
Chapter 331 Awkward

Compared to the preparations for the war in Lengchuan City, Abu Beona, who was stationed at the southeastern border of the Negan Kingdom, received a notice.


"What? Is there a problem?"

"Major, this... this means that I will take a month off tomorrow specifically..."

"In fact, the higher-ups originally wanted to hold a mass wedding. But our situation does not allow this, and we don't want to force the soldiers too much. So, go ahead. They are waiting for you."


Thanks to the fact that he was unmarried, Beona, like other single comrades, walked into a guild hall with the notice from the major commander.

"Hello, are you a soldier in the army? We are the new priests..."

Before Beo took two steps, he was immediately surrounded by a pair of twin sisters with purple hair, orange eyes, and brown skin, with the same delicate faces. In this regard, Beo could only nod gently, and took the two sisters, who should be related by blood no matter how they looked at it, to find a seat and sit down.

"I...uh...Abu Beo, just call me Beo. I became a second lieutenant a while ago. As you can see, I am a conscript. Uh...Then I see hundreds of you ladies here. It's really... I don’t know what to say.”

Obviously, the top military leaders actually hope that soldiers like him can find a suitable partner in this friendship. Even if the negotiation fails in the end and no suitable partner is found, this can give single soldiers a sense of comfort.

"First of all, let me introduce myself, Alain Milo. This is my sister, Alain Mitya. Just call us Milo and Mitya."

"Really twins?"

"Yeah. And...you're not like them, rejecting us when you see them..."

Listening to the explanation of the sister wearing a white headband, Beona didn't know how to comment on the behavior of other comrades who gave priority to finding partners with different skin colors.

"Well, how should I put it? I...my parents are both brown-skinned Karai members. I don't care that much about skin color. After all, I don't know if your family is like that. My father has four wives, all of whom are brown-skinned and white-skinned. All. My three younger sisters don’t have the same skin color as me, so why don’t we all sit together and have dinner together?”

"Huh? We are mixed race..."

"That means Milo, your sisters' father is white-skinned and your mother is brown-skinned?"

"You even know this?"

"This is not a question of whether you know it or not. I come from such a family. And, you...Alan..."

"Our mother was an orphan. She didn't have a surname at first, so she randomly named her by the pronunciation of Alan. Later she got married and became the fourth in line."

"It's comparable to Abu like me... But your father is pretty good too, and he didn't let you take his surname."

Sometimes Beo is helpless. His father randomly chooses his surname, and as a result, he doesn't know how to evaluate his son. And as the second son of the Abu family, he must pass on the "Abu" surname that sounds obviously perfunctory.

"So, your father..."

"Milo, I am the second son of the main wife. I have the same surname as my father, uh, if, well, I'd better say it directly. If you marry me, you have to think about it. After all, I have heard of women After marriage, I hope my children will not have their father’s surname.”


As soon as he heard about the main room, Milo's eyes suddenly seemed to shine. At the same time, Mijia, who was also wearing a pink dress and a white headband next to her sister, who also had shoulder-length hair, also looked envious. look.

"I said...I said Milo, you two don't have to look at me like this, right?"

"This is the first time we've heard of a male inheriting his father's surname."

"So shouldn't you two think that inheriting your father's surname is worse than letting the child inherit your own surname?"

"Well, we are twin sisters. We can let our children inherit our surname. Moreover, we hope that our family's bloodline can be inherited."

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"Milo, what do you mean?"

"How should I put it? We are not very used to having white-skinned Kalai members in our family. After all...after all, although no one says it, as the rare brown-skinned members among the priests, we always feel... "

"Are you afraid that your mother's slave status and bloodline will affect your future?"


"Sigh... What's there to be afraid of? My father used to be a woodcutter who went up the mountain to cut down trees for a certain master's family. Now my father himself doesn't mind his past, so why should you mind? Could it be that your family Is it…Druid?”

"Our grandfather, our father's father, was a druid."

"Then your father is also a survivor of Blackwater Town?"

"Yes. My father's first wife was killed in battle, and it was only later that we became mothers."


Another reluctant husband.

Milo and Mitya's father must have been forced by Her Majesty the Queen. But there's nothing we can do about it. Can their sisters' father be older than Her Majesty the Queen?

"So, we can marry you directly together?"

"Huh? Uh, you two together?"

"We don't want to separate."

"Ugh...how old are you two?"

Although it was a bit rude, Beo still asked the question.

"4 has been using 3 lately."

"Miga, I am 4 years old. Like you sisters, I am also a twin, and I am the younger brother. But I am not like you two who can always be together. My brother became a disciple when he was young, and he did not go home very early and lived outside. As for me, you can see the armor on me. I am a warrior of the kingdom."

"You also have a twin brother..."

"Miga, this... should not be considered... Anyway, when I first saw you two, I was quite surprised. After all, I rarely hear of such things, but... well... I... don't mind you sisters marrying me together, but you can see that I am a warrior. If there is an order from above, I have to go. Are you willing?"


When Beona heard the sisters agree in unison, he successfully held hands with them. For this reason, before he left the guild hall after completing the marriage registration, two other women with the same brown skin came to them.

"Can you accept me?"

"This warrior, I..."

Beo was really embarrassed now. He had originally thought of bringing one to his new home to see. As a result, after the pair of sisters, there came another female, Kalai, with blue hair and pink eyes, and another female, with purple hair and gray eyes.

There was no other way. There were more women than men in the entire Negan Kingdom. As a warrior and a lieutenant, it was difficult for him to refuse?

So, did he really have to bring his four wives back to see his mother in the future?

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