
Chapter 212 Undercurrent

Origin Calendar May 2, 2018

Kahn Empire, Overflow City Cathedral

"Your Excellency."

"Have you finished investigating the affairs of the Principality of Akern?"

"Here is the investigation book, please check it out."

As a bald man in a golden robe read, his expression changed from gentle to increasingly angry.

"Heretics! They are all heretics! The tableware matter can be explained, but Archduke Akern did not even let the church witness his promotion to nobility."

"Your Excellency, the children sent by the Principality of Akern to the Noble Academy are all illiterate and have never attended church. This is enough to show the actual attitude of the Principality of Akern towards our church and even the Kahn Empire."

"Don't they know that without the Ascetic Church, there would be no Kahn Empire, let alone the current kingdom, principality, and marquisate? "

"Your Excellency the Bishop, the members below said that the Principality of Akern did not sell them out to the Dark Elves, and it was already very good to let the Dark Elves' mercenaries come to destroy the church branch."

"Asshole! Listen! The Execution Court sent troops over. I don't believe that the Principality of Akern dares to betray the faith of God."

"Yes. "

Obviously, the "eccentricity" of the Principality of Akern has long attracted the attention of the Ascetic Church. However, what makes the bishop extremely angry is that the Principality of Akern completely ignores the authority of the church and is becoming more and more excessive.

Just a tenth of the faith tax, after the current Grand Duke Akern ascended to the throne, the Principality of Akern has never paid it to the church.

If it weren't for the fact that the army of the Principality of Akern was all equipped with steel weapons, normal trade would provide enough profits. The Ascetic Church could still turn a blind eye, but starting this year, the Principality of Akern controls more trade goods, so that both the church and the countries have to pay extra money for purchases.

This time, he really can't stand it.

In addition, the Principality of Akern now ordered a ban on the sale of lacquerware to foreign countries, and the upper nobles of various countries have complained a lot.

So compared to His Majesty's eyes on the Kingdom of Golson, he pays more attention to the actions of the Principality of Akern.

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Of course, he knew it in his heart. If the troops of the Execution Court encounter the mercenaries of the Dark Elf, they will be almost finished if they don't die.

It's just that the Dark Elf forces are the kind of snobs who can turn against each other the next day if they have money. Before, some people in the church tried to hire Dark Elf mercenaries to deal with some hidden heretical associations.

The effect is good.

Although most of the spoils were looted by the Dark Elves, in terms of the result, the church's money was not given in vain.

So watching his men leave, the bishop launched his spell flame and burned the investigation documents in his hand to ashes. It is not easy for the church to investigate a country's faith issues in private, even if the church does have the right to do so.

But the Principality of Akern itself is not a weak country that can play as it wants, nor is it a small place that needs to rely on the power of the church to maintain its rule.

Strong people and strong horses, even if there are not many troops. But the Principality of Akern, which has elite soldiers and strong generals, has not fought a big war in the past fifty years. No one in the Thirteen Countries would think that Akern The Principality of En is a country that is easy to bully.

Moreover, the army of the Principality of Aken has always been unwilling to listen to the church and insisted on mass-equipping the crossbow, one of the "cursed objects".

Isn't it better to use the bow properly? Do they know that it takes ten years for a knight to be useful? A serf using a crossbow only needs one month to shoot a knight within the range anytime and anywhere.

No matter how you think about it, this is unfair.

Do you really think that the lives of nobles are as humble as those of civilians?

Compared with the bishop's idea, the origin of Abu Sogen, who was not very good, or even worse, was pleased to see the newly built stone statue of the Black Dragon God in the center of the town.

As a country that believes in the Black Dragon God, the Black Dragon God is not like other gods in the Old World who will directly grant various magical powers. On the contrary, the Black Dragon God represents the guardian of secrets, that is, the guardian of knowledge, and the people who believe in the Black Dragon God get the gift of knowledge.

For example, the interior of this stone statue of the Black Dragon God is actually the psychic core made by the Kingdom of Negan, which provides the most basic living energy for the city that has now been officially renamed Lengchuan City.

In other words, this stone statue of the Black Dragon God is actually similar to the power supply station that every city in the Iron Fist Empire has in the Old World.

It’s just that because of the long-term belief in the Black Dragon God in the Kingdom of Negan, a technological update called the psychic revolution is being fully promoted.

Therefore, as a very good pilot, Lengchuan City, which has nothing and has to build everything by itself, is naturally the first to conduct experiments.

"You mean this statue must be maintained by priests? Or should we build a temple based on this Black Dragon God statue?"

"Oh? This...thank you very much."

"But I have to point out that the City Hall will open a resident office in the temple. After all, this statue is the energy supply core of the entire town, and we will definitely station troops to guard the temple."

"No problem."

"Then there are the living area and the commercial area..."

In order to ensure that the quality of life of the people will not be too bad, as the mayor of Lengchuan City, Sogen will not prioritize the establishment of industrial zones and develop the town by continuing to mine silver mine veins.

On the contrary, he himself is more concerned about how to build Lengchuan City into a fortress that can ensure that the natives have no courage to seek, let alone take the initiative to rob.

For this reason, according to his plan, the area three thousand meters outside Lengchuan City is either an area where zombies evolved from various animals roam, or it is a wilderness where there are absolutely no living people.

Therefore, with the technical support of the psychic revolution, Sogen's office, the temporary government hall of Lengchuan City, has a machine called bioradar.

With the help of this machine, the border guards stationed here can directly launch it anytime and anywhere. [To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple. 】5mm caliber, or smaller 75mm caliber howitzer shells for quick processing.

At the same time, he was also fortunate that the indigenous groups of the Six Nations headed by the Golson Kingdom in the north of Lengchuan City were at odds with each other. Relying on the long border with the Negan Kingdom, the Golson Kingdom's "single-eating" monopoly trade behavior has aroused other countries that also have a strong desire for porcelain and lacquerware.

This is why there are always some indigenous people who take the huge risk of losing their bodies and try every means to trade with the caravans of the Negan Kingdom, or to carry out some shady special activities...

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