
Chapter 419 Benefits

"Lever gun? I used it when I was on Jewel Island. Xinmi, you know about this, right?"

"You were using a single shot at that time, but now the Japanese and Mai people are selling manual repeating shots with a fixed tubular magazine or a fixed square magazine for ammunition."

"Manual burst..."

Thorgan, now an officer, is not at all interested in non-automatic firearms.

Since there are self-loading firearms these days, wouldn’t you be asking for trouble if you use a non-automatic firearm?

What's more, even the various criminal groups in the current Negan Kingdom, such as salt lords, drug lords and other dangerous elements, they now don't even need a six-shooter revolver that fires 9×33 mm pistol bullets.

The most exaggerated thing is that Ma Rong, a son-in-law who has always been unlucky, was very lucky to encounter gangsters who used Hai Rui semi-automatic pistols to resist.

That's right.

The 8×3 launcher is equally powerful [to be honest, I have been using it recently, and it can be used on both Android and Apple. 】mm pistol ammunition, a Hai Rui semi-automatic pistol with a magazine capacity of eight plus one round (one bullet in the chamber).

How powerful is this gun?

Ma Rong himself felt that a brick wall as thick as a fist could not stop the gun from shooting at a range of 5 meters recently. There were even rumors outside that some mercenary armed groups used such pistols to specifically hunt down members of the Ascetic Church. member.

[To be honest, I have been using it recently, and it works on both Android and Apple. 】

If you can really hit it with one shot, even if you don't die on the spot, it will still be almost finished.

"Sogen, do you know? Not every country outside can automate military and police standard weapons. Moreover, the Japanese and Mai people themselves, their civilian legal gun ownership is limited to the level of pulling the trigger to fire one round. Therefore, as you can guess, the Japanese and Mai arms dealers who came to the New World would not be able to sell their treasures immediately. "


After listening to Xin Mi's words, Saugen, who was eating in the city hall canteen, nodded. After all, as the director of a private arsenal, Xin Mi came here to discuss business cooperation with the city's law enforcement agencies, and to tell Sogen what she had learned.


"Compared to the kobolds of the Guangwu Empire, I think the Orchid Republic in the north will like them."

"Because of their environment?"

"It also includes their main opponents, which require the use of more powerful weapons. You must know that their original standard pistol bullets are 7×2 [To be honest, they have been used recently, both Android and Apple are available.] mm pistol bullets. The power... "

"It doesn't sound like much."

"So they listed the 9×9mm pistol bullets we exported recently as the new standard pistol bullet. After all, the 7×2 [seriously, it has been used recently, both Android and Apple] mm pistol bullets are The product of the Sheepheads working behind closed doors.

Not really a good thing. "

As Xin Mi said, 7×2 [to be honest, I’ve been using it recently, and it’s available on both Android and Apple. 】Millimeter pistol bullet is the number one admirer and fanatical believer of the demon clan. He is the first sheep-headed man to use and even spread the zombie plague virus on a large scale.

However, the Sheepheads behave in secret, and their level of research and development of firearms is far inferior to their demon-summoning behavior of improving and spreading viruses, using biological and chemical weapons to create large-scale disasters, and performing self-sacrifice.

The reason is that the gods of the sheep-headed clan and the demon Cregan disdain to use any type of firearms.

Ever since, after the founders of the Orchid Republic fought against the Sheephead clan, they were forced to use 7×2 due to practical conditions and their own technical limitations [to be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are available. 】mm pistol bullets.

It was not until later that they purchased the 9×9 mm pistol ammunition production line through diplomatic agreement, and they began to have more gratifying actual combat performance.

After all, the original bullet...if not for the 7×57mm rifle bullet, has always been reliable. Otherwise, the Orchid Republic will definitely not be able to wait for the arrival of the 9×, which has been using 9mm pistol bullets recently, and will wipe out all the rough-skinned and fleshy Orks.

"Not even with a long barrel?"

"Don't think about it. The problem of ammunition can only be solved by improving the ammunition or changing the type of ammunition. Therefore, a real firearms designer must not only design firearms, but qualified and useful bullets are also very important. Rimai people There is a designer over there who accomplished this feat and received the highest award in their country.”

"The highest reward..."

How did Sogen not know that the rewards for the Rimai people were nothing more than money, tax exemptions, exemption from military service, and special preferential policies for future generations?

But there is nothing we can do about it. The average life expectancy of Japanese people is only 54 years.

If you don’t give preferential treatment while you are alive, will you remember to give it after you die?

That definitely won't work.

"Ten wives, aren't they impressive enough? They are all young and beautiful girls, the kind who have never even touched the hands of the opposite sex before."

"Let me tell you this... did you listen to Beo's complaint? He regrets it now. Beth scolded him a lot."

"how about you?"

"I...if I had a choice, I wouldn't want to..."

It is true that Thorgan, like most polygamous male Kalai, is rarely happy with the number of wives he has. After all, with more members in the family, Thorgen himself would have had Beth and Leia to help him handle various things.

The first one in the family to go crazy was Abu Sogan.


"Anyway, that's it. Lever guns. At least I don't need them, and I don't want Congress to agree to bring such weapons to Negan. After all, the Kingdom of Negan has not yet fallen to the point of relying on this gun to defend the country."

Obviously, while savoring his lunch, Sogen changed the subject to fool around. He didn't want to be looked down upon by Xin Mi... Never mind, it didn't make much difference anyway.

And compared to this matter, he was more and more controlling the trade of Lengchuan City, restricting various export and import goods.

He couldn't let some dangerous drugs (drugs) and tools (weapons) circulate easily. After all, the Kingdom of Golson has now begun to study matchlock guns. Who can guarantee that in the near future, the Japanese people who also came to the New World will not sell more powerful weapons and equipment to the natives in addition to lever guns?

You have to know that such things have happened several times in the Old World. If it weren't for the Japanese arms dealers who still have a conscience and know what it means to stop when enough is enough.

The poison gas bombs made by the Japanese Mai people alone are enough to make many countries and races understand how easy it is to carry out large-scale killings.

Let’s not talk about the faraway Guangwu Empire in the New World. When this dog-headed man established an empire, whenever things went wrong, the poison gas bombs would clear the way and instantly knock down all kinds of natives to the ground. Then everyone can guess what happened next.

The canal in the middle section of the New World has 472 slaves who have been used recently. In order to ensure the development of other places, the dog-headed people will only demand more and more slaves until the day when the natives will be destroyed officially comes.

But... Actually, this is also good. The death of more natives is also good for the Kingdom of Negan.

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