
Chapter 440: Completely Giving Up

As a result, Quan Dunming was showing off the captured native captives on the parade ground, and when he heard his fourth brother's disgusted tone, he knew that his fourth brother's stinginess had come out again.

But... Alas.

If the fourth brother was not frugal, how could the Guangwu Empire have the money to attract immigrants from the Jiwei Peninsula?

Especially after the death of the eldest brother, the dog-headed people of the Jiwei Peninsula split into three kingdoms, and the entire northern part of the peninsula, a full one-third of the land, fell into the control of the Iron Fist Empire.

Moreover, the inland sea surrounded by the western Jiwei Peninsula and the eastern coastal areas of the Iron Fist Empire has long been a bathtub for the Iron Fist Empire Navy to move freely.

Under such circumstances, he captured as many captives in the New World as possible and sent all of them to work in the mines, but he didn't know if it would be useful.

Because not counting the Guangwu Empire, just in the hometown of the Jiwei Peninsula, have the dog-headed people been using recently [To be honest, I have been using it recently, Android and Apple are both available. ][To be honest, I have been using it recently, Android and Apple are both available. ][To be honest, I have been using it recently, Android and Apple are both available. 】10,000 is a problem.

If it is not done well, only 8【To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are available. 】【To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are available. 】10,000 is left, which is even worse.

You should know that one of their opponents, the horse-headed people, had fought many wars with them on the grasslands within the border of the Iron Fist Empire, which attracted the anger of one of the princes of the Iron Fist Empire, the Xinle King who had real military and political power at the time, and led to the border people and border troops of the Iron Fist Empire launching a joint killing operation.

From that time on, the horse-headed people became a grain of quicksand in the long river of history under the swords and guns of the Iron Fist Empire.

As for whether the horse-headed people have died out, Quan Dunming, the captain who was promoted to lieutenant colonel, dared not say it for sure.

However, the Iron Fist Empire is a country of tigers and wolves that dares to formulate laws on what is a standard human race. In terms of treating non-human intelligent species, the extermination-style cleansing of the Iron Fist Empire has made many forces in the Old Continent dare not speak out.

After all, there have been races in history that have said the wrong thing and become historical terms. The Iron Fist Empire will not say anything for these things that have become part of history, and will not even leave relevant historical relics.

Obviously, the Iron Fist Empire wants absolute stability. Any instability must be completely eliminated.

And when he recalled the horse-headed people, a race that had been fighting with the dog-headed people for a long time in the cold weapon tribe era, he couldn't help but feel an indescribable sadness.

If it weren't for his father's appearance and unifying the major tribes of the dog-headed people, establishing an independent kingdom belonging to the dog-headed people, and officially embarking on the road of a centralized modern country, it is estimated that the dog-headed people would have the same fate as the horse-headed people.

What's more, until now, the Northeastern vassal king of the Iron Fist Empire, the second generation of the Xinle King, who inherited his father's status as a king, has on the one hand strengthened the cause of complete internalization, and on the other hand called on the people to clean up all kinds of things that do not belong to the Iron Fist Empire.



The King of Xinle appointed by the Iron Fist Empire has publicly proposed to submit to the country since the first generation, and gave up all his power as a vassal king within a year after he became a vassal king.

The reason is that this vassal king was not willing to do so, but the fourth prince of the Iron Fist Empire, who was supposed to become a vassal king, was defeated by his own dog-headed people and openly abandoned the people and fled with his family members.

So the fifth brother of this escaping prince was appointed as the King of Xinle by the Iron Fist Empire Royal Family and Congress, sitting in the territory that should have belonged to the dog-headed people.

To be honest, if my father had worked harder and the soldiers had not taken the opportunity to be lazy and deserted, the Iron Fist Empire would not have been able to take over the mainland territory and the entire sea area in the west of the Jiwei Peninsula, and the first generation of the King of Xinle would not have been able to launch the Ice River War and directly wipe out more than 350,000 dog-headed people, resulting in the dog-headed people no longer being able to cross the Mazi River and could only be trapped in the Jiwei Peninsula.

Although the current second-generation King Xinle is not as prestigious as his father, as a prince with only a nice title, he is a serving officer of the Iron Fist Empire.

He, the father-in-law of the Guangwu Empire, the royal family of the Jiwei Peninsula, Quan Dunming, and all his brothers and sisters suffered from the air bombing of planes, which was one of the good things done by the second-generation King Xinle as an officer of the Iron Fist Empire Air Force.

Needless to say, this is a typical act of revenge for his father and fourth uncle.

In this regard, the members of the Quan family are helpless. Back then, Ruotian's father almost succeeded in pushing the power of the Iron Fist Empire into the sea, and almost succeeded in capturing the members of the Iron Fist Empire's royal family. But he failed at the last minute, and the victory was reversed, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers shed blood in vain.

The revenge of the first-generation King Xinle who fought to the death and was appointed in a critical situation... Anyway, his father has now been assassinated by the Iron Fist Empire, and the originally unified Dog-headed Kingdom is also falling apart.

If we talk about the hope and way out for the dog-headed people, perhaps the Guangwu Empire established by my fourth brother is tomorrow's.asxs.

[To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are OK. ]

In short, although the soldiers, including myself, are very dissatisfied with the fourth brother's thrifty (more accurately, stingy) behavior, the empire needs money, a lot of money. Otherwise, how can the Guangwu Empire complete the next industrial expansion plan?

You should know that even how to make a submachine gun in the current Guangwu Empire is a troublesome matter in itself.

Although everyone understands that submachine guns are consumable weapons, as long as the bullets are loaded and the trigger can keep spitting bullets.

However, this does not mean that submachine guns can be made in a shoddy way and randomly pieced together with scrap metal.

The necessary safety and quality are absolutely indispensable. At the same time, on this basis, submachine guns must be cheap and easy to produce.

So Quan Dunming looked at his fourth brother's angry face, and he knew that his fourth brother didn't want to waste time and money on submachine guns.

As for the submachine gun he heard before... To be honest, he didn't want it at all.

Especially in actual combat, the pistol itself is like a saber, one of the weapons and equipment that can be left alone.

If there is really a need, it is better to bring two or three more magazines for the submachine gun.

He even began to consider forming a commando team with all submachine guns and grenades, without rifles, and simply carrying out close-range rapid assault and suppression tactics.

Indeed, his tactics were not unreasonable, but before the Guangwu Empire had standard submachine guns, he needed to ask his subordinates or himself to purchase submachine guns.

Therefore, looking at the expression of his fourth brother, Lieutenant Colonel Dunming could only shake his head and give up completely...

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