
Chapter 287 Cannot be changed

"Your Majesty, the Principality of Aiken..."

"There's really nothing we can do?"

"At least ten cities will have to be lost. And if it weren't for the large forests or bamboo forests in the western region of the Principality of Aiken, it would be difficult for our troops to compete with the dark elves' troops."


"More importantly, I do not agree to continue to hold on to the Principality of Aiken."


"Judging from the fact that the Principality of Aiken is now in ruins and almost all the people in the entire Principality have fled, we will face a huge problem no matter how much force we invest."


When the morning of the next day came under the sunshine, Emperor Tony had a serious look on his face as he listened to Prime Minister Mulla's words.

Because after the civil war in Duke Aikeen, the people were in dire straits. In order to resist the alliance of nobles led by Marquis Ursoda, the Inflexible Butterfly organization brought zombies into the country.

As a result, amid the raging wars, killings and wailing, the industry, agriculture and commerce of the Principality of Aikeen were completely withered. Among them, in terms of agricultural production, there is no one in the Principality of Aiken to take care of the completely abandoned farmland.

There are all kinds of animals or monsters looking for food on the abandoned farmland. The troops who went to resist the invasion of the dark elves had to clean up these guys before they could continue to the front line.

"Yes, Your Majesty. Our troops in the past needed to prepare their own food, and even... some troops even thought of food from the dark elves, thinking..."

"Isn't this asking for death?"

"Your Majesty, actually, well... the troops we sent there basically all came up with the idea of ​​robbing food. However, not many actually implemented it. Moreover, the food that the dark elves eat is always somewhat different from ours, so, Well……"

The reason why Prime Minister Mulla hesitated to continue talking was that Emperor Tony quickly understood what the problem was.

The white wheat grains that dark elves eat cannot be put directly into the mouth and chewed. It is said that such white wheat grains must be cooked in certain ways before dark elves can eat them.

As for myself...well...well...even the Ascetic Church didn't know how to eat. As a result, the soldiers below had to work hard and risk their lives to get back the food, either pouring it into their mouths and chewing it, or boiling it with water. After it cools down, pour it into your mouth and swallow.

Obviously, because of the founding emperor of the Kahn Empire, Mao Coletta Rufus Van Kahn, few people in the entire empire knew what rice was, let alone how to process rice to make it delicious.

The people of the Kahn Empire, who have always relied on wheat, corn and potatoes, due to the limitations of their knowledge and the religious thoughts of the Ascetic Church, the above food plus some bacon, dried meat or vegetables that can be preserved for a long time will be huge. A delicious meal that satisfies most people's hunger pangs.

Just as everyone thought, since condiments can be considered as valuable as gold, many salt merchants, sugar merchants, and pepper merchant gangs have appeared in the entire Kahn Empire since its establishment, each selling their own products for profit.

However, as the division of the Kahn Empire deepens, several countries like the Principality of Aiken that control salt and iron resources have appeared in succession. The above businessmen must either obey the orders of the country or risk their entire families to be beheaded in public. smuggling activities.

Under such circumstances, the cooking technology of the Kahn Empire has not made any progress for hundreds of years. Even the Ascetic Church repeatedly promoted the dining technique of using knives and forks in religion in order to ensure the docility and stupidity of the people and the stability of the rule of the nobles.

The question is...how many people in the entire Kahn Empire can bring their own knives and forks when eating?

Only high-ranking nobles.

other people?

Of course it is solved by grabbing it by hand.

The reason is simple. The iron used to make knives and forks is basically used to make weapons, and then completely consumed on the battlefield.

The knives and forks used by high-ranking nobles... Needless to say, everyone knows what it means to enrich one's own pockets.

Therefore, within the influence of the Kahn Empire, the vast majority of people eat the paste-like objects produced by stewing in a pot.

Whether it tastes good or not is secondary. Anyway, the last word is that you can survive if you eat it.

"No one asks about what and how the dark elves eat?"

"Your Majesty, we have a language barrier with the Dark Elf forces, and the stolen Dark Elf books have no meaning to us. As for cooking... Your Majesty, according to the latest intelligence, Dark Elves do not eat meat, let alone drink milk. How can their cooking be better than that of us humans who eat meat and vegetables?”

If Prime Minister Mulla's words can be heard by Princess Jiaqi, then she is waiting for an 8×3 [To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are available. 】mm pistol bullet exploded in the waist.

[By the way, it is currently the best app for reading and listening to books. Install the latest version. 】

Even though the whole country is vegetarian, there are private cooking schools in the Nigen Kingdom and there are many restaurants in big cities.

However, if you switch to the Kahn Empire... at least according to Abu Sogen's investigation through major mercenary groups, there is not even a hotel in the Kingdom of Golson and the Principality of Aiken.

On the contrary, the number of wine houses is even much greater than the number of grain stores. Especially potato wine making…

In short, Mayor Saugen, who had the honor to taste it once, went to the Chamber of Commerce, hired a mercenary in his own name, and blew up the wine cellar where the wine was made.

"Is that so? But they really can't cook? Prime Minister, you know, we haven't changed our diet for hundreds of years..."

"Your Majesty, don't do this. This matter involves the traditional culture of our empire. If it is violated, it will be an insult to the first emperor."

Upon hearing the young emperor's words, Prime Minister Mura hurriedly stopped him. Because the emperor's idea is not only a rebellion against traditional virtues, but more importantly, the emperor's desire to change his light diet will seriously affect the supply of salt.

Especially in the direct jurisdiction of the Kahn Empire, salt is a currency in several countries. Eating too much salt means a reduction in military spending.

Especially when His Majesty eats like this, the nobles below will definitely follow suit, and then the price of salt itself will be directly raised.

The most fatal thing is that not all places in the Kahn Empire have salt. And the salt needed by the entire Kahn Empire either comes from the evaporation of the sea or the crystallization of inland salt lakes.

At present, there are not many of these two places in the Kahn Empire. Moreover, the Principality of Aken, which used to provide a lot of salt and even export salt, has lost three coastal towns.

After the loss, the amount of salt...is getting less and less.

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