
Chapter 494 New Visitors

Origin calendar has been used recently [to be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple can use it. ] 722 years have been used recently, and the moon has been used recently.

The imperial capital of Guangwu Empire, Butterfly City Palace

"Your Majesty, I, Quan Jialuo, the king of the Benchen Kingdom of Jiwei Peninsula, the fallen country, request to the Emperor of Guangwu Empire to annex and voluntarily give up all the wealth and honor of the Benchen Kingdom and the ownership of all citizens."

Accompanied by a dog-headed man with white hair kneeling to the fourth emperor of Guangwu Empire, Quan Cuiren, and offering his crown and sword, all the ministers could not help but nod repeatedly.

The dog-headed people have not much time left in Jiwei Peninsula. Although the Iron Fist Empire has temporarily stopped the pace of encroaching on Jiwei Peninsula due to the rebellion of its vassal states, the Benchen Kingdom, one of the three dog-headed kingdoms on Jiwei Peninsula, is facing the annexation of the other two countries because of its small number of soldiers and weak country.

For this reason, the king of the Benchen Kingdom, Quan Jialuo, who knew that he could not defend or protect his country, finally surrendered to the Guangwu Empire on the other side of the ocean with the people who were still willing to follow him.


After a simple word came out of Quan Cuiren's mouth, the ministers in the hall bowed and congratulated the emperor.

It's time for the Guangwu Empire to expand its territory, and it's also time to destroy an indigenous country to get more slaves.

Although the Benchen Kingdom now has less than 30,000 people left, this is the best source of troops for the Guangwu Empire that is expanding to the south,

especially after repeated explorations of the southern end of the continent, the large wilderness south of the Yagan Kingdom is an unoccupied area. And compared to the normal continent, starting from Zhiluo Island, one island after another is like a chain, protecting the eastern continent.

Therefore, if you want to conquer the southern part of the New World, the key to success is to control and develop the island chain first.

At the same time, this is also the biggest lesson that the Guangwu Empire has learned from the six consecutive failed explorations to the south.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. I am willing to sacrifice my life for the Empire and serve the Empire without hesitation."

"According to the practice of the first emperor, Jia Luo."


"You are too old to hold a gun now. You don't need to go to places that are too far or too dangerous. But you need to let your son stay on the border of the Kingdom of Tswina for a long time, and your daughter... no, your granddaughter needs to enter the palace."

"I respect your order. Our family is willing to serve the Empire until we die."

When the King of the Kingdom of Benchen, who lost everything and gave up everything, Quan Jia Luo knelt down again and again, Quan Cuiren, who had the same ancestor as him four generations ago, looked sad.

Throughout history, the fate of the kings who lost their country is generally not very good, so the appearance of Quan Jialuo, who dragged his dying body to kneel down to him in desperation...

How to say it?

If it were Quan Cuiren, he would not choose to kneel down in front of the monarch of another country. Even if the monarch in front of him had the same ancestor as himself.

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"Tell me about the situation of the peninsula before you came here. By the way, please take a seat."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

In fact, Emperor Cuiren knew the situation of the peninsula very well. A good country only had a quarter of its original territory left, and as a result, three independent countries appeared on this tiny land.

As a result, among the three countries, the weakest Benchen Kingdom was about to become a mercenary country, a poor guy who specialized in fighting for other countries.

Don't think that you can make a fortune by fighting for other countries and earning money. In many cases, the result of fighting for other countries is that many mercenaries from the Kingdom of Benchen have a life to make money but no life to enjoy it - it's a waste of money.

The fallen soldiers will not crawl out to ask for money.

Of course, this is also an important source of the problem of more men than women in the Kingdom of Benchen.

In short, in Quan Cuiren's view, he increasingly understands why his great-grandfather, the first emperor, let his grandfather marry the daughter of his tenth brother.

For no other reason, the dog-headed people have and can only be unified, which is the foundation for the existence of this world and even the establishment of a strong civilization. As the royal family of the dog-headed people, the descendants of the Quan family should not and cannot take up swords and guns to fight each other. In particular, the real opponent of the dog-headed people, the Iron Fist Empire, which is caught in a religious war with the human forces in the west, is still strong.

In order to avenge the dead compatriots and wipe out the previous shame, the Guangwu Empire must establish a more advanced army than in the past.

At the same time, there were still some thugs on the beams of the palace hall, watching the guys below perform.

"Do you want to do it?"

"What do you want to do? Didn't you see they were in a meeting? But I feel bored listening to what they are talking about."

"I have..."

"No! Take your hands out, don't mess around. Our mission is just to burn their things, not to kill them!"

Indeed, thanks to not being able to understand the language of the kobolds, the two thugs looked distressed. However, their employers needed them to complete one thing.

So when there was no kobold in the hall, they came to the roof from the beams to observe the security patrols of the palace.

"The treasure house responsible for storing technology is in the north. Recently, we have been using it. Five guards in front and five guards in the back."

"Where is the sentry?"

"If you can find it so easily, it won't be called a sentry. But this is the palace, and there are soldiers with guns everywhere... um..."

"Make a set?"

"Idiot! We Japanese are much taller than dog heads. Going outside directly is to seek death! Otherwise, why are we walking on the roof this time? Also, pay attention to where their heavy machine guns are?"


"Also, don't take out your imported Messer knife when you have nothing to do. We can avoid bloodshed if we can."

As a weapon that is extremely dangerous at all times, the machine gun has been synonymous with butchers or massacres since its birth. Especially the G-Force heavy machine gun currently in service with the Gnoll tribe, which fires the ×67mm rifle bullet that has been used recently. Its power and range cannot be underestimated.

Even though the Gnolls have not yet completely mastered the special type of ammunition, ordinary bullets alone are very powerful. After all, this G-Force heavy machine gun is not only a vehicle and base machine gun for the Gnolls, but also a must-have weapon for some aircraft.

Yes, an aviation machine gun for flying.

For this reason, the two gentlemen on the beam came to the vicinity of the treasure house carefully. After confirming that there were no other guards patrolling nearby and the external environment was not quiet, they directly took out the micro submachine guns equipped with silencers and aimed the crosshairs at the Gnoll warriors guarding the treasure house...

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