
Chapter 432 More importantly, he is not short of money!

"You really think we don't know how to deal with mages, do you? Everyone, please follow closely, pass through the light wall, cross the trench, and immediately deal with these natives who don't know what the authority of the empire is! Especially the assault troops, make sure the lever lances in their hands are still there The pistols are loaded with bullets. We don’t need to capture the natives in the trenches as slaves. What we want is the slaves in the city!”

Thanks to a previous slave escape incident, the place above the Guangwu Empire's court was an incomparable warning to the former samurai members among the slaves.

On the one hand, the officials above are happy that these capable guys can provide more contributions, but on the other hand, they feel threatened to some extent by their certain combat skills.

Because the slaves escaped from prison and killed the overseers by the way, these guys were the main force.

Even if today's overseers are equipped with rifles or shotguns, as well as weapons such as grenades and daggers, slaves who know how to use all the resources at hand to make weapons will always find opportunities to assassinate the overseers.

Once the overseers were assassinated more often, the remaining slaves would definitely follow suit and continue to find ways to attack every suitable target.

Ever since, this is how the great escape of slaves happened. And as the overseer is assassinated, the weapons and equipment obtained by the slaves will be enhanced.

Although the slaves may not necessarily use modern weapons and equipment, through the many battles between the empire's soldiers and the indigenous people, it is obvious that the indigenous people who were supposed to be slaves have a certain learning ability.

Therefore, after a certain meeting, everyone in the Guangwu Empire carried out some sort of hierarchical work on the prisoners of war.

If you are a samurai, the best way to deal with it is to perform special tasks in different categories. On the contrary, indigenous people from ordinary civilian backgrounds have become the most popular type of slaves in the Guangwu Empire.

At the same time, Major Dunming was also helpless. No matter how fast the lever lance fired, it was no match for the submachine gun. However, his fourth brother, the emperor, disagreed to the point that the Japanese and Mai arms dealers who were more anxious than him also tried to persuade the fourth brother to change his mind through various diplomatic channels and purchase conscientious products from the Japanese and Mai arms dealers.

Of course, conscience or not cannot be judged by those Japanese and Mai arms dealers who have no conscience in the first place. The only ones who are really qualified to talk about good conscience are the soldiers of the Guangwu Empire who may use the weapons and equipment of the Japanese and Mai arms dealers.

After all, the Japanese and Mai arms dealers were not subjects of the empire. Their purpose in coming to the New World was for money, to make a lot of money for their own pockets.

Therefore, not only Major Dunming but also the high-ranking officials of the empire were very suspicious of whether the Japanese and Mai arms dealers were bringing all kinds of counterfeit and shoddy products...more precisely, garbage to the New World for peddling.

After all, when they were on the Minei Peninsula, the products of the Japanese and Mai arms dealers were barely adequate. Although the compatriots on the Jiwei Peninsula were indeed wiped out by the Iron Fist Empire with the help of the Japanese and Mai arms dealers.

Even the reason why the pig-headed people passed on some metal forging information, especially the knowledge of how to forge knives, to the kobolds like themselves is because they have a very close relationship with the Japanese and Mai arms dealers.

When he was still in the Jiwei Peninsula, he had witnessed the "magical logic" of a Japanese and Mai arms dealer.

Any arms dealer who does not sell the weapons and equipment in his hands to the enemy is not an excellent arms dealer.

In this case, he very much doubted whether the Japanese and Mai arms dealers had any so-called conscience. If it were the Guangwu Empire, it would be impossible even if you think about it.

Who would be so stupid as to sell his good stuff to the enemy easily?

For example, the Guangwu Empire suddenly decided one day to sell its advanced guns and weapons to the indigenous people to make money.

He could guarantee that these natives would dare to shoot in the direction of the Guangwu Empire the next day.

Therefore, capturing the natives as slaves is the best way to deal with them. By the way... if possible, all the indigenous nobles and even the so-called royal nobles will be executed with detonators.

He did not want these indigenous people to continue to maintain a certain influence. The best way to solve the problem was to use the most cruel, bloody and violent method to cut their bodies into pieces in public.

After all, in this way, the idea that the nobles must be powerful in the minds of the indigenous people will disappear, so that they can better obey the empire's rule mentally and make more contributions to the development of the Guangwu Empire.

Ever since, when the armored fighting vehicle withstood the intensive attacks like itching, almost everyone was worried, and the infantry with a small number of casualties rushed into the white wall. Not only the guns and cannons of the armored fighting vehicle, but also the guns in the hands of the infantry. Guns and artillery fire kept coming.

Obviously, there is always a shortcoming in the white wall of light and the large-area group atmospheric shield spell. That is, it cannot block the movement of low-speed objects and only produces considerable defense against long-range physical attacks.

As a result, under the cover of chariots, the army of the Kingdom of Zwirna, which had not laid out barbed wire and mines, was forced to fight the kobolds in the trenches.

Although in the narrow trenches, the kobold rifles cannot be equipped with bayonets for close combat, the lever lances and pump-action shotguns that are substitutes for submachine guns are a nightmare for the Zweiner Kingdom's army.

Recently, I have been using [to be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple can use it. ] meters, or even 3 meters away, even if it is not the barrage of bullets fired by the 6×6mm shotgun bullets, the power of just one 9×9mm pistol bullet is enough to let the defenders personally experience what it means to have a cavity effect that can cause tearing pain in the human body.

And after getting off his armored vehicle, Quan Dunming took out the Matt submachine gun he purchased from the Orchid Republic in the north.

As soon as the 32-round magazine was loaded, the native defenders of the Tswina Kingdom in front of him instantly felt what close-range fire suppression was.

That's right.

Matt submachine gun.

Although the Guangwu Empire has not equipped its troops with submachine guns until today, this does not mean that the soldiers cannot purchase them themselves.

Compared with various suspicious Japanese arms dealers' products, the Matt submachine gun currently used by the Orchid Republic allowed him to purchase one plus four magazines for himself through special channels.

However, there is a problem that he needs to solve by himself, that is, he needs to purchase bullets by himself, and he has to learn how to maintain the submachine gun by himself.

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But...what does it matter?

He rushed into the first trench and felt extremely happy with the Mart submachine gun in his hand. Compared with the lever lance and pump-action shotgun, the submachine gun that can control semi-automatic and fully automatic is the weapon for the native warriors of the Zweiner Kingdom to shoot at close range!

More importantly, he is not short of money!

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