
Chapter 437: Peaceful life is not easy

Looking at his teammates being beaten back by the natives with various spells, Major Dunming couldn't help but sigh that his fourth brother was unwilling to let the troops equip submachine guns. Without the suppression of submachine guns, even if the native mages didn't have the shield spell to defend against bullet shooting, the dazzling arc light and the hot bursting fireballs were still the most lethal.

For this reason, he asked the rear to urgently transport some heavy machine guns and special rifles, as well as a batch of witch hunting rifle bullets specially used to deal with the mage troops.


"Old rules, use grenades first if you can. We don't have many special bullets."


To deal with the native mages, Major Dunming thought of the relevant battles of the Iron Fist Empire.

At that time, whenever the Iron Fist Empire army encountered enemy mages, it was accustomed to use explosives instead of directly shooting.

For example, artillery shells, or mines made directly from artillery shells.

Compared with ordinary special mines, Major Dunming can only say that mines modified with mortar shells are a desperate one.

Just the 9mm caliber mortar shells, the explosive power... Anyway, he is now ordering his men to prepare some 9mm caliber mortar shells from time to time, and deliberately mixed with high explosives containing certain toxins.

He doesn't believe that the indigenous wizards can't be killed by explosions or poisons. Even the rumored necromancers, he doesn't believe that they can withstand such shells.

It is true that in the Old World, there are indeed some killers who are famous for assassinating wizards. And among these killers, there are also many who use bombs to kill the whole family, which makes the wizards of the Old World extremely headache.

You must know that the bombs in the traditional sense are dead objects, just like stones mixed in mud and sand. Once such dead objects explode, it means that the wizards who are bombed must either prepare in advance to avoid work, or rely on their own reaction speed to resist the impact damage of the explosion.

However, who can accurately calculate the time and place of their own bombing?

Perhaps only the legendary demons and elves can accomplish such things through the secret mystical art, that is, the special technology of predicting and analyzing the future.

However, he had only heard of this mystical art, and had no idea what was behind this term, and what kind of price he had to bear to learn it.

Even... if someone knew through the mystical art that he would be killed by someone in an unknown number of days or years, and then he would immediately take countermeasures - to kill the other party who was completely unaware or knew about the matter but had not yet implemented it...

Obviously, Major Quan Dunming guessed right.

Such things have happened over and over again in the Old World. This is especially obvious in the cultists related to the demons. The reason why some cultists became cultists is that they are closely related to the predictive dreams given by the demons.

So the demons are using some kind of mind transmission method to corrupt and win over some weak-willed guys to serve themselves.

So these weak-willed people, in order not to want to die, or other various fears, are unconsciously taking the initiative to walk towards the abyss of no return.

In addition to the simple, ordinary burning, killing and looting, the more terrifying thing about the cultists is that their true god does not lie.

Although it is a bit funny and sarcastic, members of the Iron Fist Empire and the Holy Church all admit it.

The demons are the least likely to lie and the most honest and trustworthy race in the world.

The reason is that they are proud of their own strength and disdain to lie to various intelligent races that are weaker than themselves.

And based on the experience gained by Major Dunming himself and the Japanese people who have demon blood flowing in their bodies, the Japanese people are a race with spell resistance and a certain heat resistance.

This is one of the reasons why the Japanese people's territory is basically in the tropical areas that other races don't like. Although too cold places are also suitable for them, it is better for them to be hotter.

In short, when his troops replaced other brother troops that limped back and started to sneak attack the second trench after the sun went down, he installed the bayonet on the Matt submachine gun in his hand.

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After all, in the night environment, the killing effect of cold weapons is much better than the loud sound of guns and cannons.

Swish! Swish!

The soldiers of the Zweiner Kingdom, who were born without night vision, could never escape the fact that they were human beings, a kind of intelligent race that was born without any night vision.

Under the night, the weapons were silent; only blood and killing were low.

Although the natives would make their own gunpowder mines to deal with their sneak attacks, for Major Dunming, the primitive and backward gunpowder mines had too obvious trigger fuses.

As long as the knife in his hand scraped lightly, the natives' mines became stones on the roadside, and even the mines themselves became his own trophies.

So no matter how smart the natives are, they will become slaves of the empire one day if they don't know what modernization is.

After all, in the New World, only the empire would have such a good policy to treat slaves, instead of killing all these stupid people who thought they could conquer the world with a half-meter-long dagger!

At least, under the illumination of the Guangwu Empire, the natives can still live on the land of the New World. Instead of being captured by those dark elves who are said to have brown and white skin, and then sold to the Old World to live a miserable life in the dark.

In this regard, Sogen, who was also looking at his son under the night and reading a love letter from someone unknown, felt a certain embarrassment, but had a helpless expression.

Yawen, who has a face that is indistinguishable from a real woman, is really popular with women.

"I say, you, the father..."

"Don't ask me, I have a headache more than you. Besides, Leia doesn't care?"

"Why care about this? She is an official in the Ministry of Education now, how can she have time to care about such trivial matters?"

Listening to Beth's words, Sogen, as a father, shook his head again and again. As a former special forces soldier who was unfortunately injured and forced to retire, Yawen is the type of person who has no worries about not having a partner in the Kingdom of Negan, and there are actually a lot of women who write love letters to date him.

However, Yawen, like other men in the Kingdom of Negan, is basically reluctant to get married early.

At the same time, as a handsome man, Yawen's biggest hobby is archery. If he really finds a partner to marry now, he will probably lose a lot of time for archery.


This kid often encounters women who are looking for him when he goes to the archery range to shoot arrows, so Sogen himself can only sigh at the peaceful life in the kingdom.

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