
Chapter 461: Zombies Return

"Well... Mayor Sogen hopes you can take over his business."

As Haken returned from a month of work outside, Yawen, who was in the VIP room of the Chamber of Commerce, felt uncomfortable with the words of his squad leader.

"I, squad leader, I... I look like I can be an official?"



"What is the origin of your father, Mayor Sogen? He is the illegitimate son of a noble in Eri, and an illiterate woodcutter who is not recognized as a noble. But even if your father's cultural level is completely compensated later, don't you know what he did?"

"Selling cheap industrial products and wantonly harvesting gold, silver and jewelry from the Principality of Akern, causing the economy of the Principality of Akern to completely collapse."

"That's it. Yawen, if the officials from the Kahn Empire knew, they would go crazy. When it comes to squeezing wealth from other countries, your father is definitely an expert. Moreover, because of his unspeakable humble origin, your father knows what is valuable."

"Because he used to cut down precious trees for the master named Nofaris. Um! Squad leader, how did you know? I haven't told the army that my father was a slave."

[A book-chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who I have known for ten years! It's really useful. I use it to read and listen to books to kill time while driving or before going to bed. You can download it here. 】

"Hey, what class are we in? Special forces class. I'm your squad leader, and I'm the first one to pick you as a special forces soldier. How could I not know your background?"

As Haken said, to be a special forces soldier in the Kingdom of Negan, it requires grassroots generals to personally select outstanding soldiers from the army.

So, Yawen also shook his head.

"Well, okay. Did you receive the bounty I gave you?"

"4. I received the Xifu. By the way, the flintlock pistol I brought back..."

"Sergeant, that gun is not valuable. The Chamber of Commerce gave you the Xifu just for the sake of novelty. If it were me, I would have used the Xifu recently."

"Wow, the difference is too big. Okay, I'll go back to see my wife and children. You should hurry up and find a partner."


Compared to Yawen's helplessness and embarrassment, Colonel Li Chengxian was extremely happy to see the letter from home on the battlefield.

For no other reason, his family has a hundred native slaves responsible for the work.

The salary itself is not low, and he has been fighting for the Guangwu Empire for many years. Now he has bought a piece of land in another place and built a machinery processing plant.

Compared with traditional agriculture and handicrafts, industrialized machinery production is the real way to make money.

But after reading the family letter, a notification document that he did not believe was too weird.

Zombie attack?

For this title, Colonel Chengxian was very suspicious of such a document with no pictures and only text description.

Because zombies... Aren't they only in his hometown on the Jiwei Peninsula? At the beginning, he still remembered that this was the work of the mercenary leader of the Iron Fist Empire, the descendant of the royal branch of the Iron Fist Empire, the murderer of the father of the current Majesty, Viscount Xiong Antu.

Whenever he thought of this guy, he felt extremely angry for his compatriots who were still alive and unfortunately died on the Jiwei Peninsula.

If nothing else, this Viscount of the Iron Fist Empire is the top fighter of the King of Xinle stationed in the northeast region of the Iron Fist Empire. He is definitely the first person to be responsible for the fact that the Jiwei Peninsula has become a war zone full of tunnels.

However, this guy was originally a staff officer of the Iron Fist Empire. After retiring, he opened a security company and did not like to run around. As a result, the compatriots of the Jiwei Peninsula were lucky not to be killed by the trap set by this guy, let alone sending killers or assassins to deal with him.

What's more terrifying is that his wife is a necromancer, and her technology of interrogating information from corpses is amazing to the dog-headed people.

It's not difficult to stay loyal while alive and die with absolute loyalty.

But after death... even in the Iron Fist Empire, necromancers are not considered to be fair and popular guys. The problem is...

The ability of necromancers is quite practical.

Even things like zombies can be manipulated.

But then again, the zombie plague virus is not a weapon unique to the Iron Fist Empire, but a biological weapon invented by the representatives of those fanatics who believe in the power of the demons - the sheep-headed people, who got help from the demons from somewhere.

For some reason, he had a guess, a guess that was just his own imagination.

The sheep-headed people who disappeared for many years but could not be completely confirmed to be extinct established their new base in the New World. Even those priests of the ascetic church who can summon various red-skinned creatures are very likely to be believers of the power of the demons.

How to say it?

The outside world, especially the Iron Fist Empire, often mentions the demons, but no one has ever seen the dog-headed people. It is not known why many countries, including the Iron Fist Empire, have laws against the demons and do not allow people who believe in the demons to exist (kill one if you see one, and slaughter a bunch if you see a bunch).

In short, in the eyes of Colonel Chengxian, as long as it does not bring adverse effects to the Guangwu Empire and can contribute to the great cause of the Guangwu Empire, it does not matter.

However, for Major Park Mingwu, who is stationed in a village without any natives in one of the fallen towns of the Zweiner Kingdom, he wishes he had more cannons in his hands.

Because the zombie army in front of him crawled out of the ground one after another, and his gun had to shoot at the head to knock down these monsters that were thirsty for flesh and blood.


"Did the higher-ups reply?"

"They said we need to hold our ground for another day."

"What? He... told them to wait another day and come to collect the bodies or kill us who have turned into zombies!"

Listening to his subordinates' reports, Major Park Myeong-woo wanted to roar at the other end of the wired phone.

Because he only had more than 500 men left, and there were basically no explosives such as grenades. He only relied on four Hee-sung general-purpose machine guns that fired 8×58mm rifle bullets and 67mm heavy machine guns.

To be honest, every time he looked at the zombies walking towards him, he felt that he should not have neglected shooting training before.

The poor marksmanship of his men resulted in at least 200 zombies that were all transformed from dog-headed corpses.

No wonder His Majesty and even the senior generals above were so secretive, and no one was willing to mention it.


"Listen, dig more traps, no, just dig trenches, deeper. As long as these zombies with green eyes fall into them, we can practice shooting well."


"What are you doing here? Go and give me the order!"


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