just that the Navy has improved the gun mount to make it more suitable for naval use, and the cannon itself has not been greatly changed.

As far as he knows, the army now only has various mortars and the 5mm caliber self-propelled howitzer that has been used recently [to be honest, it has been used recently, Android and Apple are both available. ] It is still its own unique equipment.

"Mayor, are we really going to ignore them like this? Let these natives dig a good position to deal with us?"

"Don't worry. Compared with our council hall, the expedition team outside will not let them go easily."

The reason why Ruyi Town makes Sogen feel at ease is that there are many members of the expedition team in Ruyi Town. And in addition to exploration, the biggest activity of these expedition teams is to capture natives and sell them for money.

So as one of the few male Kalai members who have completed their service, Wu Ma Turo, who has a pair of blonde hair, blue eyes and white skin, holds a staff and lets the monitors he summons hunt down the natives running around.

Although everyone calls this kind of observer that floats in the air, flashing a purple single eye in the middle, surrounded by blue-purple tentacles with smaller eyeballs at the end, and can make opponents feel fearful the evil eye.

But the evil eye itself is just a summoned magic creature, and in his opinion, it is just like a household kitchen knife. And what makes him feel good is that... the white light emitted by the evil eye has considerable lethality, and he doesn't have to fight with a machete and a dagger like a native.

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The only thing is that the female companions around him are not willing to get close to him.

"You... Alas!"

Even if the female companions around him are actually his four wives, the four of them have a similar instinctive disgust for things summoned by the evil eye. And such disgust is very embarrassing for him who comes from an exiled family.

After all, as one of the few male summoners in the Kingdom of Nigan, his original family is good at summoning spells. The evil eye, and the more advanced poisonous eye with more tentacles and spell weakening effect, have always been his main strength due to their practicality.

However, he also understands that the tentacles of the evil eye and poisonous eye are a bit unsightly. In the eyes of some female members, it is disgusting in a sense.

Even if the four female companions who came out with him as explorers and slave hunters have given birth to a total of ten children for him, they...

No matter, while these natives were being hunted by the ten evil eyes he summoned, he began to pay attention to whether the natives had anything worth making money.

Thanks to his natural ability as a male Kalai member who knows magic, he is not like the Duo Expedition Team, who are all firearms. He and his four female companions only rely on magic power to go out.

As long as they don’t encounter a big battle or a fierce battle, the five of them can still guarantee that they will not lose money.

However, what made him doubt the intelligence of the natives was that after so many years of development, these natives were similar to the Western human countries in the Old World. Bronze weapons and a small amount of cast iron weapons have always been the mainstay of the Kahn Empire's army.

A double-edged dagger of less than 6 [To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are OK. ] cm is a deadly suicide in the Kingdom of Nigan.

Why don't these natives and the idiots in Western human countries understand that knives are easier to make than swords?

Moreover, he looked at one of the natives whose head was hit by the white beam of light emitted by the evil eye. In addition to the javelin made of softer iron on his head, a set of tableware told him about the development of the diet in the Kahn Empire.

Just like other common tools of the natives, an 8 cm bronze dagger plus a bone double-toothed fork.

The former is normal, but the latter made him laugh. Bone forks, as long as you are not stupid, you can guess that the living standards of the natives are really not good.

Bone things... those are only used by primitive races still in the Stone Age.


"Collect their belongings and capture any captives."


So when the five of them captured twelve natives and returned to Ruyi Town, after selling the spoils and the native captives, he took his four wives to count the money while enjoying the hotel services in the bathroom.

"Money is not easy to earn. Just those twelve captives, a few bronze swords, and ten sets of armor, a total of only Xifu."

"Then do you know what Xifu can do outside? A five-story house can be bought directly."

"A big house? This is definitely not enough. I hope to buy a piece of land in the city, and then let you work hard. Twenty children should be no problem."

Faced with his request, the four wives naturally nodded. In this regard, Tu Luo could only sigh at his good fortune. Perhaps this is the benefit of being a widow?

After all, the four of them are not like other little girls in terms of sex, and they are quite open in their performance.

At the same time, he is also distressed. Thanks to the existence of the evil eye, he is the type that is not easy to find a wife.

But no matter how difficult it is, he now has fifteen children (the wives he married basically brought their own children with their ex-husbands), and as a father, he is still grateful that he can live in the Kingdom of Negan.

Not to mention that the crime of being exiled by the family for giving alms to the brown-skinned Kalai members has been cleansed. If he really wants to say, the quality of life now... Anyway, he doesn't have to worry about nightlife.

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