
Chapter 435: The Arms Dealer with a Strong Feeling of Disgust

"So, Mai En, you really can't consider being like your ancestors..."

"Don't mention this, our ancestors are too much. So from my grandfather's generation, the surname was changed, and now to my generation, they are completely separated from the main family."

"I say your family is not doing this well, right? At least your ancestors have saved a lot of inheritance for you."

"For example, leaving 6 children, 24 grandchildren?"


"Don't laugh. I still think my ancestors are simply unreasonable. Ten wives, and every night they are partying, are they treating themselves as breeding boars? Anyway, since my grandfather's generation, no one is allowed to learn from the ancestors."

Speaking of his ancestors, Mai En, as a male descendant, he feels very ashamed. Even if we don't talk about the ten wives of his ancestors, the ancestors themselves have a serious problem of tastelessness, and they can hardly taste the food when they eat, which leads to the continuous spread of the genetic disease of tastelessness among their descendants.

Mai En himself is a poor guy who needs to put an extra spoonful of salt or some sugar when eating to taste the food.

What makes him very helpless is that at least three-fifths of the members of the entire big family, including the main family, have this problem.

In particular, the main family and the branch family often intermarry with each other, and the offspring born also pass on this genetic disease.

So Mai En himself can't understand the behavior of his ancestors more and more, and he can't understand why the ten wives of his ancestors can be like sisters, collectively competing to give birth to one after another rear members with bland taste problems for the ancestors.

Even after the ancestor passed away at the young age of 4【To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are available.】, they also formulated the rules of the entire big family.

That is, intermarriage between each household.

Could it be that his ancestor was very handsome? Or was there a powerful function somewhere that made the wives of the ancestor intoxicated and unable to extricate themselves?

In short, when it comes to his generation, he doesn't want to continue to pass on this rule.

For this reason, he ran away from home and became a desperate man who wandered in a foreign land and engaged in arms trade.

Yes, a desperate man.

Although the reason for his career in such an industry is the type that he is ashamed to talk about, he has no shortage of money after embarking on this path, and he has also bought a house far away from his hometown.

However, he is not satisfied, and the ideal wife he longs for has not appeared in front of him.

So before that, he still wants to curse the dog-headed man. Obviously, he does not have enough military and industrial strength, but he must pursue the most advanced weapons and equipment in the world, and he even wishes that such equipment can only be produced by himself...

Although the Japanese also develop their military industry by imitating first and then creating, the dog-headed man's thinking that he can't even walk and must learn to run directly will only lead to one result.

Fall, fall hard, fall until his head is full of lumps and continue to fall.

Although according to his own investigation, the dog-headed man actually has a northern country behind the scenes to give him some advice, so that the dog-headed man can make a batch of gas-operated automatic machine guns.


According to his own investigation, the most reliable automatic loading method for automatic weapons such as machine guns is the barrel-type automatic principle.

For this reason, he inherited the work of his predecessors and tried every means to sell several machine guns and Gaiser submachine guns he had prepared to the dog-headed people.

Anyway, the demand here is strong among the dog-headed people. If the emperor named Quan Dunde did not rely on his authority to suppress a large number of soldiers below, hehe.

I hope that the emperor will not forget one thing. The power he has now is earned through the blood and sacrifice of these soldiers who are willing to fight for their lives.

Once these soldiers are not satisfied, Emperor Dunde will have to think about whether he can sleep well at night.

Even if supervisors and related agents are sent to monitor the morale of the army, the army has guns and weapons. The number of these supervisors and agents is limited. Even if they are integrated into the army in a disguised manner, the army has an iron rule-obedience!

If these monitors have any disobedience or disobedience to their superiors, they will be whipped and beaten with sticks, and put in a water dungeon for ideological transformation; if they disobey orders, they will be immediately sent to the military court to wait for shooting or the more cruel cannon execution.

[To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple can use it. ]

That's right, cannon execution, using cannons to blow up the prisoners.

And the shells used by the cannons are shotgun shells, and the picture when the shells are fired is...

Anyway, according to the intelligence data he has collected so far, since the establishment of the Guangwu Empire, there have been a total of 3 dog-headed people who have been shot for violating orders, and a total of 5 dog-headed people who have been lucky enough to taste cannon execution.

What makes him even more impressed is that all the unlucky people who have been executed by the above sentences have been executed in public without exception.

It has to be said that the bloodthirsty and brutal nature of the Gnolls is almost the same as that of the Pigmen. Even in terms of creating slaughter and bloody scenes, the Gnolls' occasional performances of beheading a hundred natives - a public show in which two Gnolls take to the stage with knives and start competing at the same time to see who can chop off a hundred living native heads fixed to pillars on the stage. The one who takes the shortest time wins. This is enough to make everyone doubt the nature of the Gnolls.

Although the Iron Fist Empire also has activities of skinning dogs alive to make coats, there are not many people participating in such activities. Even the current Iron Fist Empire Lower Parliament has officials who explicitly oppose such activities and do not want the people to become extremely bloody, violent, cruel and bloodthirsty.

But the dog-headed people...what can I say. This program is very much in line with the interests of all dog-headed people, so much so that many of the people who came on stage with knives to chop heads are gray-haired dog-headed people who are considered to be pariahs.


Are there such cruel pariahs in the world?

In response, Maine looked in the north. Although there are dog-headed people in the Orchid Republic in the north, this country is very cautious about the death penalty.

Even if the evidence is conclusive and the criminals can only be executed, they are sent to the execution ground that is not open to the outside world for beheading or shooting after repeated review and verification.

Of course, the Supreme Hall of the Orchid Republic, the highest authority of the government of the Orchid Republic, is now gradually replacing shooting due to the development of the times and the fact that the beheading scene is too bloody and difficult to clean up, which is unethical.

So Maine can only say that the Kobolds are really... Even if they are Japanese, if they commit a capital crime, the criminal can at least choose from hanging, shooting, electric chair, etc.

Unlike the Kobolds, the death row prisoners are like pigs in a slaughterhouse, and everyone watches their execution as an entertainment show...

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